  • 变通一下说法,可以改变句子的措辞,使用复数
    Alternatively, the sentence can be rephrased, using a plural noun
  • 1837年加拿大军队攻击了美国船只"卡罗琳"号,杀死其中一乘客,放火烧船后任由它在尼亚加拉瀑布上游漂泊。
    In1837Canadian forces attacked a U.S.ship of that name,killed one of its passengers,set it on fire and then cast it adrift just above Niagara Falls.
  • 有两队员退出了,我还不知道哪里去找顶替他们的人。
    Two of the team have dropped out and I don’t know where we’ll find replacements.
  • 尽管我设法使她开窍,她却仍然莫其妙。
    For all my effort to enlighten her, she is still all adrift.
  • ,绰号加于或代替一个人、地方或物体真正字的描述性
    A descriptive name added to or replacing the actual name of a person, place, or thing.
  • 埃米利亚-罗曼尼亚意大利北部毗邻亚得里亚海的地区。得于埃米利亚道,一条铺设于公元前187年的罗马道路,该道连接帕钦察和瑞米尼,该地区在公元15世纪被伦巴第人征服,于1861年成为意大利帝国的一部分
    A region of northern Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Named for the Aemilian Way, a Roman road laid out in187 b.c. that connected Piacenza with Rimini, the area was conquered by the Lombards in the fifth century a.d. and became part of the kingdom of Italy in1861.
  • 利用宗教的义进行暴行的例子,在历史上屡见不鲜。
    History is replete with examples showing followers of different faiths committing atrocities in the name of religion.
  • dce可能使用安全和字服务复制品
    DCE is capable of using security and name service replica
  • 瑞士和美国的企业家已经在这里(波恩)注册了一个为‘白星运输公司’的新公司。白星公司是原来那艘遭厄运的船的所有者。他们正在寻求投资者以便建造一艘拥有最新技术的泰坦尼克号的复制品,并计划在2002年,即在悲剧发生整90年后由英国驶往纽约。
    Swiss and American entrepreneurs have registered a new company here as the White Star Line -- the name of the owners of the original, doomed vessel -- and are seeking investors to build a technologically updated replica to sail from Britain to New York exactly 90 years after the tragedy, in the year 2002.
  • 斯佩尔曼介绍说,在生日宴会当天,数千游客共同分享了一块巨型蛋糕,蛋糕上面不仅有竹子点缀,还有栩栩如生的熊猫造型呢。梅香喜滋滋地舔食着一块中间放有水果的冰块。
    As thousands of guests ate slices of a cake decorated with bamboo and replicas of the pandas, Mei Xiang lapped at a block of ice with fruit in the middle.
  • 杜勃罗文克,拉古萨南斯拉夫西南部城市,座落在伸入亚得里亚海的—个海角上,是著的旅游胜地,中世纪时是塞尔维克—克罗地亚文化与文学的中心。人口31,106
    A city of southwest Yugoslavia on a promontory jutting into the Adriatic Sea. A popular tourist resort, it was a center of Serbo-Croatian culture and literature in medieval times. Population,31, 106.
  • 亚得里亚海岸边克罗地亚西南部的一个城市;著的旅游胜地。
    a port city in southwestern Croatia on the Adriatic; a popular tourist center.
  • 一九九七年内,机场核心计划合约的工业意外率为每1000工人每年发生58宗须呈报意外,而在一九九六年内,整个建造业的同类意外率则为220宗。
    In 1997, the industrial accident rate for ACP contracts was 58 reportable accidents per thousand workers per year, compared with the corresponding rate of 220 for the whole construction industry in 1996.
  • 她名声很好。
    She is well reported of.
  • 据说他在打猎时善心大发,对一只幼熊“枪下留情”,同时也为自己留下了美。于是,这种以总统的昵称命的玩具小熊泰迪便应运而生,并得到了人们的喜爱。
    The bear reportedly gained its name from Roosevelt's nickname, "Teddy."
  • 里根总统当初宣布支持布什一事,被认为不够认真——把布什的字读错了——据报导里根非常“羞愧”。昨天乃再度推荐布什。
    President Reagan took a second crack at endorsing George Bush yesterday after reportedly being "mortified" that his original statement of support- in which he mispronounced Bush's name –was considered half-hearted.
  • 记者采访报导该事件。
    The reporter covered the event.
  • 记者正在耐心地搜寻事实。
    The reporter was patiently digging for facts.
  • 尽管我不是一观察研究野鸟的学者,但是当我第一眼看到那可爱的海鹦,就被它迷住了。
    Although I was not a bird? watcher, my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over.
  • 他们真可爱,他们叫什么字?
    They're adorable. What're their names?
  • 当初,这些人藏书(包括手稿、书信等)的暂收代管者,像领着人家的弃婴一样,曾在新加坡到处找人“领养”,鼻子都碰扁了,正一筹莫展、走投无路时,从长堤彼岸伸出了友谊之手,人家满腔热情要“领养弃婴”,还保证善待这些“弃婴”,你能不喜出望外?
    The “trustees” of these “abandoned babies” ( including original manuscripts and letters), had gone round to look for “adoptive parents” for them, but to no avail. When they were at their wits’ end and getting nowhere, they received a helping hand - all the way from across the Causeway.The people over there were keen to adopt the “unwanted babies” and had promised to treat them well. Could the “trustees”, who had become desperate, not feel overjoyed?
  •  (2)工业产权的保护对象有专利、实用新型、外观设计、商标、服务标记、厂商称、货源标记或原产地称和制止不正当竞争。
    The protection of industrial property has as its object patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names, indications of source or appellations of origin, and the repression of unfair competition.
  • 拥有共同之处;拥有签
    bear a resemblance; bear a signature.
  • 马里尼,吉安巴蒂斯塔1569-1625意大利诗人,以他作品中的精美风格而闻,作品有史诗阿多尼斯(1623年)
    Italian poet noted for his elaborate style in works such as the epic Adonis(1623).
  • 最近俄罗斯情报机构公布的一些以前属绝密档案的资料表明,当年克格勃为防止希特勒的遣骸成为新纳粹分子的膜拜物而将他的骨灰撒在东德一条不知的小河里。
    Previously closed files released recently by the Russian secret service reveal that the ashes of Adolf Hitler were scattered secretly by KGB agents in a narrow East German river to prevent his remains becoming an object of neo Nazi pilgrimage.
  • 在一九九七年,民安队继续调派队内40队员和8常额职员合力管理新秀越南难民离港中心的日常事务(该中心专供容纳已获外国收容的越南难民)。
    During 1997, it continued to manage the New Horizons Vietnamese Refugee Departure Centre (for Vietnamese refugees accepted for resettlement overseas). The CAS deployed 40 members and eight permanent staff to manage the centre on a daily basis.
  • 计算机病毒是八十年代计算机飞速发展带来的结果,计算机病毒这一词起因于在计算机上传染的有害程序与生物学中病毒的相似性,该词起源于1977年出版的、由thomasj.ryan写的一本美国科幻小说《p-1的青春》。人体病毒入侵活的细胞后,就把它转变成制造病毒的工厂。
    The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s. The cause of the term "computer virus" is the likeness between the biological virus and the evil program infected with computers. The origin of this term came from an American science fiction“ The Adolescence of P-1“ written by Thomas J. Ryan,published in 1977. Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing viruses.
  • 尽管如此,富豪榜上的前10仍然没有易主,只是某些人的排顺序稍有变动而已。
    The top 10 remained the same, with some reshuffling of the order.
  • 词起源于1977年出版的、由thomasj。ryan写的一本美国科幻小说《p-1的青春》。
    The origin of this term came from an American science fiction"The Adolescence of P-1" written by Thomas J. Ryan, published in 1977.
  • 然而,当她步入成年时,气骤减。
    However, as she approached adolescence her popularity quickly waned.
  • (商标称)一种透明的热塑性丙烯酸树脂。
    (trademark) a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin.
  • 她公开承认自己是一共产党员。
    she admitted publicly to being a communist.