  • 他坐在场上,聆听远处的蛙鸣。
    He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak.
  • 同室不戈;同类不相残。
    Crow does not pick crow 's eyes.
  • 在全双工链路上作非智能crt终端的一种通常方式,在该方式下,每个键入的字符都是先从目的地(通常为一本地的计算机或终端控制器)被返回来,然后才显示到屏幕上。
    The common method of operating an unintelligent CRT terminal on a full duplex link; each character that is keyed in is returned from the destination(usually a local computer or a terminal control unit) before it is displayed on the screen.
  • 美国在线服务公司新开发的4.0软件使整个公司的形象有了一个大的转变,人们不再认为aol公司是一家跟不上时代潮流的、联机作方面的新手了。
    AOL's new 4.0 software helped turn around the company's image as an unhip online crutch for neophytes.
  • 由计算机作的氙气层面x线照相术不仅可以象传统的ct扫描仪那样拍摄下大脑的图像,还可以使医生精确地测量出到底有多少血液流回大脑的不同部位。
    Xenon computed tomography not only takes a picture of the brain, as does a traditional CT scan, but also allows doctors to measure exactly how much blood is flowing to different parts of the brain.
  • 客人们享用的大餐是从远在几公里之外的托农运来的,由那里的一个烹饪学校办所有菜品。
    The meal was prepared by a culinary school in Thonon, several kilometers from the summit site.
  • 一种实际的oracle光标,每一个sql作都可以得到其中一个光标。
    A physical Oracle cursor, one of which is obtained for every SQL operation.
  • 指视频显示器上显示象元(光标或错误信息)短间隙地消失再重现(以便引起作员的注意)。
    Of display elements on a VDU(say, a cursor or an error message), to remove and replace at short intervals(in order to draw the attention of an operator).
  • 课题组组长米亚伊尔d·塞鲁亚说:"猴子能够通过思维活动立刻移动光标,正如它在使用计算机鼠标或纵杆一样。
    The monkey was able to move the cursor “instantly” with as much control as if it were using a computer mouse or a joystick, lead researcher Mijail D.Serruya said.
  • erequestdenied:(30210)一个托管迁移作被拒绝。
    E_requestDenied: (30210) A custody transfer request has been refused.
  • epublishercancelled:(30220)目标发布者取消了托管迁移的作。
    E_publisherCancelled: (30220) The target publisher cancelled the custody transfer operation.
  • 一种习惯性的作或行为。
    a customary way of operation or behavior.
  • 一种作周期为纳秒量级的处理机。
    A processor operating in the nanosecond cycle range.
  • 一次完整的作过程(例如被计算机执行的)。
    one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer).
  • 该12项运动分别为羽毛球、单车、剑击、体、划艇、壁球、游泳、乒乓球、田径、三项铁人赛、滑浪风帆和武术。
    They are badminton, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, rowing, squash, swimming, table tennis, track and field, triathlon, windsurfing and wushu.
  • 由音步作的圆盘式张力装置。
    cymbals that are operated by foot.
  • 无论如何,我们不得为倒霉的经济心。现在我来立即承认一件我一直没有直言的事吧:我们搞糟了。
    Anyhow, we still have this darned economy to worry about. So let me admit something right off the bat that I've been sort of coy about up till now: We goofed.
  • 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户作系统。
    A generalized database management and multi-user operating system designed for the business environment.
  • 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户作系统。
    A generalized database management and multi user operating system designed for the business environment.
  • 他们从天后起做早到现在。
    They have been doing morning exercises since daybreak.
  • 舵处有甲板的小船上船尾的一个区域,低于甲板上的其它部分,在那里驾驶船
    An area in a small decked vessel toward the stern, lower than the rest of the deck, from which the vessel is steered.
  • tcap事务处理子层由下列定义作组合的事务类型组成:
    The TCAP transaction sublayer is consists of the following transaction types which define operation associations:
  • 本文件定义动力电话系统存在点的作过程。
    This document define procedures for the operation of the power phone system point of presence.
  • 完整地规定了计算机工作单位的一组数据。一个作业一般包括所有必须的计算机程序、连接程序、文件以及作系统指令。
    A set of data that completely defines a unit of work for a computer. A job usually includes all necessary computer programs, linkages, files, and instructions to the operating system.
  • pxe定义了从远程引导服务器给pc机装作系统的方法。
    PXE defines the way in which a PC should load its operating system from a remote boot server.
  • 韦氏词典将道德定义为伦理规范、正直的守、从道德角度判断的守或态度。
    Webster's Dictionary defines morality as ethics, upright conduct, conduct or affitude judged from the moral standpoint.
  • 在允许进行删除作之前,成对的两个ap上的rcs必须都处于oos-manual。
    The RCS must be OOS-MANUAL on both APs before a delete operation is allowed.
  • eassertionnotfound:(30000)表明一个指定的发布者断言(由两个businesskey键值和一个可标识的引用所组成,这个可标识的引用由三个组件组成)无法在一个保存或删除作中被标识。
    E_assertionNotFound: (30000) Signifies that a particular publisher assertion (consisting of two businessKey values, and a keyed reference with three components) cannot be identified in a save or delete operation.
  • 插入、删除或改变信息的作。
    Any operation for inserting, deleting or changing information.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,一种增强显示屏上字符亮度的功能,通常在文本作,诸如删除、复制以及移动字(词)或字符时,使作者能完全了解执行命令时文本中哪些部分受影响。
    In word processing, a facility which intensifies the characters on the display screen. Usually used in such text operations as deleting, copying and moving words or characters, to make the operator fully aware of which portions of the text will be affected when the command is executed.
  • 请示范一下这台机器如何作。
    Please demonstrate how the machine works.
  • 我来给你演示这台机器是怎样作的。
    Let me demonstrate to you how this machine works.