  • 俄勒冈南部和加利福尼亚的一种矮生灌木,有刚毛和匍匐根茎,通常为伞房序。
    low-growing bristly shrub of southern Oregon and California with creeping rootstocks and usually corymbose flowers.
  • 多年生于陆地或附生的植物一个大科具有根块球茎状或块茎状和非寻常
    enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers.
  • 三叶碎米荠一种产于北美东部的森林植物(三叶碎米荠),生有肉质根茎和有三小叶的叶片,开白色或粉红色
    A woodland plant(Cardamine diphylla) of eastern North America, having fleshy rootstocks, trifoliolate leaves, and clusters of white or pinkish flowers.
  • 朱兰属的任何一种坚实的沼泽兰;陆生,根茎纤细,叶一片或少数几片,单朵顶生。
    any hardy bog orchid of the genus Pogonia: terrestrial orchids having slender rootstocks and erect stems bearing one or a few leaves and a solitary terminal flower.
  • 北美多年生高草,匍匐根状茎,叶窄,粉紫色穗,燃烧过的地区或空地大量出现;一种重要的蜜源植物。
    tall North American perennial with creeping rootstocks and narrow leaves and spikes of pinkish-purple flowers occurring in great abundance in burned-over areas or recent clearings; an important honey plant.
  • 绞痛根一种百合科粉条儿菜属多年生草本植物,特别是北美粉条儿菜,产于北美东部,长有白色小的总状序,根茎最初用于药中治疗疝痛
    Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
  • 蔷薇,玫瑰任一种蔷薇科属灌木或藤本植物,茎干多刺,有羽状复叶,朵色泽繁多且气味芳香
    Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genus Rosa, having prickly stems, pinnately compound leaves, and variously colored, often fragrant flowers.
  • 绣线菊属的任何一种类似蔷薇的植物;具有白色或粉红色的枝。
    any rosaceous plant of the genus Spiraea; has sprays of small white or pink flowers.
  • 红玫瑰是她的最爱,她的名字也叫rose。
    Red roses were her favorites, her name was also Rose.
  • 从中国的具有茶香味的香蔷薇遗传下来的蔷薇杂交种,开粉红色或黄色的
    any of several hybrid bush roses derived from a tea-scented Chinese rose with pink or yellow flowers.
  • 他会将送到我指定的地方,并将玫瑰放在我们再次相聚的地方。
    To take the roses to the place, where I've instructed him, and place the rose where we are, together once again."
  • 玫瑰是英格兰的象徵。
    The rose represents England.
  • 帕萨迪纳美国加利福尼亚州南部洛山矶东北部的一座城市,因其玫瑰碗剧场和每年的玫瑰车游行而闻名。人口131,591
    A city of southern California northeast of Los Angeles. It is famous for its Rose Bowl and annual Tournament of Roses parade. Population,131, 591.
  • 玫瑰花盛开
    A rose in full bloom.
  • 那位女演员接受了许多献
    The actress received numerous floral tributes.
  • 这朵玫瑰花很香。
    This rose is very fragrant.
  • 玫瑰花蔷薇科的一种
    A member of the rose family.
  • 一种欧洲高山地区的开深红色的蔷薇属植物。
    European alpine rose with crimson flowers.
  • 他在园里栽培玫瑰。
    He grows rose in the garden.
  • 因为年龄的差异,罗斯玛丽的老男友有在少女身上滥钱的老色迷之名声。
    Because of the age difference, Rosemary's older companion had the reputation of being a sugar daddy.
  • 玫瑰要开花了。
    The roses are blooming.
  • 玫瑰花开了。
    The roses are out.
  • 种玫瑰是她的癖好。
    Growing roses is her hobby.
  • 她带玫瑰花来给我。
    She brought me the roses.
  • 有些蔷薇攀在架子上。
    Some roses climb on frames.
  • 玫瑰花正含苞待放。
    The roses are in bud.
  • 玫瑰花刚开。
    The roses are just out.
  • 他的衬衣上绣着玫瑰
    Her shirt is embroidered with roses.
  • 她每天夜间检查她的玫瑰
    she checks on her roses nightly.
  • 公园飘着玫瑰花香。
    The park was sweet with roses.
  • 他们在园里种了玫瑰。
    They planted the garden with roses.
  • 过早的生子(结实)植物未成熟期开或结实,从蔷薇结长为
    To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.