  • 這些樹根很好拔。
    These roots pull easily.
  • 不要做無的浮萍,這話我們聽得還少嗎?
    Have we not been reminded often enough not to be rootless floating weeds?
  • 因尚無實際數字, 我是據估計的數字計算的.
    My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.
  • 因此,我們必須不斷地加強和鞏固各族群的傳統價值觀和美德,以避免成為“無的浮萍”。
    We must therefore constantly strengthen our traditional values and virtues of various ethnic communities and avoid becoming “rootless duckweeds”.
  • 微小無水生植物的一個屬,有球形葉,漂浮於水面或生長於水面附近的地方。
    minute rootless aquatic herbs having globular fronds floating on or near the water surface and bearing one flower per frond.
  • 東西文化的相互配合是目前新加坡社會的一個重要課題,沒有“”的社會是極為危險的。
    Therefore, it is imperative for Singapore to ensure that cultures of East and West complement each other for its own good, since a "rootless" society would be in great peril.
  • 許多真菌特有的密實的菌絲塊形成的狀結構。
    a dense mass of hyphae forming a rootlike structure characteristic of many fungi.
  • 寄生植物,如菟絲子的狀分枝的一種特殊的可以從寄生植物處吸取食物的吸收結構
    A specialized absorbing structure of a parasitic plant, such as the rootlike outgrowth of the dodder, that obtains food from a host plant.
  • 吸盤吸附的器官或結構,尤指一些海藻或其他藻類植物吸附在上面的基部的類結構
    An organ or a structure of attachment, especially the basal, rootlike formation by which certain seaweeds or other algae are attached to a substrate.
  • 具有匍匐莖的一種百慕達群島特有的纖細蕨類。
    delicate endemic Bermudian fern with creeping rootstock.
  • 一種歐洲碎米薺,具有帶節的白色幹。
    European bittercress having a knotted white rootstock.
  • 莖發甜的蕨類植物。
    fern having rootstock of a sweetish flavor.
  • 某些具球莖狀的狀莖的成員的任何一種。
    any of various irises having a rootstock formed like a bulb.
  • 鳶尾莖鳶尾屬植物的芳香的狀莖,用於香料和化妝品
    The fragrant rootstock of the orris, used in perfumes and cosmetics.
  • 南非藤蔓植物,有很大的狀莖,皮上有很深的裂紋。
    South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark.
  • 美人蕉屬植物,莖可食,是食用澱粉的來源。
    canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained.
  • 莖擁有柔軟灰色茸毛的骨碎補蕨科植物。
    either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock.
  • 一種有毒的歐亞草本植物,具有寬的圓形葉、黃色的花和纖維狀狀莖。
    poisonous Eurasian perennial herb with broad rounded leaves and yellow flowers and fibrous rootstock.
  • 一種歐洲的海岸苔草,沿美國大西洋海岸歸化;具有菝葜性能的莖。
    European maritime sedge naturalized along Atlantic coast of United States; rootstock has properties of sarsaparilla.
  • 有寬鈍葉和苦狀莖的歐洲酸模,在北美常作為野草。
    European dock with broad obtuse leaves and bitter rootstock common as a weed in North America.
  • 鳶尾科植物一種鳶尾種類植物,有芳香的狀莖,尤指德國鳶尾的雜交變種
    Any of several species of iris having a fragrant rootstock, especially a variety of the hybrid Iris germanica.
  • 北美東部和亞洲的高的藥草,有蘭色的象漿果似的果實和粗的多節的莖,原來被用在醫學上。
    tall herb of eastern North America and Asia having blue berrylike fruit and a thick knotty rootstock formerly used medicinally.
  • 黃精屬的多種植物之一,花黃緑色、對生、下垂,其狀莖有六角星形魔符狀疤痕。
    any of several plants of the genus Polygonatum having paired drooping yellowish-green flowers and a thick rootstock with scars shaped like Solomon's seal.
  • (植物學)特別是指葉子;位於植物或者莖的底部;特別是直接從莖或者類似於的莖上長出來。
    (botany) especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem.
  • 草一種多年生的野生植物(美洲血草),,原産於北美洲東部的森林,莖鮮豔,葉汁紅色且有毒,葉單生,早春開白色單花
    A perennial wildflower(Sanguinaria canadensis), native to forests in eastern North America and having a fleshy rootstock exuding a poisonous red sap, a single lobed leaf, and a solitary white flower in early spring.
  • 原産於北美林地的多年生植物,具紅和紅色汁液,早春開白花;莖被用作刺激物和化痰劑。
    perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leave and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties; rootstock used as a stimulant and expectorant.
  • 沼澤地的多年生植物具有匍匐的狀莖和長綫性葉。
    perennial marsh plants with creeping rootstocks and long linear leaves.
  • 一個熱帶植物屬,具有匍匐的莖和小的傘形花。
    genus of tropical plants with creeping rootstocks and small umbellate flowers.
  • 俄勒岡南部和加利福尼亞的一種矮生灌木,有剛毛和匍匐莖,通常為傘房花序。
    low-growing bristly shrub of southern Oregon and California with creeping rootstocks and usually corymbose flowers.
  • 多年生於陸地或附生的植物一個大科具有塊球莖狀或塊莖狀和非尋常花。
    enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers.
  • 一個常緑灌木小屬,匍匐莖,葉子光亮;北美;歐洲;東亞。
    small genus of evergreen herbs with long creeping rootstocks and shining leaves; North America; Europe; east Asia.
  • 三葉碎米薺一種産於北美東部的森林植物(三葉碎米薺),生有肉質莖和有三小葉的葉片,開白色或粉紅色花簇
    A woodland plant(Cardamine diphylla) of eastern North America, having fleshy rootstocks, trifoliolate leaves, and clusters of white or pinkish flowers.