  • 委员会致力于监察《性别歧视条例》、《残疾歧视条例》和《家庭岗位歧视条例》的施行情况,职包括处理投诉、协助调解纠纷、为受屈人士提供协助,以及举办各种推广平等机会概念的教育活动和研究计划。
    The commission is tasked to oversee the implementation of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, the Disability Discrimination Ordinance and the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance. The functions of the commission include handling complaints, encouraging conciliation between parties in dispute, providing assistance to aggrieved persons, and undertaking public education and research programmes to promote equal opportunities in the community.
  • “嗨,我的农场大极了,”他说,“如果我想绕它一圈,一早就在农场上开拖拉机,晚上才回到家。”
    "Why, my ranch is so big," he said, "that if I start out in my truck in the morning to drive around it, it's night by the time I get home."
  • 牧场主必须时刻防备可发生的自然灾害。
    The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create.
  • 因此农场主在西部以低成本养牛,然后通过铁路运到东部市场赚取可观的利润。
    So, ranchers could raise cattle at low cost in the western states and send them by railroad to eastern markets.
  • 如果美国陷入衰退,特别是股市下跌引发的衰退,那么美国穷人和中产阶层者可突然之间发现自己成了受害的大多数。
    If the country fell into recession-especially a recession sparked by a falling stock market-poor and middle-class Americans might suddenly see themselves as an aggrieved majority.
  • 他的责任是尽其所帮助受害人。
    His duty is to assist the aggrieved person inasmuch as he is able.
  • 正是因为中国共产党根据马克思主义的原则,一贯地坚持了并发展了第一次国共统一战线的共同纲领即革命的三民主义,所以共产党于强寇压境民族危急之际,及时地提出民族民主的统一战线这种唯一够挽救危亡的政策,并且不疲倦地实行之。
    It is precisely because the Chinese Communist Party, basing itself on Marxist principles, has constantly adhered to and developed the revolutionary Three People's Principles -- the common programme of the first Kuomintang-Communist united front -- that, in this hour of national crisis when our country is invaded by a powerful aggressor, the Party has been able to put forward the timely proposal for a national and democratic united front, which is the only policy capable of saving the nation, and to apply this policy with unremitting effort.
  • 随意写答案吧,总勾对几道吧。
    I'll just mark the answer sheet randomly. I am bound to get some of the questions right.
  • 随意色答案吧,总勾对几道吧。
    I 'll just mark the answer sheet randomly. I am binded to get some of the questions right.
  • 随意填答案吧,总勾对几道吧。
    I 'll just mark the answer sheet randomly. I am bound to get some of the questions right.
  • 有一首有名的歌曲,是美国一位出色的乡村歌手兰迪·特拉维斯的歌。他在歌曲中用一种乡村人听懂的词语描述爱情。
    There' s a famous song by Randy Travis, a wonderful country singer in America, who talks about his love in terms that country person could understand.
  • 我们完全相信,有这样一支好的军队,又有广大人民群众的支持,一定够打败任何侵略者。
    We are convinced that with such a fine army and with the support of the masses, we can defeat any aggressor.
  • 侵略者将受到严厉的打击,其战争潜力可被彻底摧毁。
    The aggressor would receive terrific punishment which might well destroy the whole of him war making potential.
  • 他的早期研究将父母的言语攻击与孩子的精神疾病联系起来;其他的一些研究也表明,家长的言语狂暴,会提高孩子形成青少年犯罪、抑郁,甚至暴食的可性。
    His earlier work has linked parental verbal aggressiveness with children's mental illness and,along with a dozen other studies,showed that a parent's vocal fury can increase the odds of a child's developing delinquency,depression,and even bulimia.
  • 虽然他的行动在当时看来就像一场闪电战,但他后来却后悔自己没更快。
    And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
  • 眼睛所看到的范围。
    the range of the eye.
  • 在可能的最大范围内
    Within the range of possibilities.
  • 大多数的知识分子不忍受盖茨的凶悍,但欣赏他的慷慨。
    Surely, while most intellectuals cannot bear the aggressiveness of Bill, they admire his generosity.
  • 钢琴家的全面的技
    the pianist's wide-ranging repertoire.
  • 卖方惜售,行市可在15.50-16.00美元之间,试出价看看。
    Seller holding tight but business possible at price ranging usd 15.50-16.00 try bid.
  • 他还说,这些软件从1.5万至10万美元的价格也可是个障碍。
    Prices ranging from $15,000 to $100,000 can also be a barrier, he adds.
  • 有进取心的青年人在本公司大展鸿图。
    An aggressive young man can go far in our firm.
  • 那个男孩在学校未获奖,心中炉火如焚。
    The feeling of envy rankles in the breast of the boy, who lost the prize at school.
  • 人们搜遍了整个森林也未找到那个失踪的小孩。
    The forest has been ransacked unsuccessfully for the missing child.
  • 他们看起来并没有力绑架我们并索取赎金。
    They didn't seem competent enough to pull off a kidnapping and ransom.
  • 你现已遭我们禁锢,要到交出赎金以後,才放你走.
    You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid.
  • 你现已遭我们禁锢,要到交出赎金以后,才放你走。
    You are our prisoner now and we wo n't release you until a ransom is paid.
  • 彼得所属在休斯敦的公司却正濒临倒闭,已取消了绑架保险,故而不为彼得提供赎金。
    Peter's Houston based employer,however,is on the verge of bankruptcy and has cancelled the kidnapping insurance policy and they cannot provide the money for his ransom.
  • 他认为英侨缴出鸦片,无异被迫缴纳赎命金(英侨其实并无生命危险),因此要求中国与英国订立贸易条约,以平等地位通商,或割让一个小岛给英国,使英侨在其国家荫庇下,安居乐业。
    Arguing that, in surrendering the opium, the British in Canton had been forced to ransom their lives - though, in fact, their lives had never been in danger - he demanded either a commercial treaty that would put trade relations on a satisfactory footing, or the cession of a small island where the British could live under their own flag free from threats.
  • 我担心她可变得好斗。
    I fear she might get aggressive.
  • 现实就是那些希望著作权保护期不再延长的人们不仅仅进行反著作权的演说,并期望事情有所转机。
    The reality is that those who want copyright term increases halted cannot simply spout anti-copyright rant and expect things to change.
  • 这个孩子要参军。此事使他的父亲极为震惊,他可会大声叫嚷要儿子当画家。
    The boy wants to join the army. This is enormous shock to his dad, who would have preferred to rant and rave about his wanting to become a painter.