  • 国家所有的林和林木以国有林业企业事业单位、农场、厂矿为单位,集体所有的林和林木、个人所有的林木以县为单位,制定年采伐限额,由省、自治区、直辖市林业主管部门汇总,经同级人民政府审核后,报国务院批准。
    In the formulation of the annual cutting quotas, the state-owned enterprise, institution, farmland, factory or mine shall be calculated as a unit for state-owned forests and trees, and the county as a unit for collectively used forests and trees and the privately owned trees. The competent forestry authorities at the provincial, autonomous region and directly- administered municipality shall compile a summary sheet, which shall be submitted to the State Council for approval after the examination of the people's government at the same level.
  • 森林植物组成
    component of forest plant
  • 图珀洛美国密西西比州东北一城市,位于哥伦比亚西北偏北。该市是南北战争一场战役(1864年7月14日)的旧址。在这场战役中,北方军队击败了内·b·福雷斯特将军指挥的南方邦联军。人口30,685
    A city of northeast Mississippi north-northwest of Columbus. It was the site of a Civil War battle(July14,1864) in which Union forces defeated the Confederate troops led by Gen. Nathan B. Forrest. Population,30, 685.
  • ,洛威尔1792-1872美国音乐家、作曲家。他曾为美国公立学校最早开设音乐课程(1838年)并谱写过几首赞美诗,其中有“上帝,离他近些吧”
    American Revolutionary politician from Virginia. A member of the Constitutional Convention(1787), he voiced criticism that resulted in the drafting of the Bill of Rights. His grandson James Murray Mason(1798-1871) was a Confederate diplomat to Great Britain and France.
  • 七王国从5世纪到9世纪盎格鲁·撒克逊王国的非正式联盟,由肯特、南撒西克斯、西撒西克斯、东撒西克斯、诺布里亚,东英格兰和麦西亚组成
    The informal confederation of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms from the fifth to the ninth century, consisting of Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Essex, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia.
  • ,约翰·威廉1820-1899加拿大地质学家和反达尔文主义者,是化石方面的权威人士
    A town of western Yukon Territory, Canada, at the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike rivers. A boom town during the Klondike gold rush of the late1890's, it was the territorial capital from1898 to1951. Population,697.
  • 北温带北部林地区的北温带北部林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树
    Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine.
  • 在康涅狄格州西港一家室内设计公司做事的德克称,新的时间表“既讨厌,又麻烦。”
    Nancy Sendecke, who works for an interior design concern in Westport, Conn., called the new scheduling a "pain in the neck."
  • 黑斯廷斯英国东南部一自治城市,位于多佛海峡入口的英吉利海峡上。靠近征服者威廉战胜萨克人(1066年10月14日)的遗址。人口75,900
    A borough of southeast England on the English Channel at the entrance to the Strait of Dover. Hastings is near the site of William the Conqueror's victory over the Saxons(October14,1066). Population,75, 900.
  • ‘征服者威廉的事业是教皇支持的,不久就征服了英国,英国人也需要有人领导,而且已经对篡权和被征服都习惯了。梅西亚和诺勃列亚(海西亚mercia和诺勃利亚northumbria是英国的两个古国。)的伯爵埃德温和莫卡---
    "William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soon submitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria--"'
  • 有必要保护树木,否则不久将会没有林了。
    There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests.
  • 我们必须为子孙后代保护林资源。
    We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations.
  • 詹姆先生仅以5,000美元起家,从这一点上考虑,他可真是发展迅速。
    Considering that he started with $ 5,000 Mr Jameson is making tracks.
  • 为我脑中所没有表现出来的残忍想法感到吃惊-r.l.斯蒂文
    striking with contained ferocity at my head- R.L.Stevenson.
  • 可鄙的缺乏勇气;一个弱小的,卑微的,可鄙的生灵,一个小人物,一个仅仅是无关紧要的……已经崛起并轻蔑的与天地的权威抗挣-乔纳·爱德华兹。
    a contemptible lack of courage; A little, wretched, despicable creature, a worm, a mere nothing...that has risen up in contempt against the majesty of Heaven and earth- Jonathan Edwards.
  • 这本书关键的、也是有争议的部分——提姆·w·菲佛
    a central and contentious element of the book- Tim W.Ferfuson.
  • 尼尔,卡尔·奥古斯特1865-1931丹麦作曲家,其多调性及对位法的作品包括几部交响乐,歌剧扫罗和大卫(1903年)和一些室内作品
    Danish composer whose polytonal and contrapuntal works include several symphonies, the opera Saul and David(1903), and chamber works.
  • 把森林变成耕地
    Convert a forest into farmland.
  • 正在制订计划,要把更多的林地变成园林区。
    There are plans in the pipeline for converting more forest land to parkland.
  • 索伦在起程前往韩国时说:"作为一个守门员,你必须认清这样一个事实,那就是,制造商是站在球员而非守门员的立场来设计足球的。"
    "As a goalkeeper, you have to live with the fact that the makers create balls for the benefit of strikers," he said before leaving Copenhagen for South Korea.
  • 先生已在联邦调查局效力25年,这期间,他大部分时间是从事反间谍工作,刺探苏联以及后来的俄国在美国的谍报前哨的情报。
    Mr.Hanssen had worked for the FBI for 25 years,spending most of that time in counterintelligence spying on Soviet and then Russian espionage outposts in the United States.
  • 森林覆盖率
    percentage of forest cover
  • 林覆盖和流域保护;
    forest cover and watershed protection;
  • 用树木覆盖上;使成
    To cover with trees; forest.
  • 多林木的长满树木的;林覆盖的
    Covered with trees; wooded.
  • 我们镇的林覆盖率是百分之六十。
    The covering of forestry in our town is 60 percent.
  • 大象冲进森林。
    The elephant crashed through the forest.
  • 政府很重视史蒂文先生的发明创造。
    The government thinks a lot of Mr Stevenson's invention and creation.
  • ,吉姆1936-1990美国木偶剧表演家,提线木偶即包括青蛙克米特、厄尼和伯特以及大鸟的一群木偶形象的创造者
    American puppeteer and creator of the Muppets, a troupe of puppets including Kermit the Frog, Ernie and Bert, and Big Bird.
  • 帕尼亚瓜就任秘鲁临时总统,结束藤长达十年的极权统治,他将致力于挽救秘鲁摇摇欲坠的民主政治,并任命曾任联合国秘书长的裴瑞兹为临时总理。
    Ending a decade of authoritarian rule, Valentin Paniagua became Peru's interim president and set out to restore credibility to the country's tattered democracy, naming the former U.N. chief who is Peru's most prestigious public figure as prime minister.
  • 一些反对共同市场的人士甚至怀疑,在关键时刻汤普先生本人会从事不退出共同市场的活动。
    And some anti-Marketeers even suspect that when it comes to the crunch, Mr Thompson himself will campaign for staying in the Market.
  • 西藏林面积717万公顷,活立木蓄积量达20.91亿立方米,保存有中国最大的原始林。
    Tibet boasts 7.17 million ha of forest, and the stocking volume has reached 2.091 billion cu m. Tibet has the largest primitive forest in China.