  • 卡琳那个星期彩排的时候直醉得不省人事。
    Carlin has been so out of it at rehearsal that week.
  • 他的交响曲在第次预演时就受到嘲笑而不能上演。
    His symphony was laughed off the stage at its first rehearsal.
  • 我们被起请去观看彩排。
    All of us were invited to sit in on the dress rehearsal.
  • 敷衍表演以种敷衍的方式表演(如戏剧),如首次排练中的敷衍
    To perform(a play, for example) in a perfunctory fashion, as at a first rehearsal.
  • 排演时我有机会把这个班子的新成员都仔细打量了遍。
    I had the chance of running my eye over the new members of the company during rehearsal.
  • 这次你们亲属团聚是件喜事,是我们民族大团结的个体现,个演习。
    The reunion of your family members at this time is a happy event, an expression of unity and a rehearsal for our great national reunion.
  • 科斯岛希腊东南岛屿,位于多德卡尼斯群岛北部,是科斯湾的个入口,爱琴岛的个小海湾,位于土耳其西南海岸。公元前5世纪,希波克里特斯在科斯岛上建了个医学校。1947年,科斯岛成为现代希腊的部分
    An island of southeast Greece in the northern Dodecanese Islands at the entrance to the Gulf of Kos, an inlet of the Aegean Sea on the southwest coast of Turkey. Hippocrates founded a medical school on the island in the fifth century b.c. Kos became part of modern Greece in1947.
  • 今天,吴朱红的新译作《屋外有花园》正在进行第次联排,吴朱红特意赶到青年艺术剧院,观看排练。
    Today, Wu Zhuhong's latest work of translation,"Everything in the garden", is on a general dress rehearsal for the first time. Wu hurried up to the rehearsal site in the Youth Art Theatre to watching it.
  • 今天,吴朱红的新译作《屋外有花园》正在进行第次联排,吴朱红特意赶到青年艺术剧院,观看排练。
    Today, Wu Zhuhong's latest work of translation, "Everything in the garden", is on a general dress rehearsal for the first time. Wu hurried up to the rehearsal site in the Youth Art Theatre to watching it.
  • 里查的扮演者孙红雷:有次联排(尽管)结束了,我却控制不了(自己)了,完全崩溃了,就觉得反正进(到这部戏里)去了。我在想剧本对人性的残酷,对人最本质东西的揭露。
    Sunhonglei--the actor:when a general dress rehearsal was finished, I was immersed in the drama. I was just thinking that the script showed the cruelty of human nature and the inner side of human.
  • 里查的扮演者孙红雷:有次联排(尽管)结束了,我却控制不了(自己)了,完全崩溃了,就觉得反正进(到这部戏里)去了。我在想剧本对人性的残酷,对人最本质东西的揭露。
    Sunhonglei - the actor: when a general dress rehearsal was finished, I was immersed in the drama. I was just thinking that the script showed the cruelty of human nature and the inner side of human.
  • 增加你所拥有的信息的方式有:你自己反复排练,把它记下来(记下来的整个过程可以是记忆变得容易),还有描述个动作的含义或结果。
    Ways of increasing your involvement with information include repeating it to yourself (rehearsal), writing it down (the very process of writing it down will make it easier to remember), or picturing the implications or consequences of an action.
  • 米洛斯岛希腊东南部岛屿,位于爱琴海的基克拉迪群岛。古时为繁荣的贸易中心及黑曜岩采掘中心,但自青铜代替黑曜岩成为制造工具和武器的材料之后,该城逐渐没落。著名的米洛斯岛的维纳斯雕像于1820年发现于此
    An island of southeast Greece in the Cyclades Islands of the Aegean Sea. It was a flourishing trade and obsidian-mining center in ancient times but lost importance when bronze replaced obsidian as a material for tools and weapons. The famous statue Venus de Milo was discovered here in1820.
  • 孩子们向他们的父亲讲述了天中的全部事情。
    The children rehearse all the happenings of the day to their father.
  • 埃伊那岛靠近希腊东南部岛屿,位于爱琴海的萨罗尼克湾,临近雅典。公元前5世纪是座繁荣的军事城邦,但在被雅典打败以及人口急剧膨胀之后就衰落了。第枚希腊硬币在此铸造
    An island off southeast Greece in the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea near Athens. It was a prosperous maritime city-state in the fifth century b.c. but declined after its defeat by Athens and the expulsion of its population. The first Greek coins were struck here.
  • 晚上,孩子向他的爸爸诉说了这天发生的切。
    The child rehearsed the happenings of the day to his father in the evening.
  • 吟诵重复或大声说出(预演的东西或记忆的东西),尤指面对群观众或听众的这种行为
    To repeat or utter aloud(something rehearsed or memorized), especially before an audience.
  • 欢呼小队啦啦队员齐声喊的短促、反复的音韵或短语
    A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.
  • 他担任总统期间,在正式接见来宾之前,他都会事先与助手演练番。通常情况下,他会有条不紊地按照先前的计划把握谈话内容。
    During his presidency, his on-the-record interviews were rehearsed beforehand with aides, and he was usually disciplined about staying on message.
  • "没什么不同,"安德森说,"唯的不同是汤姆和我必须多花时间演练,找到个我和其他演员已经有的共同语言。
    "Not at all," Anderson says. "The only difference was Tom and I had to spend more time rehearsing to find a vocabulary, which I already had with other actors.
  • 他每个动作姿态,说话的声调,都经过事前严格的预习,他举止敏捷,反应灵活,分秒不差。
    Everything he did, every gesture, every intonation of his voice, every lifting of an eyebrow had been carefully rehearsed in advance, and his actions were timed to split seconds.
  • 莱斯博斯岛希腊东部的个岛屿,位于爱琴海中、土耳其西北部沿岸附近。作为伊奥利亚人的个重要居住地,公元前7世纪时,莱斯博斯岛以其抒情诗人、其中包括萨福而闻名。经过不同权力的占领之后,该岛最终于1913年被希腊兼并
    An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea near the northwest coast of Turkey. An important Aeolian settlement, Lesbos was noted for its lyric poets, including Sappho, in the seventh century b.c. After occupation by various powers, the island was annexed by Greece in1913.
  • 据伊拉克al-mawed报报道,周伊拉克的艺术家们排演了《扎比巴与国王》剧中的几幕戏,这部音乐剧讲述了国王爱上了个婚姻不幸的女子的故事,故事充满了爱国主义的寓意。
    Al-Mawed, a weekly state-run tabloid, said Monday Iraqi artists were rehearsing scenes from ``Zabiba and the King,'' a patriotic parable depicting a ruler who falls in love with an unhappily married woman.
  • 请把昨天晚上的饭再热下。
    Please reheat the food from last night.
  • 留作下餐吃的剩食物;昨天吃剩的汤。
    leftover food served at a later meal; yesterday's reheated soup.
  • 昨晚剩下的部份菜给热热留到今天中午吃。
    Part of last night's dinner was reheated for lunch today.
  • 利姆诺斯希腊东北部岛屿,位于爱琴海中,远离土耳其海岸,莱斯博斯岛的西北方向。古时曾被希腊人占领,该岛后来相继为波斯人、罗马人、拜占庭人和奥斯曼土耳其人占据。直到1913年才成为现代希腊的部分
    An island of northeast Greece in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey northwest of Lesbos. Occupied in ancient times by Greeks, the island was later held by Persians, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottoman Turks. It became part of modern Greece in1913.
  • 九五三年本港木屋区发生大火,约53000名居民在夜间丧失家园,政府急须安置灾民,于是展开了本港的公共房屋计划。
    Hong Kong's public housing programme started with an emergency measure to rehouse some 53000 people made homeless overnight in a squatter fire in 1953.
  • 他统治着一个小国。
    He reign over a small kingdom.
  • 吕底亚小亚细亚中西部古国,濒临爱琴海,位于今天土耳其的西北部,以其富庶及其宏伟的首都萨第斯著称,它可能是最早使用铸币的国家(公元前7世纪)
    An ancient country of west-central Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea in present-day northwest Turkey. Noted for its wealth and the magnificence of its capital, Sardis, it may have been the earliest kingdom to use minted coins(seventh century b.c.).
  • 爱奥尼亚古代小亚细亚西部沿爱琴海海岸的个地区。希腊人在公元前1000年以前在这儿建立了殖民地。爱奥尼亚的海港从公元前8世纪开始繁荣起来,直到公元15世纪土耳其人的征服
    An ancient region of western Asia Minor along the coast of the Aegean Sea. Greek settlers established colonies here before1000 b.c. The seaports of Ionia flourished from c.8th century b.c. until the Turkish conquest of the15th century a.d.
  • 外国访客只准逗留个月。
    Reign visitors are only allowed one month's residence.