  • 党的成员或支持者
    A member or supporter of the Federalist Party.
  • 从联税收标准来看,个人所得税是一种累进税,也就是说,你挣的钱越多,其中用于缴税的钱所占总收人的比例也越高。
    On the federal level, the personal income tax is a graduated tax, which means that the more you make, the higher the percentage of your income that you pay in taxes.
  • 底线就是税收:美国公民必须给他们的城市、县、州、联政府交税,然后再想办法靠剩下的那些钱过日子。
    The bottom line is taxa- tion: some U.S. citizens must pay taxes to their city, county, state, and federal governments, and then try to live on anything left over.
  • 查塔努加美国田纳西州东南部城市,位于佐治亚州边界及纳什维尔东南部。田纳西河入口港口,在南北战争中具有战略性的地方并于最终于1863年被联军队攻占。人口152,466
    A city of southeast Tennessee on the Georgia border southeast of Nashville. A port of entry on the Tennessee River, it was strategically important during the Civil War and was finally taken by Union forces in November1863. Population,152, 466.
  • 1996年4月,联特工逮捕了西奥多凯辛斯基因为他被怀疑是尤那摩恐怖分子。
    In April 1996 federal agents arrested Theodore Kaczynski,a suspect they thought to be the Unabomber.
  • 当今,托马斯·莫尔先生还被铭记为乌托的作者。
    Sir Thomas More is remembered today as the author of Utopia.
  • 到了这一天,上帝的所有孩子都能以新的含义高唱这首歌:我的祖国,可爱的自由之,我为您歌唱。
    This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
  • 1995年8月,中国国防部与俄罗斯联边防总局签署了《中俄边防合作协议》,规定:双方开展边防合作,致力于把中俄国界建成和平、安宁和友好的边界;
    In August 1995, China's Ministry of National Defense and the Frontier Defense General Administration of the Federation of Russia signed the Sino-Russian Agreement on Frontier Defense Cooperation. Under the Agreement, the two sides shall cooperate with each other in frontier defense and make every effort to turn the boundary between China and Russia into one of peace, tranquility and friendship;
  • 我们必须称颂那些为使这个国家成为自由之而出力的人。
    We must give tribute to all those who help make this a free country.
  • 史密斯先生已表示,达博士缓解紧张气氛的愿望值得敬佩。
    Mr.Smith has paid tribute to Dr. Banda's desire that the tension should be lowered.
  • 里根先生将近2兆联及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。
    Mr.Reagan's nearly$2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or$30, 000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth.
  • 在我们这个三权分立的联政府,国会是较高级别的事实查明机构。
    In our tripartite federal government, it is the superior factfinder.
  • 巴辛毛葛丝绸和毛纱或棉布的一种细斜纹丝纺织品,通常染黑用作悼念服装
    A fine twilled fabric of silk and worsted or cotton, often dyed black and used for mourning clothes.
  • 乌托者是最后的完全的人。
    a Utopian believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man.
  • 调查的重点尚不明确,联调查局拒绝表示意见。可是熟悉案情的人说,经过长期卧底调查政治舞弊以后,联探员正在整理若干细节,并且一个月以内大陪审团即将采取行动。
    The focus of the inquiry is not yet clear, and the F.B.I. declined to comment. But people familiar with the case said that Federal agents were tying up loose ends after a long undercover investigation of political corruption and that action by the grand jury could be expected in less than a month.
  • 缅甸联邦
    The Union of Myanmar
  • 美国联事业;美国联战士
    A Union cause; a Union soldier.
  • 当人类处于原始阶段时,最初实现的是家族的联合,然后有了城市、城市同盟与整个国家的联合,最后是若干个处于同一政府之下的联合。
    In the primitive state of the human race, first unions of families took place, then towns, then confederations of towns,then union of whole countries, finally unions of several states under one and the same government.
  • 与联政府形式相对的中央集权政府形式。
    a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government.
  • 至于我们党的总书记胡耀同志自己要求辞职,这与学生闹事这件事有一定的关系。
    The Party's General Secretary Hu Yaobang has submitted his resignation, and that has something to do with the student unrest.
  • 令人怀疑的乌托未来;乌托的理想主义者;认识到他希望的乌托本质。
    the dim utopian future; utopian idealists; recognized the utopian nature of his hopes.
  • 北方联军穿蓝色制服。
    the Union army was a vast blue.
  • 威尼斯领袖与国民的才华及能力是这个城得以成功的其中一个要素。
    The talent and ability of the Venetian leaders and citizens was one of the necessary ingredients of the success of the city state.
  • 那么我推荐甜苦艾酒和杜内葡萄酒。
    Then I recommend the Sweet Vermouth and Dubonnet.
  • 罪恶君临万邦。
    Vice in every land doth monarchize.
  • 研究人员整理了一些联健康调查数据发现,对于那些有了固定恋人的青少年来说,他们在假期计划中赫然排在第一位的是结束。
    Apparently, losing their virginity is high on the list for those with significant others, according to researchers who reviewed data from a federal health survey.
  • 你以前的邻居被美国联调查局通缉;逃犯正被通缉。
    Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI; Uncle Sam wants you.
  • 集团补助减轻了联对社会福利的责任。
    block grants reduce federal responsibility for social welfare.
  • 共和党人在联政府官员的廉洁问题上大做文章。
    The Republicans made a great whoop and a hollar about the honesty of federal employees.
  • 新闻[教育, 体育]界 W-Bank 世界银行W-Court 国际法庭W-federalism 世界联主义W-federalist 世界联主义者
    the newspaper [education, sports] world
  • 不过,美联储并不想在市场上诱导“瘾君子文化”,也不想表现出自己害怕经济衰退。看起来,美联储最可能开具的药方是:联基金利率降低25个基点,并可能更大幅度降低其贷款给各银行所依据的较高的贴现率。
    But the Fed does not want to induce a dependency culture in the markets, and it does not want to signal that it is scared of a recession. A 25bp cut in the Fed Funds rate, possibly with a steeper cut to the higher discount rate, at which it lends to banks, looks the most likely prescription.