  • 佛大學研究人員的最新研究結果表明,如果女性每周適度飲酒,可以在一定程度上降低患高血壓的可能性,但是如果每天飲酒超過一杯,則患高血壓的風險相應增加。
    A few drinks a week may slightly reduce a woman's chance of developing high blood pressure, or hypertension, but consuming more than a drink a day puts her at increased risk, Harvard researchers report.
  • 打哈欠常易於感染。
    Yawning is often contagious.
  • 羅傑斯明年想進佛大學。
    Rodgers has it in contemplation to enter Harvard University next year.
  • 湯姆的分數與利的分數比起來算是上乘的。
    Tom's marks by contrast with Harry's marks were excellent.
  • 為了保留公司生活中人的因素,所有的人每年都要在拉斯韋加斯和曼頓聚會幾次。
    To retain the human element in corporate life everyone comes together several times a year for conventions in Las Vegas and Manhattan.
  • 但總統府的消息認為,薩岡將辭去總統第一發言人的職務,由總統公共輿論和形象協調人奧提茲接任。
    Presidential sources said Sahagun would step down as chief presidential spokeswoman, and would be replaced by Francisco Ortiz, who is Fox's public opinion and image coordinator.
  • 哥本根距離此地要兩天的航程。
    Copenhagen is two days' sail from here.
  • 飛往哥本根有多少航班。
    How many flights are there to Copenhagen?
  • 今天去哥本根的哪一班飛機是最早的?
    Which is the earliest flight to Copenhagen today?
  • 丹麥最大的一個島,也是哥本根所在地。
    the largest island of Denmark and the site of Copenhagen.
  • 在正常情況下,包裹用兩天時間到達哥本根.
    Under normal conditions a package takes two days to get to Copenhagen.
  • 上述報價均為每噸cif哥本根淨價。
    The above-quoted prices are all on the basis of CIF Copenhagen net per metric ton.
  • 這是一份250噸花生的合同,價格為每公噸哥本根成本加運費價1800元。
    This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at RMB 1800 per M/T C&F Copenhagen.
  • “如果你有r基因,你可以獲得完全的抵抗力,”哥本根大學研究人員約翰·穆迪說。
    "When you have an R gene, you can have complete resistance," says John Mundy, a researcher at Copenhagen University.
  • 茲確認收到你方本月2日電報,要求我們報花生和核桃仁兩貨c&f哥本根實盤。
    We confirm your cable of 2nd inst. asking us to make you firm offers for both Groundnuts and Walnutmeat C&F Copenhagen.
  • 在1975年,聯合國在墨西哥城召開了首次婦女問題全球會議,後來在哥本根(1980年)、內羅畢(1985年)和北京(1995年)舉行了世界會議。
    In 1975, it convened in Mexico City the first global conference ever held on women, followed by world conferences in Copenhagen (1980), Nairobi (1985) and Beijing (1995).
  • 中國政府曾派代表團出席在墨西哥城、哥本根和內羅畢舉行的三次世界婦女大會,並出席了五次國際籌備會和兩次區域性籌備會議。
    The Chinese government sent delegations to the world conferences on women held in Mexico City in 1975, Copenhagen in 1980 and Nairobi in 1985, and also to the five global preliminary meetings and two regional preparatory meetings.
  • 哥本根大學醫院的安妮·格蕾特·貝斯科烏教授在接受采訪時說:“如果父親每天吸煙超過20支,而母親不抽煙,那麽生女孩的可能性要遠遠大於生男孩的可能性。
    "If the father smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day and the mother does not smoke the sex ratio is significantly decreased with fewer boys than girls," Professor Anne Grete Byskov, of University Hospital of Copenhagen, said in an interview.
  • 同時希刺剋厲夫與裏頓一起放聲大笑,這大大地激怒着我,也使我感到羞辱。
    while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton, put the copestone on my rage and humiliation.
  • 科學家認為,如今海裏大馬魚(鯨魚的主要食物)的數量減少,環境污染日益嚴重,這些都對鯨魚的生存造成了威脅,而船衹噪音會對鯨魚的生存造成更大的壓力。
    Scientists say the noise from the boats leads to added stress on the animals, which are already coping with fewer salmon to eat and increasing pollution.
  • 第聶伯羅彼得羅夫斯剋位於第聶伯河畔的蘇聯南歐部分城市。爾科夫西南偏南,1787年在一個哥薩剋村落上建城,有龐大鋼鐵工業。人口153,000
    A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. Founded in1787 on the site of a Cossack village, it has a huge iron and steel industry. Population,1, 153, 000.
  • 教育部心理咨詢服務的負責人比爾·諾伊說:"孩子們有機會練習使用士兵們帶來的防毒面具,等他們回到傢,就可以告訴他們的父母甚至祖父母那是怎麽回事了。
    "The kids get a chance to practice with the gas mask kits brought into the schools and then can go home and explain to their parents and even grandparents," said Bilha Noy, head of the Education Ministry's psychological and counseling service.
  • 來自佛、耶魯、劍橋等近60所國外名校法學院的院長,以及國內著名大學法學院的院長參加了此次論壇。
    Deans from some 60 famous overseas universities, including Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and their counterparts from domestic universities, attended the forum.
  • 羅德因沒有參加罷工而沒有人同他往來。一個多月來他的同事沒有一個人同他說過話。
    Horold was sent to Coventry for not joining the strike. None of his workmates spoke to him for over a month.
  • 誰會相信老羅德在他這個年齡競能一躍而跳上一輛行駛的汽車?
    Who would have credited old Harold with being able to jump onto a moving bus at his age?
  • 裏正處於事業面臨抉擇的重要關頭,他必須做出决定:是留在商界還是去從政。
    Harry found himself at the crossroads of his career when he had to decide between staying in business and entering politics.
  • 在古巴,探戈受了一種稱為“瓦那舞”的古巴地方舞蹈的影響。
    in Cuba, the tango was influenced by the local Cuban dance, called the Havana.
  • 我的堂兄裏在自己的書房裏擺設着一個形狀古怪的大瓶子。
    My cousin, Harry, keeps a large curiously shaped bottle on permanent display in his study.
  • 由於國防訂貨的削減,林頓公司决定取消其研究和開發部。
    Because of a cutback in defense orders, the Harrington Company decided to shut down its research and development department.
  • 裏最近表現很反常-我認為他應該去看看精神病醫生。
    Harry's been acting very strange lately – I think he should go and see a trick cyclist.
  • 羅德變得玩世不恭起來,老是對那些自己根本不懂的事情加以嘲諷。
    Herlod ad become cynical, always sporting with things he scarcely understood.
  • 俄國薩剋人的藥蒲公英,為其含有橡膠成分的根而種植它。
    perennial dandelion native to Kazakh Republic of Russia cultivated for its fleshy roots which have high rubber content.