  • 時間和氣候使這些懸崖峭壁變得奇百怪。
    Time and climate fantasticated the cliffs.
  • 1930年12月1日晚上,一片煙霧飄過比利時的一個山𠔌,這使數人病倒了。
    On the night of December1, 1930, a cloud of smog moved over a valley in Belgium, which caused thousands of people to become ill.
  • 裏之外的香港度假時,我遇然碰到我的隔壁鄰居-真是無巧不成書。
    On holiday in Hong Kong, thousands of miles from home, I bumped into my next door neighbour – talk about the long arm of coincidence!
  • 九月初,金管局宣佈在一九九九年第四季擴大貼現窗操作和推出定期回購協議,以應付貨幣市場因憂慮電腦公元二年數位問題而可能出現資金緊絀的情況。
    In early September, the HKMA announced the introduction of an enlarged Discount Window and a term repo facility in the fourth quarter of 1999 to relieve potential pressures in the money market arising from concerns related to Year 2000. The enlarged Discount Window increased the amount of Hong Kong dollar liquidity that could be obtained by licensed banks through the Discount Window by temporarily removing the existing restriction on repeated borrowing and enlarging the pool of debt securities as eligible collateral.
  • 這位美術(作品)收藏傢對這幅畫要價一美元,我認為這個要價並不過分。
    The art collector wanted $1,000 for the painting and I don’t think that was beyond the mark.
  • 2.1986年看見哈雷慧星的百萬人當中,有多少人能夠長壽到足以目睹它在二十一世紀的回歸呢?
    2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.
  • 此後行星們繼續跳着宇宙間有規則的舞蹈,lan的月亮也一直被大傢所羨慕。直到有一天,一顆冷酷惡毒的彗星狠狠地嚮lan的月亮撞去,把它砸成了萬萬塊碎片。
    So the planets kept on dancing to the math? music of the universe,and Lan's moon was admired by all,until one day an evil? minded ice? hearted comet viciously slammed into it,shattering it into a thousand thousand pieces.
  • 醫生們搜集了數個病例來證明吸煙與癌癥之間的關係。
    Doctors compiled thousands of case histories to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer.
  • 聯交所要求上市公司嚮市場披露資料,說明是否已經解决電腦公元二年數位問題。
    As for listed companies, they were required by the SEHK to disclose their Year 2000 compliance status to the market.
  • 截至一九九九年六月,所有認可機構均表明已解决電腦公元二年數位問題。
    By June, all AIs had confirmed that they were Year 2000 compliant.
  • 年內,信保局全面測試其電腦資訊係統,並證實可順利過渡公元二年。
    The ECIC's information technology system was thoroughly tested and confirmed to be Year 2000 compliant.
  • 認真說來,既然政府和各大機構都已宣佈作足了防禦電腦年蟲的功夫,我們又何必擔憂呢?
    Seriously, why should one worry when the government and key organisations have declared that their systems are Y2K compliant?
  • 根據保險人及保險經紀嚮保險業監督呈交的報告,他們的電腦係統已分別於六月三十日及九月三十日完成解决電腦公元二年數位問題的工作。
    Reports submitted to the Insurance Authority showed that all insurers and insurance brokers had become Year 2000 compliant by June 30 and September 30 respectively.
  • 同樣,一傢叫concertocapitalmanagement的證券管理公司,利用自己開發的和已商業化的混合在一起的數據開採産品來確定成上萬個變量中哪些對預測股票、債券和合股投資市場有價值。
    Similarly, portfolio manager Concerto Capital Management, Inc. uses the mix of homegrown and commercial data mining products to decide which of thousands of variables may have some value in predicting stock, bond and mutual fund markets.
  • 協和軒客房總是安排給郵車旅客,而郵車旅客通常是渾身上下裹得嚴嚴實實。因此在喬治王旅館的協和軒便出現了一種別有情趣的現象:進屋時一律一個模樣,出門時卻有差萬別。
    The Concord bed-chamber being always assigned to passenger by the mail, and passengers by the mail being always heavily wrapped up from head to foot, the room ha' the odd interest for the establishment of the Royal George that although but one kind of man was seen to go into it, all kinds and varieties of men came out of it.
  • 我們總是想把它縮短到兩萬字以內,最後要求兩萬五字,現在是兩萬八字。
    We tried to condense it to no more than 20,000 characters but finally set the limit at 25,000. Now it runs to 28,000.
  • ?重約2.3剋的小氣候空調係統,能為加熱或製冷提供100瓦的功率。
    A 5- pound microclimate- conditioning system that provides 100 watts of heating or cooling.
  • 他們方百計逼她招供。
    They wrung a confession from her.
  • 此派之流弊在文字上易流於俚俗(袁中郎),在思想上易流於怪妄(金聖嘆),譏諷先哲(李卓吾),而為正人君子所痛心疾首,然思想之進步終賴性靈文人有此氣魄,抒發胸襟,為之別開生面也,否則陳陳相因,篇一律,而一國思想陷於抄襲模仿停滯,而終至於死亡。
    The dangers of this school are that a writer's style may degenerate into plainness (Yuan Chunglang), or he may develop eccentricity of ideas (Chin Shengt'an), or his ideas may differ violently from those of established authorities (Li Chowu). That is why the School of Self-Expression was so hated by the Confucian critics. But as a matter of fact, it is these original writers who saved Chinese thought and literature from absolute uniformity and death. They are bound to come into their own in the next few decades.
  • 我告訴她,由於近兩年來深受孔子思想的影響,中國人較為內嚮。
    I told her that due to the dominance of Confucianism for almost 2000 years, the Chinese people tend to be very introverted.
  • 儒傢思想也提倡禮義廉恥,這種思想有幾年的歷史,在東方社會根深蒂固。
    For thousands of years the values of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and honour as advocated in Confucianism have well taken root in Eastern societies.
  • 苟胸中不以為然,金不可易之,聖賢不可改之。
    but if their conscience disapproves, they will not give Confucius and Mencius the right of way. They can be neither bribed with gold nor threatened with ostracism.
  • 流量管理、擁擠控製以及最近纔落到atm頭上的服務質量(qos)問題,現在也成了兆位以太網關心的問題。
    Traffic management, congestion control and quality-of-service (QoS) issues that until recently fell on ATM's lap now become Gigabit Ethernet's concern.
  • 我祝賀你喜獲千金。
    Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.
  • 讓我祝賀你新婚幸福/幸得金。
    Let me congratulate you on your marriage/on the birth of your daughter.
  • 傳教士嚮一多人的會衆講演。
    The preacher addressed a congregation of more than one thousand people.
  • 美西部小型松樹,類似狐尾鬆,生長緩慢;巧剋力色鱗狀樹皮,五針一束短葉;圓錐樹冠但堅硬和扭麯;五年前已存在於半沙漠的山頂地區。
    small slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine; chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of 5; crown conic but becoming rough and twisted; oldest plant in the world growing to 5000 years in cold semi-desert mountain tops.
  • 約翰遜太太失業已近一年。而她不過是紐約、新澤西、康涅狄格州成上萬失業者之一。他們眼見一周周、一月月地過去,工作仍渺無蹤影。
    Out of work for almost a year now, Mrs. Johnson is one of the thousands of unemployed in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut who have seen weeks turn into months with still no job on the horizon.
  • 因此,過去10年間,自然增長率由分之八下降至分之四。
    Consequently, the rate of natural increase dropped from eight to four per 1000 over the decade.
  • 他們遭受的損失保守估計達二萬美元。
    They suffered losses conservatively estimated at$20 million.
  • 但是在巴黎,他放棄了學醫,進了音樂學院,並在隨後幾年裏,他方百計地大量吸取音樂、戲劇和文學方面的知識。
    But in Paris he dropped his medical studies and enrolled at the Conservatoire, and for the next few years soaked up as much music, drama and literature as he could manage.
  • 那麽,如果你一天能節省1小時,一年下來,你就不僅節約了價值幾美元的時間,而且還給自己提供了許多機會去學習和做那些使你的時間更有價值的事情。
    And if you can save just one hour a day,you'll not only conserve thousands of dollars'worth of time each year but also give yourself opportunities to learn and do things that make your time even more valuable.