| - 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。
The wisdom of the masse exceed that of the wisest individual. - 扬言要举行罢工, 却从未付诸行动.
The threatened strike never materialized. - 自从五月花号船到了马萨诸塞他一家一直住在那儿。
his family had lived in Masachusetts since the Mayflower. - 从远古起,在全世界诸多文化中,用婴儿头发作纪念物都是为要确保孩子长命健康,但这绺头发要能够妥善保存。
From ancient times in cultures around the world, such mementos were intended to ensure a long and healthy life, as long as the lock of hair was kept in a safe place. - 与诸如(面向)对象和客户机/服务器等最新趋势不同,cbd不只是一种分布计算新花样,而是一种广泛的体系结构,支持整个生命周期计算的理念,包括设计、开发和部署。
Unlike recent trends such as objects and client/server, it is not just another flavor of distributed computing, but an extensible architecture to support a full lifecycle computing metaphor, including design, development and deployment. - 此诗写明《寄列座诸君子》,这列座诸君,即指当年新加坡南洋大学中国语言文学系的诸教授学生,故此诗的水平,就不比寻常了,诗中之暗喻、典故,都有很高的文学造诣。
The poem was clearly ''Addressed to the Assembly of Scholars." This assembly of scholars refers to the professors and students of Chinese language and literature at Nantah. This poem would be expected to be of an unusually high literary standard. The sophisticated use of metaphors, idioms and allusions in the poem is superb. - 近年来,周密组织实施了兰州、济南、南京、广州等战区诸军兵种联合军事演习,全面提高了官兵综合素质和高技术条件下部队的整体作战能力。
In recent years, joint and combined arms exercises have been meticulously organized in the Lanzhou, Jinan, Nanjing and Guangzhou military area commands, greatly raising the comprehensive quality of officers and men and the overall fighting capability of the troops under high-tech conditions. - 附加的附加的或插入的,为了充实诸如一个句子或诗句等东西
Added or inserted in order to fill out something, such as a sentence or a metrical line. - 现在我们所需要的是一个附加条款,对诸如鼠害等意外事件作出规定。
What we need now is a saving clause in case of some unforeseen mischance, such as damage by rats, etc. - 他遭诸多不幸而一蹶不振.
Various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin. - 在殖民地时代的马萨诸塞州,32名无辜人民被法庭下令处死,因为按当时的风俗,他们被认为是魔鬼附身的女巫。一个明显的教训就是:群众的恐惧和偏见往往影响司法的公允。
In colonial Massachusetts, by judicial order, 32 innocent persons were executed because, by the mores of the day, they were thought to be witches possessed of the devil. An obvious teaching is that common fears and biases make for poor justice. - nass起到了专用“数据移动器”的作用,在网络上送和取诸如文本、图像和一段段视频信号。
NASS acts as a specialized "data mover", pushing and pulling files such as text, images and video clips over a network. - 一种机械装置,用于移动诸如读写磁头之类的部件。
The mechanical device that moves something, usually read/write head. - 当今,卫星执行着大量不同的任务,诸如传达电话、监测气候、遥测地面矿物资源,等等。
Today, satellites carry out a multitude of different tasks, such as relaying telephone calls, monitoring the weather, surveying the Earth's surface for minerals, etc. - 正在教科文组织的主持下编写的《维持生命系统百科全书》着重于教科文组织诸多方面的可持续发展问题–生态问题、全球的稳定、和平、公平与安全问题。
The Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems,being produced under the auspices of UNESCO,focuses on sustainable development in all its myriad aspects — ecological issues, global stability, peace,equity and security. - 由于(使用nc)压力在服务器上,故那些采用nc平台的公司期待拥有强大的服务器,来完成大部分的信息处理,这些信息来自诸如数据库、电子表格软件等应用程序。
As the pressure will lie on the server, companies that use the NC platform are expected to have powerful server to do most of the processing of information from applications such as database or spreadsheet software. - 律师之所以不受欢迎,是因为只有在遇到麻烦的时候,人们才去找他们,为诸如离婚、过失、二级谋杀辩护。
Lawyers are unpopular because they're only consulted in times of distress,such as during divorces, negligence suits, and second-degree murder defences. - 澳大利亚,新西兰及附近南太平洋诸岛。
Australia, New Zealand, and neighboring islands in the S Pacific. - (军队既迷惑又疑虑,各诸侯国乘隙进攻的灾难就会临头,这就是所谓自己扰乱自己而导致敌人的胜利。)
"If the army is confused and suspicious, the neighbouring states will surely create trouble. - 神经科学诸如神经解剖学和神经生物学这类研究神经系统的科学
Any of the sciences, such as neuroanatomy and neurobiology, that deal with the nervous system. - 选择掺用诸如橘汁或苏打水等非酒精类饮料的酒。
Choose a drink that is mixed with a nonalcoholic beverage such as orange juice or club soda. - 瓦尼尔诸神与伊西尔神一起居住在阿斯加达仙宫的古斯堪的纳维亚诸神的早期族类
An early race of Norse gods who dwelt with the Aesir in Asgard. - 据挪威一个神话故事说,洛基(主管破坏和妖魔鬼怪之神)闯入一个宴会,宴会桌旁坐着博尔德(光明之神)等诸神。
According to one of the stories in Norse mythology, Loki (the god of destruction and spirit of evil) broke into a banquet and sat at the table together with Balder (the god of light) and the other gods. - 她曾游历过北方诸国。
She has travelled in northern countries. - 因此,当时全国人民所希望的国民党改革的可能性没有实现,正如后来毛泽东在《论联合政府》中所说明的:“当时全国人民,我们共产党人,其他民主党派,都对国民党政府寄予极大的希望,就是说,希望它乘此民族艰危、人心振奋的时机,厉行民主改革,将孙中山先生的革命三民主义付诸实施。可是,这个希望是落空了。”
The possibility that the Kuomintang might introduce the reforms desired by the whole people was not actualized. As Comrade Mao Tse-tung said later in "On Coalition Government": All the people, including the Communists and other democrats, earnestly hoped that the Kuomintang government would seize the opportunity, at a time when the nation was in peril and the people were filled with enthusiasm, to institute democratic reforms and put Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary Three People's Principles into practice But their hopes came to nought. - 黑人保姆黑人保姆女佣,尤指历史上美国南方诸州中的黑人保姆
A Black nursemaid, especially one formerly in the southern United States. - 有关生长和营养机能的属于、关于或进行诸如生长或营养过程的而不是繁殖的
Of, relating to, or functioning in processes such as growth or nutrition rather than sexual reproduction. - 如仍执迷不悟,甘为汉奸卖国贼,则诸公的统治,必将最后瓦解,必将为全国人民所唾弃所倾覆。
However, if you obstinately refuse to listen to reason and prefer to be traitors and collaborators, your rule will surely collapse in the end and you will be spurned and overthrown by the whole nation. - 过程层:诸如在线交易一类的技术,它们是各种业务或工作流过程的引擎。
PROCESS: Technologies such as online transactions that are the engines of various business or workflow processes. - 那两个女人撩人心弦地微笑着,总之从外貌来看,要不是她们必须支撑烛台,似乎就会从台座上跳下来,在房间里打打闹闹,可是那样的情景,读者诸君,就连想一下都是不成体统的。
The figures were smiling coquettishly and altogether looked as though, had it not been for the necessity of supporting the candlestick, they would have skipped off the pedestal and have indulged in an orgy such as is improper for the reader even to imagine. - 富裕的人(在东方诸国发财的人)。
a wealthy man (who made his fortune in the Orient). - 他诉诸于我们的情感,并非我们的理智。
He appeal to our emotions rather to our reasons.