  • 一种生长于落基山脉的长有丝绸般叶片和略带色白花的草本植物。
    silky-foliaged herb of Rocky Mts with bluish-white flowers.
  • 爱尔品种猎犬,体形中等,皮毛丝状蓝灰色。
    an Irish breed of medium-sized terriers with a silky blue-gray coat.
  • 银色的小鱼;新苏格至巴西。
    small silvery fish; Nova Scotia to Brazil.
  • 新西的假山毛榉属的一种植物,通常有银白色树皮。
    New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark.
  • 再洗礼运动的成员,以生活简朴而著称。
    a member of an Anabaptist movement in Holland noted for its simplicity of life.
  • 克似乎受到了过重的惩罚。
    It seemed that Frank was far more sinned against than sinning.
  • 位于西奈半岛。该地区对基督教、伊斯教和犹太教具有重要宗教意义,包括一座建于5世纪的东正教修道院,院内藏有大量古籍手稿和圣像。
    This area of the Sinai is of spiritual importance to Christianity,Islam and Judaism.Includes an Orthodox monastery built in the 5th century which houses a large collection of ancient manuscripts and icons.
  • 格比如说,我需要喝酒的时候我就喝威士忌,地地道道的苏格威士忌,可是吃饭的时候我习惯喝葡萄酒或者一大杯水,就像大多数西方人那样;而在中国吃饭的时候却上像茅台(指着他的酒杯)这样的烈性酒。
    Far in stance, I drink whisky - genuine Scotch whisky when I need a drink, but at dinner I would have sine or just a glass of water as most people do in the West; whereas in China strong alcohol such as Maotai (points at his glass) is served at dinner.
  • 波兰国家民主党
    Polish National Democratic Party
  • 正在这当口,我不由自主地站起来,痛责杰别斯·伯德罕是个犯了那种没有一个基督徒能够饶恕的罪过的罪人。
    At that crisis, a sudden inspiration descended on me; I was moved to rise and denounce Jabes Branderham as the sinner of the sin that no Christian need pardon.
  • 给他喝一口白地酒有助於使他苏醒。
    A sip of brandy helped to pull him round.
  • 知道了,我向您推荐本周的特色鸡尾香槟鸡尾酒,这酒是由香槟、白地、苦味酒和糖调制而成的。
    I see. Our cocktail of the week is champagne cocktail. It's made with champagne, brandy, angostura bitters and sugar.
  • 他啜饮白兰地酒。
    He sipped his brandy.
  • 还是老菜谱--苏格姜汁啤酒和牛腰排骨。
    Stay on the same -a Scotch highball and a sirloin steak.
  • 贝居安女修士会修女13世纪建于荷的几个凡人修女团体的成员
    A member of any of several lay sisterhoods founded in the Netherlands in the13th century.
  • 格罗希波兰货币单位
    A unit of currency in Poland.
  • 辨尼一种芬的流通货币
    A unit of currency in Finland.
  • ”《亚特大宪法报》在迈耶身上发现了明星的所有资质:“以出色的吉他弹奏为主的、娴熟平易的大众摇滚音乐,非常上镜头,在很多南方酒吧有广大听众。”
    The Atlanta Journal Constitution saw all the makings of a star as they described Mayer's qualities: " sophisticated, accessible folk rock sound dominated by striking guitar playing, video-ready looks and a sizable grass? roots following born in clubs across the South."
  • 为保证少数民族特别是信仰伊斯教民族特需食品的供应,人民政府颁布法规,采取了一系列具体措施,要求大中城市和有穆斯林群众的小城镇保持一定数量的清真饭馆;
    To guarantee the supply of special food needed by ethnic minorities, Muslims in particular, the people’s government has promulgated regulations and taken a sequence of specific measures, for instance by requiring large and medium-sized cities and small towns with sizable Muslim populations to have a definite number of Muslim restaurants.
  • 天空碧, 海上风平浪静。
    The sky is blue, and the sea is calm.
  • 中南美主要为附生或石生花的一个大属,大小不同。
    large genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic Central and South American orchids of various sizes.
  • 套服尺码8至16号为白,黄,红,青绿,海军及黑色,12至14号还有粉红色。每100件价格为2,650美元。
    Trouser suits sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, red, turquoise, navy blue, black. Sizes 12-14 also in pink Per 100$2, 650.
  • 冬天荷人经常沿着运河滑冰。
    The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter.
  • 滑冰人眼花缭乱的跳跃动作;这些伟大的、在最佳状态画出来的油画看起来仍旧令人惊异,仍旧像画出来的时候……他光彩夺目的声望全盛的时候……一样动人的新——珍妮特·福勒;按栩栩如生、像闪电般的方式讲述的冒险故事——埃德沃尔·琼斯。
    the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps; these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth- Janet Flanner; adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous- Idwal Jones.
  • 在四年后的亚特大,双向飞碟射击被分成男子和女子两个类别。
    Four years later in Atlanta, skeet shooting was divided into men's and women's categories.
  • 如果有人对此感到怀疑的话,请他们看看阿富汗吧,在那里,伊斯信徒用歌声和热烈的庆祝来欢呼一个极权统治的垮台,让那些怀疑的人去看一看伊斯教的历史渊源吧——几百年来伴随该教成长的是永无止境的学习、忍让和进步。
    If anyone doubts this, let them look to Afghanistan, where the Islamic "street" greeted the fall of tyranny with song and celebration. Let the skeptics look to Islam's own rich history - with its centuries of learning, and tolerance, and progress.
  • 利兹英国英格中北部城市,在曼彻斯特的东北部。1626年被合并,它是一个主要商业、运输、通讯及工业中心。人口718,100
    A borough of north-central England northeast of Manchester. Incorporated in1626, it is a major commercial, transportation, communications, and industrial center. Population, 718,100.
  • 圣诞节时吃火鸡是英格的传统.
    It's traditional in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day.
  • 澳大拉西亚太平洋南部岛屿,包括澳大利亚、新西及新几内亚
    The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.
  • 的天空并不永远保证晴朗的天气。
    Blue skies are not always a guarantee of fine weather.
  • 常在架在明火之上的长柄锅里做成;特别是夹火腿片的玉米粉面包,有时也指爱尔苏打面包。
    usually cooked in a skillet over an open fire: especially cornbread with ham bits and sometimes Irish soda bread.
  • 科尔特人一种红皮肤有教养的身材高大的人
    A large, red-skinned cultivated variety of apple.