Chinese English Sentence:
  • 3.广播组织应享有权利禁止未经其许可而为的下列行为:将其广播以无线方式重播,将其广播固定,将已固定的内容复制,以及通过同样方式将其电视广播向众传播。
    3. Broadcasting organizations shall have the right to prohibit the following acts when undertaken without their authorization: the fixation, the reproduction of fixations, and the rebroadcasting by wireless means of broadcasts, as well as the communication to the public of television broadcasts of the same.
  • 君士坦丁阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于阿尔及尔以东,为迦太基所建,曾是努比亚国的首都和商业中心,元311年毁于战争,后被君士坦丁一世重建,为纪念他而以他的名字命名。人口344,454
    A city of northeast Algeria east of Algiers. It was founded by Carthaginians and was the capital and commercial center of Numidia. Destroyed in warfare in a.d.311, it was rebuilt by Constantine I and named in his honor. Population,344, 454.
  • 中国政府分两批共派遣800名赴柬维和官兵,在18个月内完成了机场、路、桥梁等多项工程建设和维修任务,其中修复和扩建机场4个,修复路4条共640里,新架设或修复桥梁47座,并完成了其他大量的勤务工程,为保障联柬维和部队行动的顺利实施作出了贡献。
    A total of 800 men were sent in two batches, who, in 18 months, repaired or extended four airports, repaired four highways totaling 640 kilometers, built or rebuilt 47 bridges and completed many other service projects, making useful contributions to the successful operations of the United Nations peace-keeping forces in Cambodia.
  • 巴比伦古巴比伦王国的首都,位于幼发拉底河沿岸的美索不达米亚境内,作为首都大约建于元前1750年,在它被亚述人毁灭后(元前689年),它又被尼布甲尼撒二世重建于王室显赫之时,巴比伦是世界七大奇观之一的空中花园所在地
    The capital of ancient Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the Euphrates River. Established as capital c.1750 b.c. and rebuilt in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction(c.689 b.c.) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
  • 这些豪华馆的前面,尽管有若干暗绿色的破房子濒临水边,却遮不住馆正面的美丽棱角,遮不住馆宽大的石框方形格子窗、堆满塑像的尖拱门廊、棱角总是那样分明的墙垣的尖脊,也遮不住所有这一切美妙的建筑奇珍。正是这些建筑奇珍,才使得峨特艺术看来又重新与每座宏伟建筑物结合在一起。
    A few miserable,greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous Hotels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their facades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues,the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.
  • 开谴责正式的批驳,如立法机构对自己成员的谴责
    An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.
  • 一种矮凳;从前在苏格兰罪犯在教堂接受共审判的凳子。
    a low stool; formerly in Scotland, a seat in a church where an offender was publicly rebuked.
  • 但是最近有猜测说,菲亚特集团可能放弃期权,以换取通用汽车司的现金,调整资本结构。
    But there has been recent speculation Fiat might drop the option in return for cash from GM towards a recapitalization.
  • 司决定撤销买卖合同。
    The company decided to recede from a bargain.
  • 我们驶抵海,海岸似乎退到了远方
    We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance
  • 比尔·盖茨再次微笑了,他那孩童般的热情又回来了,那场令人身心疲惫的反袭断诉讼案以及网络司低迷徘徊的局面正接近尾声。
    Bill Gates is smiling again. The boyish enthusiasm is back, and the gruelling burdens of monopoly lawsuits and dotcom downturns are receding.
  • 自七十年代以来,美国朝野许多有识之士和友好人士,曾经为促使中美之间在台湾问题上的分歧的解决做了大量有益的工作,上述三个联合报就包含着他们的努力和贡献。中国政府和人民对此十分赞赏。
    Since the 1970s many Americans of vision and goodwill in or outside the administration have contributed much by way of helping to resolve the differences between China and the U.S. on the Taiwan question. The aforesaid three joint communiqu'es testify to their effort and contribution of which the Chinese Government and people are highly appreciative.
  • 如按上述比例测算,1996年美方布的对华贸易逆差被高估了160亿美元左右。
    Calculated by the aforesaid rate, the 1996 US trade deficit against China, as published by the US side, was over-estimated by an amount of some 16 billion US dollars.
  • 上述三个联合报就包含着他们的努力和贡献,中国政府和人民对此十分赞赏。
    The aforesaid three joint communiqu'e?s testify to their effort and contribution of which the Chinese Government and people are highly appreciative.
  • 代理商,经纪人接受应收帐款做为短期借贷担保的人或
    A person or firm that accepts accounts receivable as security for short-term loans.
  • 例如,爱乐交响乐团从五六家支持它的司中收到80万英镑,英国的考古组织也得到了一家大保险司的慷慨资助。
    The Phiharmonnia Orchestra, for instance, receives £ 800, 000 from its five or six company backers, and British archaeological groups receive generous help from one giant insurance company.
  • 你一共得到了多少司的录用?
    How many offers did you receive?
  • 法庭为司选派了财产管理人。
    The court appointed a receiver for the company.
  • 实际上,根据上述原则,中国政府已经同意英、德、加拿大等国的民间航空司与台湾的私营航空司通航。
    As a matter of fact, according to the afore-said principle the Chinese Government has consented to such services between privately-operated airlines of Britain, Germany, Canada, etc. and their counterparts in Taiwan.
  • 司由破产事务官司接管。
    The company is in the hand of the receiver.
  • 破产事务官将举行司资产拍卖。
    The receiver will hold an auction of the company's assets.
  • 这家司被破产管理了
    The company went into receivership.
  • 盼获得贵公司答复。
    We look forward to receiving your acceptance.
  • 我听说改变司管理部门结构计划在部署之中。
    I hear there's something afoot about changing the management structure of the company.
  • 掌管接收和支付资金的务员。
    an officer charged with receiving and disbursing funds.
  • 共交通费涨价和银行征收最低存款服务费影响层面广,中下层阶级人士首当其冲,其中好些是被裁退还没找到工作,有些则是收入仅仅足够养家、供屋,属于手停口停的阶层。
    The transport fare hikes and the fall-below bank fee will affect a large sector of the population, especially the lower-income masses.Many of them have yet to find a job after being laid off during the economic downturn, while others are people who live from hand to mouth, earning barely enough to pay rent and keep their families afloat.
  • 共交通费涨价和银行征收服务费影响层面广,中下层阶级人士首当其冲,其中好些是被裁退还没找到工作,有些则是收入仅仅足够供屋、养家,属于手停口停的阶层。
    The transport fare hikes and the fall-below bank fee will affect a large sector of the population, especially the lower-income masses. Many of them have yet to find a job after being laid off, while others are people who live from hand to mouth, earning barely enough to pay rent and keep their families afloat.
  • 一家竞争的司已开始实施一项新信用购物方案。
    A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme.
  • 放唾液的容器(通常是用于共场合)。
    a receptacle for spit (usually in a public place).
  • 在经济衰退期间,司设法渡过了难关。
    The firm managed to stay afloat during the recession.
  • 那家司的接待小姐好漂亮!
    The receptionist at that company is gorgeous!
  • 如果接线员或秘书已经说出了司的名字,你便不必再说。
    You don't need to say the company's name if a receptionist or a secretary has already done so.