  • 胚层动物胚胎三个原始胚层的最层发育成胃肠道、肺及其附属衍生结构
    The innermost of the three primary germ layers of an animal embryo, developing into the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, and associated structures.
  • 结合的过程配子形成过程,包括生殖细胞因成熟分裂造成其铬酸由二倍体数减少到单倍体数的过程
    The processes by which gametes are formed, including the reduction of chromosomes in a germ cell from the diploid number to the haploid number by meiosis.
  • 超级公路德国或德语国家的一种高速公路
    An expressway in Germany and German-speaking countries.
  • 事实上,比之于克隆人和他或她的"原件",同卵双生彼此更为相似,因为他们是在同一个子宫孕育的、后来通常是由同一对父母在同一段时间在相同的环境中抚养的。
    Identical twins are in fact more similar to each other than a clone would be to his or her original,since twins gestate simultaneously in the same womb and are raised in the same environment at the same time,usually by the same parents.
  • 昨天联邦官员说,去年十二月布鲁克林一家装甲车运钞公司的820万元窃案中驾驶逃离现场汽车的嫌犯,检举了三名共犯,透露了隐藏大部赃款所在,并且证实了调查人员一直上相信的:那是贼干的。
    The man suspected of driving the getaway car in the $8.2 million robbery of a Brooklyn armored car company last December turned in three confederates, gave away the hiding place of the bulk of the loot and confirmed what investigators had believed all along: that it was an inside job, Federal officials said yesterday.
  • 麦克进入车内.
    Mike gets in the taxi.
  • 作为非洲新兴的独立国家,几亚和加纳频繁地赞同共产党,还会有其他的吗?
    Will Guinea and Ghana, which have now voted with the Communists Ghana, which have now voted with the Communists frequently as newly independently countries of Africa, will there are others?
  • 黄金海岸在加纳南部几亚湾沿岸的一段西非海岸,由于以前在该地区发现大量黄金并到岸上出售而得名
    A section of coastal western Africa along the Gulf of Guinea on the southern shore of Ghana. It was named for the large quantities of gold formerly found in the area and brought to the coast for sale.
  • 将(某人[某事物])置於隔离的有限范围
    His face was a ghastly white.
  • 较简单的大带宽方法可以是一种短期较容易的战略技术方案,但从长期看,千兆位以太网交换机必须与基于标准的流量管理和第三层交换技术相结合,以上扩至大型网络。
    The simpler, high-bandwidth approach can be an easier tactical solution in the short term, but over time, Gigabit Ethernet switches must integrate standards-based traffic management and Layer 3 switching technologies to scale up in large nets.
  • 这十年来我们国已经发生了巨大的变化。
    Gigantic changes have taken place in our country in the past ten years.
  • 要在本世纪实现四个现代化,把我国建成一个社会主义强国,这是一个非常艰巨的任务。
    To achieve the four modernizations and make China a powerful socialist country before the end of this century will be a gigantic task.
  • 金玉其外,败絮其;言不由衷的恭维;虚有其表的争论。
    the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility; meretricious praise; a meretricious argument.
  • 填海工程于一九九七年完成,区的爱东、东旭苑和爱蝶湾已在二零零零年年底╱二零零一年年初落成。
    The reclamation work was completed in 1997. The housing estates of Oi Tung Estate, Tung Yuk Court and Aldrich Garden were completed in late 2000/early 2001.
  • ”在最近的一次实验室测试中,光力学疗法在10分钟之杀死了一种引起齿龈炎的病菌的”99.9%临床实验也定在今年的晚些时候进行。
    In a recent lab test, photodynamic therapy killed 99.9 percent of the bacteria that cause gingivitis in -- 10 minutes. Clinical trials are scheduled for later this year.
  • 龙骨固定在船或舟的龙骨之上或与之平行的木材或桁,以加强船的力量
    A timber or girder fastened above and parallel to the keel of a ship or boat for additional strength.
  • 衣贴身衣,尤指妇女或女孩的
    Underwear, especially for women or girls.
  • 在限定的时间做完它。
    Do it within the given time.
  • 嵌入冰川内部的
    Located or occurring within a glacier.
  • “可是,”船主一边说,一边把眼光盯在了正在指挥抛锚的唐太斯身上,“在我看来,腾格拉尔,一个水手要干得很行,实在也不必象你所说的那样的老海员才行,因为你看,我们这位朋友爱德蒙,不需任何人的指示,似乎也干得很不错,完全可以称职了。”
    "But," replied the owner, glancing after Dantès, who was watching the anchoring of his vessel, "it seems to me that a sailor needs not be so old as you say, Danglars, to understand his business, for our friend Edmond seems to understand it thoroughly, and not to require instruction from any one."
  • 乳房雌性哺乳动物所具有的一种器官,有能产生奶汁的腺体;乳腺
    An organ of female mammals that contains milk-producing glands; a mammary gland.
  • 与小囊泡(如在一个复杂的腺)相关的。
    pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland).
  • 敌之华中、华北两集团中,每一集团部是大体协同的,但两集团间则很不协同。
    On the whole co-ordination exists within the groups of enemy forces in northern China and in central China, but there is glaring lack of co-ordination between the two.
  • 虽然我们仍要面对一些不明朗的因素,但我相信亚洲金融危机会在数年消除,届时,我们会看到地区经济慢慢稳步复苏。
    Some glaring uncertainly still needed to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road towards recovery.
  • 虽然我们仍要面对一些不明朗的因素,但我相信亚洲金融危机会在数年消除,届时,我们会看到地区经济慢慢稳步复苏。
    Some glaring uncertainties still need to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road back to recovery.
  • 虽然我们要面对一些重大的不明朗因素,尤其是印尼的经济前景,仍然未趋明朗,但我预期亚洲金融危机会在一两年结束,届时亚洲的经济必定能够走出谷底,逐渐复原。
    Some glaring uncertainties, particularly those in Indonesia, still need to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian crisis to bottom out in a year or two and we shall then witness a slow but sure road to recovery.
  • 用匙把这混合液体舀在玻璃杯
    Spoon out the mixture into glasses.
  • 在这项刊登在英国《观察家》报上的研究中,英国斯特拉恩克莱德大学的政治研究科学家格伦·韦得出结论说:在现代民主中,说谎是政治的一个重要组成部分。
    In a study described in Britain's Observer newspaper, Glen Newey, a political scientist at Britain's University ofStrathclyde, concluded that lying is an important part of politics in the modern democracy.
  • 战争无望在短期结束。
    The hope of a short war went glimmering.
  • 她的忧伤表情使我感受到她心的真实感情。
    Her worried face gave me a glimpse of her true feelings.
  • 与以前不同的是,他现在愿意让外人觉察到他心的矛盾。
    What's different about him is a new willingness to give outsiders a glimpse of that tussle inside him.
  • 业务的全球化也应加快包加密的流行,因为包加密允许使用各种不同的算法用于国和海外的链路。
    The globalization of business also should boost the popularity of packet encryption because it allows a variety of different algorithms to be used for domestic and offshore links.