  • 与链路加密不同,一个密钥加在了给定接上通过的所有数据,而包加密可使多个密钥有选择地加在指定的包上。
    Unlike link encryption, where one key is applied to all data traversing a given connection, packet encryption allows keys to be applied selectively to designated packets.
  • 她寄给我的一封信(1997年11月21日),同申请入学的文章,清楚地显现了她蜕变后的崭新自我认识:
    Her letter to me (dated November 21, 1997), together with the application essay, clearly indicated a new selfhood in creative transformation.
  • 如果为了科学上和生产上的需要,有人续奋战七天七晚,那正是他们热爱社会主义事业的忘我精神的崇高表现,我们对于他们只能够学习、表扬和鼓励。
    It would be better still if more time were made available. If someone works seven days and seven nights a week to meet the needs of science or production, it shows his lofty and selfless devotion to the cause of socialism. We should commend, encourage and learn from such people.
  • 小囊,椭圆囊位于内耳迷路内的细胞膜的囊,与半规管相
    A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals.
  • 附件附属的或邻接的解剖学部分,如与子宫相的卵巢与输卵管
    Accessory or adjoining anatomical parts, as ovaries and oviducts in relation to the uterus.
  • 在足球半决赛中,他续得了4分。
    He got 4 points in rapid succession in the semifinals of the football match.
  • 新机器同附件一起运到了。
    The new machine arrived complete with accessories.
  • 骨质,骨骼构成大多数脊椎动物骨架主要部分的稠密的、半刚性的、多孔的、钙化的结组织。它一部分由有机质,一部分由无机矿物成分构成
    The dense, semirigid, porous, calcified connective tissue forming the major portion of the skeleton of most vertebrates. It consists of a dense organic matrix and an inorganic, mineral component.
  • 这位参议员声明竞选任。
    The senator threw his hat into the ring for re-election.
  • 由于应用程序代理需要代表发送者进行通信,所以它需要懂得与特定应用程序相的具体语言或协议。
    Since an application proxy needs to communicate on behalf of the sender, it needs to understand the specific language or protocols associated with a particular application.
  • 面向对象技术、what-if功能、用客户机/服务器网络接的多种流行平台上的可访问性以及使用另外的工作流方法论等,是供应商在其工作流设计软件中强调的某些特点。
    Object-oriented technology, what if capabilities, accessibility on a range of popular platforms linked by client/server networks and the use of alternative workflow methodologies are some of the features highlighted by vendors in their workflow design software.
  • 你穿著那件衣裙漂亮极了。
    You look sensational in that dress.
  • 多麽耸人听闻的事!具备续剧的一切要素
    What a sensational story! It has all the elements of a soap opera
  • 多麽耸人听闻的事!具备续剧的一切要素
    What a sensational story! It have all the element of a soap opera.
  • 将人或物接或联系起来
    A lingering sense of guilt
  • 我当时简单的算术也做不来,然而通过她我能感觉到,抽象的数学很像是音乐。
    I could not do simple arithmetic but through her I sensed that abstract mathematics was very much like music.
  • 篇的废话冗长的、有时毫无意义的谈话
    Prolonged, sometimes senseless talk.
  • 信用卡阿克萨斯卡(在美国与万事达卡相,在欧洲与欧洲卡相)和巴克莱卡(与威世卡相)都已被将近500万家商号接受,虽然它们被接受的程度不同。例如:巴克莱卡在法国、西班牙和意大利流通性较强,而阿克萨斯卡则在德国和美国很有用。
    Credit cards Access ( linked to Mastercard in the VS and Eurocard in Europe) and Barclaycard ( linked to Visa ) are accepted in nearly 5 million outlets each though they vary in their acceptability Barclay-card, for example, is stronger in France, Spain and Italy, whereas Access is most useful in Germany and the US.
  • ?带传感器的头盔,可用来控制瞄准目标和通信。它与中央计算机系统实现无线接。
    The sensor- equipped helmet, which controls targeting and communications, and is wirelessly linked to a central computer system.
  • 制动器,传动装置制动器。特指驱使机械设备运转的装置,例如通过传感器中继线结计算的装置
    One that activates, especially a device responsible for actuating a mechanical device, such as one connected to a computer by a sensor link.
  • 另一种办法是把传感器与在星“通讯”系统相接。通用汽车公司利用这种系统把它的最新型汽车与外界联系起来。
    An alternatvie might be to link the sensor to the OnStar “telematics” system with which GM is connecting its latest vehicles electronically to the outside world.
  • 来自这些传感器的信号通过电子,被接到一个微处理器或计算机上。
    The signals from these sensors are connected via electronics to a microprocessor or computer.
  • 可以把测量病人心率、呼吸及体温的传感器接到计算机上。
    Sensors to measure the patient's heart rate, breathing and temperature can be attached to the computer.
  • 接发音的一个词与其后面的词组成一个重音单位,从而没有独立重音的
    Forming an accentual unit with the following word and thus having no independent accent.
  • 经久不疲的探戈表演出能给人以美的享受,而不像当今的现代舞厅的探戈舞那样断续而不贯。
    His version of the tango was more sensuous and less stacatto than the modern ballroom tango of today!
  • (语法)在句法上接句子或者句子的成分。
    (grammar) syntactically connecting sentences or elements of a sentence.
  • 转折语将议论后的一部分和另一部分接起来的一个词、词组、句子或组句
    A word, phrase, sentence, or series of sentences connecting one part of a discourse to another.
  • (电台或电视)续剧
    Radio or TV serial drama dealing with the events and problems of the characters' daily lives, often in a sentimental way
  • 贯的以不续的顺序或不贯的形式的
    Being without sequential order or coherent form.
  • 一种持续时间可由程序设置的时间延迟,它不是周期性的或续的,也不是交替的。
    A programmed time delay of variable duration, not cyclic or sequential, not an interlock.
  • 续的但有组织的机器-可读文本因此其相关信息是接的。
    machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected.
  • 流水线,生产线运行的有序系统,可进行续生产或产品生产所有或各个阶段的生产装配
    An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.