  • 顿,查尔斯1899-1962英裔美籍演员,创造了许多电影形象,其中包括叛舰喋血记(1935年)中的布利上校
    British-born American actor whose many motion-picture roles include that of Captain Bligh in Mutiny on the Bounty(1935).
  • 分配中的资产阶级权利
    bourgeois right in the distribution according to work
  • 矿工们在地底下动。
    Miners labour in the bowels of earth.
  • 维诺娜·莱德、希尔和拉·弗琳·波拉都是帕耶作品的爱好者。
    Winona Ryder, Seal and Lara Flynn Boyle are all fans of Payer's line.
  • 摄制组成员:格伦·哥登·卡伦(编剧)、南茜·海(布景装饰/设计)、艾文·温克勒(制片)、查尔斯·纽沃斯(执行制片)、麦克·尼古拉斯(导演)、朱莉叶·泰勒(演员阵容)、莱斯利·麦当(艺术指导)。
    Nominated for a Tony for "Coastal Disturbances" in 1987.  High School Patrick Henry High, San Diego, CA Parents Live in San Diego. Two brothers Brad & Byron Bening and one sister.
  • 勃拉姆斯极其喜爱圆舞曲,他本人也写了许多美丽的这种乐曲,难怪他亲笔在施特斯夫人的扇子上抄下《蓝色多瑙河》起始的旋律后加厂下面一句话:“不幸非约翰·勃拉姆斯所作”。
    It no wonder that Brahms, who loved the waltz and wrote many beautiful ones himself, autographed Mrs. Strauss's fan by writing the opening melody of The Blue Danube, followed by the comment, Unfortunately not by Johannes Brahms.
  • 奥地利首都和最大城市;在奥地利东北部的多瑙河上;是贝多芬、布拉姆斯、海顿、莫扎特、舒伯特、施特斯的家乡。
    the capital and largest city of Austria; located on the Danube in northeastern Austria; was the home of Beethoven and Brahms and Hayden and Mozart and Schubert and Strauss.
  • 连那些把维也纳称作自己家乡的伟大作曲家,如贝多芬、舒伯特乃至勃拉姆斯和马勒,都要到回荡着施特斯乐曲声的咖啡馆和露天花园享用咖啡、啤酒和香肠。
    Even the great composers who called Vienna their home from Beethoven and Schubert to Brahms and Mahler took their coffee, beer, and sausages at cafes or outdoor gardens where the Strauss rnusic held sway.
  • 他为这个问题心焦思了好些天。
    He beat his brains over the matter for days.
  • 数月努力,徒无功,科学家突发奇想,问题迎刃而解
    After months of futile labors, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem
  • 数月努力,徒无功,科学家突发奇想,问题迎刃而解。
    After month of futile labor, the scientist suddenly have a brainstorm and solve the problem.
  • 驾,来两杯白兰地加苏打水。
    Two brandies and soda, please.
  • 喝白兰地酒消除了疲.
    The brandy acted as a restorative.
  • 布什做的另一件使他的朋友们感到吃惊的事,是他在仅仅3个月内就向一个叫拉·韦尔奇的图书馆管理员求婚并结了婚。与小布什的急脾气和爱嚷嚷的性格不同,拉则较为矜持而达理。
    Bush had also surprised friends by courting and marrying in just months a librarian named Laura Welch,who was as reserved and knowing as he was brash and noisy.
  • 我们中国人民勤而勇敢。
    We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.
  • ”在舍克小组的协助下,贝蒂·安妮请求对证据作了检验,一些血样被证明来自于布,但是检验表明,其余的血迹不是肯尼的,这使剑桥刑事法庭的法官别无选择只得撤回定罪。
    " With the assistance of Scheck's team. Betty Anne had the evidence tested. Some blood samples proved to be from Braw. But the tests showed that the remainder could not have come from Kenny, leaving a criminal court judge in Cambridge little choice but to vacate the conviction.
  • 有功不赏,有不录,而搆陷愈急,毒谋愈肆。
    Merit goes unrewarded and distinguished service uncited, while false charges and malicious plots become more and more brazen.
  • 平克顿,阿伦1819-1884苏格兰裔的美国侦探。其行为因破坏罢工和破坏了动者统一的努力而恶名昭彰
    Scottish-born American detective. His agency was notorious for breaking strikes and disrupting labor efforts to unionize.
  • 累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。
    He was breaking up under the strain.
  • 你在做徒无益的事。
    You're knocking your head against a brick wall.
  • 恩博士在同一次听证会上作证说,我们的措施是访问者在访华前,对所有出访人员进行严格的反情报教育,并向访问者介绍中国的最新背景材料。
    At the same hearing, Dr Browne testified, Our policy is to provide 100 percent of our travelers to the PRC with a counter-intelligence threat awareness briefing including the latest information regarding the country as possible.
  • 他们派我到很远的布赖特恩去买某个特殊的部件,但结果却是件徒无益的差事,因为那儿没有货。
    They sent me all the way to Brighton to buy some special component, but it turned out to be a fool’s errand because they were out of stock.
  • 务输出不仅有助于使贫困地区动力实现就业和增加收入,更重要的是动者通过异地就业可以学到新技术、新生活方式、新工作方法,开阔眼界,增强信心,提高自我发展能力。
    Such labor transfer will not only increase the employment and income of workers from the poor areas, but, more importantly, it will also enable these people to learn new technologies, life-styles and working methods from the places where they work, to broaden their outlook, increase their self-confidence and improve their ability to develop independently.
  • 他谈到赋予雷更多的责任,最终聘请他当经理。
    He talked of broadening Lowrey's responsibilities, of eventually bringing him into management.
  • 于是“知识经济”前所未有地鼓励人的学习探索精神与行为,推崇有技能、有素养的动者,要求不间断的知识与技能更新。
    Thus the KBE wholeheartedly promotes the human learning spirit and behaviors, favors those workers with higher skills and educational qualifications, and requires continuous upgrading and broadening of skills and knowledge.
  • 他们在工人中煽动派性,煽动武斗,煽动停工停产,反对各厂矿企业的革命干部、动模范和工会积极分子,并加以野蛮的迫害和摧残。
    They fanned factionalism and provoked armed clashes among workers in factories, mines and other enterprises, incited them to stop work and opposed or even brutally persecuted revolutionary cadres, model workers and trade union activists.
  • 日本帝国主义在夺取平津之后,依靠其野蛮的武力,借助德意帝国主义的声援,利用英帝国主义的动摇,利用中国国民党对于广大动民众的隔离,毫无疑义将继续坚持其大规模进攻的方针,实行第二步、第三步的预定的作战计划,向着整个华北及其他各地作猛烈的进攻。
    There is no doubt that, having seized Peiping and Tientsin, Japanese imperialism will press ahead with its policy of large-scale offensives, take the second and third steps in its premeditated war plan and launch fierce attacks on the whole of northern China and other areas, relying on its own brute military strength while at the same time drawing support from German and Italian imperialism and exploiting the vacillations of British imperialism and the estrangement of the Kuomintang from the broad masses of the working people.
  • 驾,我想要桶冰块。
    I'd like a bucket of ice, please.
  • 工界工会代表;社会工作者;政界人士和宗教领袖,包括基督教、天主教、佛教和回教的代表。
    labour unionists, social workers, politicians and religious leaders of the Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist and Muslim faiths.
  • 布法罗大学的一项研究表明,饮用葡萄酒似乎对肺部健康有好处,但是在这一方面,主要的功应该归功于白葡萄酒而不是红葡萄酒。
    Drinking wine appears to be good for the lungs, a University at Buffalo study has shown, and in this case, the primary credit goes to white wine rather than red.
  • 我已提及了筑篱、挖沟、砌墙或建防护栏的动。
    I have already mentioned the labour of the hedger and ditcher, of the builder of walls or dykes.
  • 中国于2001年开始执行国民经济和社会发展第十个五年(2001—2005)计划,动和社会保障事业的发展进入了新阶段。
    With the implementation of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, for National Economic and Social Development (2001-2005) in 2001, China's labor and social security buildup has entered a new phase of development.