  • 中国钢铁公司将在下月做出选择与合作的最后决定。
    China steel corporation el make final decision on choose in the cooperative partner next month
  • 中国钢铁公司将在下月做出选择与合作的最后决定。
    China Steel Corporation will make final decision on choosing in the cooperative partner next month
  • 谁能统一?
    Who can coordinate their efforts?
  • 要是他知道了是把他的收音机弄坏了,准够你受的
    When he finds out who broke his radio, you'll really cop it!
  • 在英语方面也比不过他。
    No one can cope with him in English.
  • 谁是记者?
    Who is a correspondent?
  • 好了,说出来,是干的?
    N, cough up: who did it?
  • 他没有钱,也不知道能够向借钱。
    He had no money, nor did he know anyone he could borrow from, either.
  • 会是谁呢?
    Who could that be?
  • 谁会把它拿走呢?
    Who could have taken it?
  • 谁统治这个国家?
    Who governs this country?
  • 谁统治这个国家?
    Who rules this country?
  • 是谁创造了这一切?
    Who created all these?
  • 会相信老哈罗德在他这个年龄竞能一跃而跳上一辆行驶的汽车?
    Who would have credited old Harold with being able to jump onto a moving bus at his age?
  • 我所望的,并非要的毛发悚然,或使之起鸡皮疙瘩,而是要说丁是丁、卯是卯。
    My desire, without any wish to make anybody's hair stand on end or flesh creep, is to call a spade a spade.
  • 我所望的,并非要的毛发悚然,或使之起鸡皮疙瘩,而是要说丁是丁、卯是卯。
    My desire, without any wish to make anybody 's hair stand on end or flesh creep, is to call a spade a spade.
  • 当那个孩子悄悄离去时,也没有注意到。
    No one noticed the boy as he crept off.
  • 标准测量或判断的标;标准
    A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion.
  • “就像一只布谷鸟的一生似的,先生——除了他生在哪儿,他的父母是,还有他当初怎么发财的以外,别的我全知道。
    `It's a cuckoo's, sir--I know all about it: except where he was born, and who were his parents, and how he got his money, at first.
  • 咱们切牌决定由发牌吧。
    Let's cut for dealer.
  • 我究竟应该听的话:穷爸爸还是富爸爸?
    Whom should I listen to-my rich dad or my poor dad?
  • 我把手放在他掌心上问道:“你知道我是吗,爸爸?”
    I slipped my hand in his and asked, " Do you know who I am, Daddy?
  • 来自麻省理工学院的丹·埃雷利认为,面对网上浩如沧海的选择,人们比在现实世界中更不可能进行有效的比较。他们习惯于到几个他们已经注册的网站,在那儿购物,也不管能提供最好的价格或服务。
    Faced with the enormity of choices on the Web,people are less likely to make solid comparisons than they are in person,says Dan Ariely of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:they retreat to the few sites they've already bookmarked and buy there regardless of who offers the best price or service.
  • 谁惹他们发火了?
    What got their dander up?
  • 谁也不敢谈到此事。
    No one dare speak of it.
  • 谁也不敢做这件事
    None dared to do it.
  • 谁也不敢谈到这事。
    No one dared speak about it.
  • 没有再敢提到,甚至没有再敢回想那些闲话了。
    No one would have dared to mention them; no one would have dared to recall them.
  • 敢来打我们,他们进得来出不去。
    Anyone who dared invade China would never get out again.
  • “那个了不起的女人是呀?”“亲爱的,你不知道吗?”“亲爱的,一点也不知道。”
    "Who's that marvelous woman?" "Darling, don't you know?" "Darling, I haven't the ghost of."
  • 那是戴维斯先生打电话说他今晚不能来参加集会。他来不来都不在乎。
    Mr Davis on the telephone to say he couldn’t attend the meeting tonight. As if it mattered!
  • 谁每天来看你?
    Who calls on you day after day?