| - 这条公路因维修而禁止通行。
The road has been closed off for repairs. - 那条船刚刚进港修理。
There ship has just put in for repairs. - 这个条约的主要内容是:中国向八国赔偿银四亿五千万两,承认帝国主义国家有在北京和北京至天津、山海关一带地区驻兵的特权。
its main provisions were that China had to pay those countries the huge sum of 450 million taels of silver as war reparations and grant them the special privilege of stationing troops in Peking and in the area from Peking to Tientsin and Shanhaikuan. - 第三十条 国家外汇局可以根据国家外汇收支平衡的需要,对合格投资者汇出本金及已实现收益的期限予以调整。
Article 30. SAFE may adjust the timeframe required for QFII to repatriate its principal and proceeds, subject to the needs of China's foreign exchange balance. - 第二十九条 合格投资者需购汇汇出上一会计年度经中国注册会计师审计的已实现税后收益,应当委托托管人提前十五个工作日持下列文件向国家外汇局提出申请:
Article 29. If QFII needs to purchase foreign exchange to repatriate their post-tax profits of the previous accounting year which have been audited by Chinese CPA, the QFII should mandate its custodian to apply to SAFE fifteen days prior to repatriation, together with the following documents: - 第二十六条 合格投资者为封闭式中国基金管理机构的,汇入本金满三年后,可委托托管人持规定的文件向国家外汇局申请分期、分批购汇汇出本金。
Article 26. In the case that a QFII is a closed-end Chinese fund management company, it can mandate its custodian, with the submission of required documents to SAFE to apply for purchase of foreign exchange for the repatriation of principals by stages and by batches three years after its remittance of the principals. - 外籍家庭佣工若符合以下条件,可获准来港工作。条件是佣工本身须具备有关工作经验,而其雇主为真正的香港居民,并可为佣工提供合理的聘用条件,包括不低于某水平的薪金及合适的住宿安排,且愿意负担佣工在港的生活费,以及把他们送返原籍国的费用。
Foreign domestic helpers may be admitted subject to the conditions that they have relevant experience, that their employers are bona fide Hong Kong residents who are prepared to offer reasonable terms of employment including suitable accommodation and wages not lower than a minimum level set by the Government, and that the employers are willing to provide for the maintenance of the helpers in Hong Kong as well as to meet the costs of repatriation of the helpers to their country of origin. - 英镑,条件是他今天得还给我。
I lent him5 on the understanding that he would repay me today. - 抵押给予债权人临时的、有条件的财产抵押,以此作为履行责任或偿还债务的保证
A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt. - 第一款美利坚合众国宪法修正案第十八条现予废除。
Section 1.The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed. - 1989年9月26日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治条例》同时废止。
The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise" promulgated by the State Council on September 26, 1989 shall be repealed at the same time. - 他一字不差地重述了那条消息。
He repeated the message word for word. - 满足一定条件时重复执行的指令序列。
A sequence of instructions executed repeatedly while a certain condition prevails. - 15.制定召集民兵的条例,以便执行联邦法律,镇压叛乱和击退侵略;
Clause 15:To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; - 对于仍然存在的不适应先进生产力和时代发展要求的一些落后的生产方式,既不能脱离实际地简单化地加以排斥,也不能采取安于现状、保护落后的态度,而要立足实际,创造条件加以改造、改进和提高,通过长期努力,逐步使它们向先进适用的生产方式转变。
As to some existing backward modes of production that do not go along with the requirements of the development of advanced productive forces and the development of the times, we can not repel them summarily and unrealistically; nor should we take the attitude of being contented with what the things are and protecting what is backward. Instead , we should be realistic and prepare the conditions for transforming, improving and upgrading them and, through long-time efforts, gradually make them advanced and applicable. - 利用纸条选择性吸附的层析过程。
chromatography that uses selective adsorption on a strip of paper. - 这条旧线路需要更换了。
This old wiring needs replacing. - 埃米利亚-罗曼尼亚意大利北部毗邻亚得里亚海的地区。得名于埃米利亚道,一条铺设于公元前187年的罗马道路,该道连接帕钦察和瑞米尼,该地区在公元15世纪被伦巴第人征服,于1861年成为意大利帝国的一部分
A region of northern Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Named for the Aemilian Way, a Roman road laid out in187 b.c. that connected Piacenza with Rimini, the area was conquered by the Lombards in the fifth century a.d. and became part of the kingdom of Italy in1861. - 一条意大利北部的河流,向东南流入亚得里亚海。
a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea. - 一条欧洲河流;流入亚的里亚海。
a European river; flows into the Adriatic Sea. - 听说深圳治安比过去好了,跑到香港去的人开始回来,原因之一是就业多,收入增加了,物质条件也好多了,可见精神文明说到底是从物质文明来的嘛!
Public order in Shenzhen is reportedly better than before, and people who slipped off to Hong Kong have begun to return. One reason is that there are more job opportunities and people's incomes and living standards are rising, all of which proves that, in the final analysis, ethical progress is based on material progress. - 国会的一些条款已在fy97ndaa禁止(传闻李文皓已经下载了几乎所有的档案)任何与中国的有关武器关系的合作项目,其中包括“stockpilestewardship”,国会有确凿证据怀疑克林顿政府参与了与中国的“stockpilestewardship”项目。
But note again that Congress prohibited in the FY 97 NDAA(after Wen Ho Lee had reportedly already downloaded nearly all the 'legacy' files ) any cooperative nuclear weapons-related programs with the PRC including "stockpile stewardship." Congress must have had some reason for suspecting that the Clinton Administration was engaged in, or was proposing to engage in, some sort of cooperative 'stockpile stewardship' program with the PRC. - 给…饰以波状或弯曲线条
To adorn or decorate with wavy or winding lines. - 表示频率分布的条形图;条形的高度代表观察到的频率。
a bar chart representing a frequency distribution; heights of the bars represent observed frequencies. - 在流程图中,用来表示把一条以上的流程线汇集成一条或者把一条流程线分成多条的符号,也可表示单条流程线的断点,在另外地方继续连接。
In a flowchart, the means of representing the convergence of more than one flow line into one, or the divergence of one flow line into more than one. It may also represent a break in a single flow line for continuation in another area. - (1)本联盟国家承诺保证本联盟其他国家的国民获得有效地制止第九条、第十条和第十条之二所述一切行为的适当的法律上救济手段。
The countries of the Union undertake to assure to nationals of the other countries of the Union appropriate legal remedies effectively to repress all the acts referred to in Articles 9, 10, and 10bis. - (2)本联盟国家并承诺规定措施,准许不违反其本国法律而存在的联合会和社团,代表有利害关系的工业家、生产者或商人,在被请求给予保护的国家法律允许该国的联合会和社团提出控诉的范围内,为了制止第九条、第十条和第十条之二所述的行为,向法院或行政机关提出控诉。第十—条〔发明、实用新型、外观设计、商标:在某些国际展览会中的临时保护〕
They undertake, further, to provide measures to permit federations and associations representing interested industrialists, producers, or merchants, provided that the existence of such federations and associations is not contrary to the laws of their countries, to take action in the courts or before the administrative authorities, with a view to the repression of the acts referred to in Articles 9, 10, and 10bis, in so far as the law of the country in which protection is claimed allows such action by federations and associations of that country.Article 11 - 所以,在当前条件下,使用国家的镇压力量,来打击和瓦解各种反革命破坏分子、各种反党反社会主义分子、各种严重刑事犯罪分子,以便维护社会安定,是完全符合人民群众的要求的,是完全符合社会主义现代化建设的要求的。
Under the present circumstances, therefore, it is in complete conformity with the desire of the people and the needs of socialist modernization to use the repressive power of the state apparatus to attack the counter-revolutionary saboteurs, anti-Party and anti-socialist elements and criminals guilty of serious offences and to split their ranks in the interests of social stability. - 伪造、倒卖特许猎捕证或者允许进出口证明书,情节严重、构成犯罪的,比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。
If anyone who forges or sells or resells a special hunting and catching license or an import or export permit, and if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law. - 第三十七条 伪造、倒卖、转让特许猎捕证、狩猎证、驯养繁殖许可证或者允许进出口证明书的,由野生动物行政主管部门或者工商行政管理部门吊销证件,没收违法所得,可以并处罚款。
Article 37 If anyone forges, sells or resells or transfers a special hunting and catching license, a hunting license, a domestication and breeding license, or an import or export permit, his license or permit shall be revoked and his unlawful income shall be confiscated and he may concurrently be fined by the relevant department of wildlife administration or the administrative authority for industry and commerce. - 第五条 国家鼓励、支持有利于保护环境的集中处置固体废物的措施。
Article 5 The State encourages and supports adoption of measures for centralized treatment of solid waste in favor of environmental protection. - 信条信奉一个学说或事业
Adoption of an idea or a cause.