  • 最后这条错误路线告破产了。
    Finally the wrong line was declared bankrupt.
  • 告破产,财产被卖掉还债。
    I went bankrupt and was sold up.
  • 宣布破产
    Adjudication of bankruptcy or declaration of bankruptcy
  • 他们的婚事在结婚登记处外布了。
    The banns of their marriage were put up outside the registry office.
  • 牧师刚刚在教堂布了结婚公告。
    The minister has just published the banns of marriage at the church.
  • 神学上的分歧,与施行洗礼的方法和时间、称神是三位一体还是一个实体以及怎样解释圣经章节等问题有关。
    Differences of theology have to do with such things as the method and time of Baptism, whether God is a trinity or one entity, and interpretations of Biblical passages.
  • 德美浸社会教派成员德国浸礼会教派成员,该教派是反对兵役和誓的德美浸信会教派团体
    A member of the German Baptist Brethren, a group of German-American Baptists opposed to military service and the taking of legal oaths.
  • 宣布取消一笔买卖
    Declare a bargain off
  • 杰夫:可不是,顾拜旦亲自起草了运动员誓誓词,一般由主办国著名运动员读誓词。
    Jeff: Of course. Mr. Baron de Coubertin wrote the oath for the athletes, and a famous athlete from the host country will read that out.
  • 就在攻打巴士底狱之前,他们提出了一个言草案。
    They brought forward a draft of a declaration just before the storming of the Bastille.
  • 我们屏住呼吸等待布获胜者的姓名。
    We wait with bate breath for the winner to be announced.
  • 敌军的士兵和营、连、排长被我们俘虏过来,即对他们进行传工作,分为愿留愿去两种,愿去的即发路费释放。
    Whenever soldiers, platoon leaders, or company or battalion commanders of the enemy forces are captured, we immediately conduct propaganda among them;they are divided into those wishing to stay and those wishing to leave, and the latter are given travelling expenses and set free.
  • 那被定罪的人木无表情地听著对他的判.
    The condemned man listened to his sentence without batting an eyelid.
  • 那被定罪的人木无表情地听著对他的判。
    The condemned man listens to his sentence without batting an eyelid.
  • 从历史上看,敌对双方会在战争中进行战场上的火炮战,并且在尚未战的时候就开始进行火炮战。
    Historically, enemies have dudled with artillery across the battlefield in war, and even when war was not keclared.
  • 王平:接着,在预定地点,公开水域游泳国际裁判朱玉成大声布:“张健8月8日从旅顺下水,今天上午10时22分在蓬莱上岸,直线距离为109公里,实际距离为123.58公里,时间为50小时22分。
    Wang Ping: Following that, at the predetermined place, the in-ternational judge of swimming at open water area Zhu Yucheng de-clared loudly: "Zhang Jian entered into the water at Lushun on August 8 and at 10:22 this morning went shore at Penglai. The beeline dis-tanee was 123.58 kilometers and the time was 50 hours 22 minutes. It is in accordance with the predetermined requirements.
  • 王平:接着,在预定地点,公开水域游泳国际裁判朱玉成大声布:“张健8月8日从旅顺下水,今天上午10时22分在蓬莱上岸,直线距离为109公里,实际距离为123.58公里,时间为50小时22分。
    Wang Ping: Following that, at the predetermined place, the international judge of swimming at open water area Zhu Yucheng declared loudly: "Zhang Jian entered into the water at Lushun on August 8 and at 10:22 this morning went shore at Penglai. The beeline distance was 109 kilometers,the fact distance was 123.58 kilometers and the time was 50 hours 22 minutes. It is in accordance with the predetermined requirements.
  • 注定预先注定或宣判
    To doom or condemn beforehand.
  • 吠檀多进一步发展“奥义书”中含义的哲学体系,即所有的实在论是唯一的神婆罗门,并且扬信奉者的目标是超出个性的限制并实现与婆罗门合而为一
    The system of philosophy that further develops the implications in the Upanishads that all reality is a single principle, Brahman, and teaches that the believer's goal is to transcend the limitations of self-identity and realize one's unity with Brahman.
  • 交战双方终於布停战。
    At long last an armistice is declared by the belligerent.
  • 前五后没有举行“誓仪式”,奥委会本想第六后进行,因为第一次世界大战而没有施行。
    The Olympic Committee started it from the Sixth Olympic Games. However, it was not executed bemuse of the First World War.
  • 法官向罪犯读了判决。
    The bench read the sentence to the criminal.
  • (三)积极会同地方党组织、政权机关、群众团体及地方文化机关,传共产党的政策和主张,解释抗战法令,推行民主政治;向敌占区人民传根据地的一切善政和进步设施。
    3) To publicize the policies and positions of the Communist Party, explain laws and decrees for resistance, practise democratic politics jointly with local Party organizations, government organs, mass organizations and local cultural institutions, and keep the people in enemy-occupied areas informed of all the benevolent policies and progressive measures in the base areas.
  • 美国独立战争结束不久,《独立言》五个起草人之一的本杰明·富兰克林被派往巴黎出任驻法公使。
    Soon after the American War of Independence,Benjamin Franklin, one of the five drafter of the "Declaration of Independence,"was sent to Paris as the Minister to France.
  • 索罗斯在柏林墙倒塌后一段时间内向俄罗斯提供的援助曾一度超过美国政府的援助。他坚定地实施自己扬的观点。
    Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches.
  • 这个曲折的故事还得从1945年5月说起。当年苏联红军在柏林城外的一个地下掩体里发现无人动过的希特勒,他的情妇埃娃·布劳恩和纳粹传部长的约瑟夫·戈培尔夫妇的尸体。
    The odyssey of the corpse began on May 4, 1945, when Soviet troops found the buried but intact corpses of Hitler, Eva Braun, his wife, and the family of Joseph Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister, outside the Berlin bunker.
  • 贵党二中全会言又说:‘险阻之来,本可意计,断不因国事之艰虞,而自懈其应尽之职责。’
    The declaration of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of your party stated, "Dangers and obstacles are only to be expected,but we will never, because of the difficulties and troubles that beset the nation, relax in the fulfilment of our duty."
  •  第九十七条著录事项变更费、实用新型专利检索报告费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费、无效告请求费应当自提出请求之日起1个月内,按照规定缴纳;
    Rule 97 The fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for establishing a search report on a utility model patent, fee for requesting suspension of the patent procedure, fee for requesting a compulsory license, fee for requesting adjudication on exploitation fee of a compulsory license and fee for requesting invalidation shall be paid as prescribed within one month from the date on which such request is filed.
  • 在美食节进行期间,新加坡旅游局的某位要人还布旅游局的新目标——使新加坡成为一个美食都会。
    During the festival this year, a bigwig of the Singapore Tourism Board boldly declared its new mission - make Singapore a world culinary capital.
  • 在1997年布多莉诞生不久,他主持国家生物伦理学顾问委员会完成了一份关于克隆的报告。
    He chaired the National Bioethics Advisory Commission which completed a report on cloning shortly after Dolly's birth was announced in 1997.
  • 投资推广署采取积极进取的投资推广策略,?力传香港较其他亚洲城市优胜的行业,包括金融服务、与贸易有关的服务、运输、电讯、媒体与多媒体、商用与专业服务、资讯科技、科技(特别是电子及生物科技),以及旅游与娱乐。
    Invest Hong Kong adopts a proactive investment promotion strategy by focusing on economic sectors where Hong Kong has an edge over other Asian cities. The targeted sectors are financial services, trade related services, transportation, telecommunications, media and multimedia, business and professional services, information technology, technology (especially electronics and biotechnology), and tourism and entertainment.
  • 间接传;间接无线电传送
    Black propaganda; black radio transmissions.