  • 那些销员走遍全城寻找客户。
    The salesmen canvass, canvased the whole city for subscriptions.
  • 在我们的销队伍中好的销员占有少数。
    Good salesmen are in the minority in our sale team.
  • 销员从这个镇到那个镇,不停地来回跑。
    Salesmen are constantly moving around from one town to another.
  • 销售员发现不施加压力的销术对年轻的家庭主妇很管用。
    Salesmen find that soft sell work well with young housewives.
  • 销员们把销售情况反馈给公司。
    The salesmen feed back information to the firm about its sales.
  • 销员们多半是根据顾客的需要采取适当的行动来销商品的。
    The salesmen make most sales by following up leads provided by customers' enquiries.
  • 两个销员为得到这个合同一直竞争到底。
    The two salesmen fought nip and tuck for the contract all the way.
  • 那些在本月超额完成定额的销员将会得一笔奖金。
    Those salesmen who go over the top this month will get a bonus.
  • 销员先用赠品打动家庭妇女的心,接著就开始直截了当的兜售了。
    Housewives are soften up with free gift before the salesmen begin the hard talking.
  • 领取抚恤金的老人们很容易上这些挨家挨户来销东西的人的当。
    Old-aged pensioners are easy meat for some of these door-to-door salesmen.
  • 你必须提防那些油腔滑调、挨户兜售商品的销员。
    Be on your guard against door-to-door salesmen with a smooth line of talk.
  • 因我公司现在雇佣自己的销员,所以不再需要业务代表。
    As we not employ our own salesmen, we no longer have need of a representative.
  • 现在奥哈尔已是纽的怀特汽车公司,一位成功的销员了。
    Mr. O’Haire became one of the star salesmen for the White Motor Company in New York.
  • 我们几个销员努力工作,四处奔走。
    Our salesmen have worked hard to push the sale of your products here, there and everywhere.
  • 我们需要再添几个有经验而且又机灵的销员。
    We need several more salesmen who not only know the business, but are on their toes.
  • 埃里克在销售会上的讲话确实令人感动,因而激发起了所有销员的热情。
    Eric really socked it to them at the sales confrerence and stimulated the enthusiasm of all the salesmen.
  • 如果销员们在月底售出所有存货,就得努力工作。
    The salesmen will have to work hard if they want to move all that stock by the end of the month.
  • 大多数汽车销员都是极亲切的人,不过我想这是他们被告知去完成销任务的方式。
    Most car salesmen are hail-fellow-well-met, but I suppose it's the way they're told to do their job.
  • 办公室里人人皆知他是个有妇之夫,但他却一直和一位秘书有来往密切,而那个女孩又疯劲十足。于是,一位销员就说服她给她的男友开一个愚人节的玩笑,说她怀孕了。
    He had been fooling around with a secretary. He was married and everyone in the office knew about it. The girl was a bit crazy, a real screwball, and one of the other salesmen persuaded her to tell her boy friend she was pregnant as an April Fool joke.
  • 公司准备今年出一种新型家庭轿车。
    The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.
  • 我们有各式咸甜点心,用车出来卖,还有各式粥品供应,请随意挑选。
    We have various kinds of sweet and salty "dim sum" served on the "dim sum" trolley. And different types of congee are also available. You can choose whatever you like.
  • 把小舢板从岸或大船边
    Fend off a sampan
  • 如果人们敢于互相心置腹地讲心里话,一百年后世界将会减少许多痛苦。
    If people would dare to speak to one another unreservedly, there would be a good deal less sorrow in the world a hundred years hence. ---------Samuel Butler
  • 迟了离开旧金山去迈阿密。
    He postponed leaving San Francisco for Miami.
  • 若你说的都是事实,那飞碟计划不是要迟好几年?
    If all you say is true, won't this set back the flying saucer program several years?
  • 迈克和他的四十个小伙伴们在土堆上欢快地奔跑。他们开心地把玩具锄耕机、土机和垃圾车在土堆上开来开去。
    Michael and 40 of his friends were so happy as they scampered over mounds of dirt, pushing a variety of toy back hoes, bulldozers and dump trucks.
  • 他们不得不从获得的稀少而贫乏的线索中尽其所能地进行断。
    He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available.
  • 不管使用广告产品的人会获得多大益处,无论广告者多么诚挚地相信其产品的优点,广告者的动机是销产品,获得利润,从中赚钱,即他的动机是个人利益。
    Whatever advantages may genuinely accrue to those who use an advertised product, and however sincerely the advertiser may believe in its merits, his motive is to sell, to make a profit, to make money, i.e. it is self-interest.
  • 专上学生资助计划在二零零一至零二学年开始行,为年龄在25岁或以下修读经评审并可获颁授高级文凭、副学士学位或专业文凭或以上资历的自资课程的本地学生,提供助学金及低息贷款。
    Introduced in the 2001-02 academic year, the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students is to provide grants or low interest loans to needy full-time local students aged 25 or below pursuing accredited, self-financing post-secondary programmes leading to a qualification at or above the levels of higher diploma, associate degree or professional diploma.
  • 根据相互承认协议,缔约成员承诺承认彼此认可的机构所发出的测试报告,以及动所属的经济体系接纳这些报告。
    Under the arrangement, signatories undertake to accept test reports issued by each other's accredited organisations and to promote the acceptance of such test reports in their own economies.
  • 信誉农场的产品盛载于有特别标记的篮子内,由蔬菜统营处指定的零售店或摊档出售,并以新设计的"好农夫"商标广。
    Produce is distributed from accredited farms to designated retail outlets in specially marked vegetable baskets and is promoted under a newly designed 'Good Farmer' logo.
  • 这项计划的目的,是招募更多学生加入制服团体(例如香港童军总会、香港女童军总会、香港民众安全服务队少年团、香港航空青年团和香港红十字会)、训练团队领袖,以及广制服团体活动,包括户外训练、社会服务及生活技能训练等。
    The scheme aims at recruiting more students to the rank, grooming leaders required for running uniform groups — such as the Scout Association of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps, Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps and the Hong Kong Red Cross — and promoting uniform group activities, such as outdoor training, social services and life skills training.