  • 有一次,当斯蒂菲娜老姑听我们决定再过两年结婚时,露出了失望的神色,但一听我的父母亲都对这门亲事满意时,她又放宽了心。
    Once she was somewhat disappointed on hearing that we had decided to wait for two years before getting married, but when she learned that my father and mother were both pleased with the match she seemed reassured.
  • 去年九月在香港举行的世界银行和国际货币基金组织年会上,世界银行总裁沃尔芬森在闭幕会议上了以下一番话:『我们放眼看看亚洲,又看看香港,便会发现「一国两制」确是可以信赖的。我认为这个概念是一个令人安心的信息,让我们得知香港会如常运作,继续发展。』
    Let me quote Mr James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank, who said in his concluding remarks at the World Bank/IMF annual meetings held in Hong Kong last September: "Seeing this region and seeing Hong Kong, the 'one country, two systems' is certainly something that we can now believe and I think it served as a very reassuring message to all of us that Hong Kong will continue as it has before."
  •  港务集团它的折扣和回扣优惠只限于空箱处理费,而且优惠期只限一年,目的是协助船务公司渡过经济难关。
    PSA has said that its discounts and rebates are restricted to charges for handling empty containers.
  • 港务集团它的折扣和回扣优惠只限于空箱处理费,而且优惠期只限一年,目的是协助船务公司渡过经济难关。
    PSA has said that its discounts and rebates are restricted to charges for handling empty containers. The purpose is to help shipping lines tide over the current economic woes.
  • 美国人,或者更确切地非洲裔美国人擅长爵士音乐。
    American, or rather Afro- american is good at Jazz music.
  • 美国人,或者更确切地非洲裔美国人擅长爵士音乐。
    Americans, or rather Afro - Americans are good at jazz music.
  • 而且物极必反,处在叛逆阶段的中学生不是笨得可以任人摆布的,你抑制他们的行为,他们表面上或许服从你,但这种服从不是校方的胜利,因为不定他们在心底正郁积着不满情绪,而这种情绪久而久之就会发展为更可怕的变相性格。
    Things will turn into their opposites if pushed too far,as the saying goes. Adolescents, who are apt to rebel against authority, hate being ordered about. Apparently, they may observe the bans imposed on them, but that is no victory for their superiors because resentment may be brewing deep in their hearts. The pent-up discontent may grow to form abnormal psychology in them, which will be even more harmful.
  • 美国人,或者更确切地,非洲裔美国人擅长爵士音乐。
    Americans, or rather Afro-Americans are good at jazz music.
  • 一个海角省的白种人土著,他是荷兰移民者的后裔并且南非公用荷兰语。
    a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans.
  • 《叛逆的笑声》一书的作者乔·博斯金,这些笑话不是只对金发女人的,而是对所有女人的。
    The laughs weren't just about blond women but about all women, says Joe Boskin, author or Rebellious Laughter.
  • 阿伦森:“人人都希望她嫁给外国的王亲贵族,但她选择了放荡不羁的生活,展示她性格中叛逆的一面”。
    Everyone" expected her to marry a foreign prince or a nobleman," says Aronson. " But she went for this bohemian world and showed the rebellious part of her nature."
  • 1996年,《尖叫》实现了巴里莫尔事业的复苏,她在伍迪·艾伦执导的《人人都我爱你》中受到嘉评的表演更锦上添花。
    In 1996,Scream completed Barrymore's career rebirth,which she capped by delivering a well reviewed performance in Woody Allen's Everyone Says I Love You.
  • 但是,ioc警告,应用这种技术不仅不合法,而且实际上对运动员有意想不到的影响。
    However, apart from using technology illicitly, the technique could actually rebound on the athlete, the IOC warns.
  • 巴厘岛旅游局局长格德·皮坦那却仍然很乐观。他相信在悲剧发生的6个月之后,巴厘岛的旅游业会重新崛起。他还,媒体对爆炸案的大规模报道已经成为对巴厘岛十分有益的免费广告。
    Gde Pitana, head of the Bali Tourism Authority, is optimistic Bali will rebound six months after the tragedy, arguing massive media coverage of the incident had been a boon in terms of free advertising for the island.
  • 篮球运动必须重建,一步一个脚印地重建。
    He said the program has to be rebuilt, one brick at a time.
  • 对他来,非洲是一片神秘的土地。
    Africa is a mysterious land to him.
  • 我为我的粗心脸红,可是,为了表示我并不觉察到我的冒失,我赶紧加一句,“事实是,先生,前半夜我在——”到这儿我又顿时停住了——我差点出“阅读那些旧书”,那就表明我不但知道书中印刷的内容,也知道那些用笔写出的内容了。因此,我纠正自己,这样往下——“在拼读刻在窗台上的名字。
    I blushed at my inconsideration; but, without showing further consciousness of the offence, I hastened to add--`The truth is, sir, I passed the first part of the night in'--Here I stopped afresh--I was about to say perusing those old volumes', then it would have revealed my knowledge of their written, as well as their printed, contents: so, correcting myself, I went on, `in spelling over the name scratched on that window-ledge.
  • 亚拿尼亚《圣经·新约》里一个谎的人,当彼得揭穿他后他就倒地而死了
    In the New Testament, a liar who dropped dead when Peter rebuked him.
  • 第三次袁德生又来,相隔不过十天,这次信上除骂了我们一大篇外,却主张红军向湘东去,又是“绝对正确”的方针,而且又要我们“毫不犹豫”。
    The third time, barely ten days later, Yuan Teh-sheng came again with a letter which, besides rebuking us at great length, urged that the Red Army should set out for eastern Hunan; This was again described as the "absolutely correct" policy, to be carried out "without the least hesitation".
  • 反驳的论点反驳时的言论
    A statement made in rebutting.
  • 我不记得曾过那件事儿。
    He did not recall saying it.
  • 我想不起那时了些什麽。
    I cannot recall what was said then.
  • 我记不起过去听谁过这个话。
    I could not recall having heard anyone say that before.
  • 但是最近有猜测,菲亚特集团可能放弃期权,以换取通用汽车公司的现金,调整资本结构。
    But there has been recent speculation Fiat might drop the option in return for cash from GM towards a recapitalization.
  • 详细理由业已完,我现在简述要旨。
    So much for the detailed argument, I will now recapitulate.
  • 一个手写作品(例如小)被以一种新的形式重新改动。
    a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form.
  • 大洪水后诺亚方舟停靠的山峰。
    the mountain peak that Noah's ark landed on as the waters of the great flood receded.
  • 她的父亲使她在基础数学,阅读和写作方面受到了良好的教育,而这些教育对当时社会的女孩们来基本上是不可能得到的。
    Her father saw that she received a fair education in basic mathematics, reading and writing...something girls primarily did not receive at the time.
  • 这些数据反映了上述转移过程,也明美国对这些亚洲国家和地区的贸易平衡关系,在总体上并没有实质性的变化。
    These figures reflected the aforementioned process of place-of-origin transfer and showed that the trade balance between the United States and the countries and regions in Asia as a whole has not substantially changed over the years.
  • 可你就是没出息,也没用——你一辈子也改不了,就等死后见魔鬼,跟你妈一样!”
    Bud yah're a nowt, and it's noa use talking --yah'll niver mend uh yer ill ways, bud goa raight tuh t' divil, like yer mother afore ye!'
  • 今天早上我看到她的时候她正在走路;在这个城镇的徒步旅行;会走路会话的洋娃娃。
    she was afoot when I saw her this morning; a walking tour of the town; a walking and talking doll.
  • 我听改变公司管理部门结构计划在部署之中。
    I hear there's something afoot about changing the management structure of the company.