  • 满或者有大量的雾。
    filled or abounding with fog or mist.
  • (非正式)满了大量的生命力和精力。
    (informal) abounding with life and energy.
  • 长满或充满藤的
    Overgrown with or abounding in vines.
  • 满或者有大量的云。
    filled or abounding with clouds.
  • 足的信心;威士忌有很多。
    abounding confidence; whiskey galore.
  • 优厚的,诱人的满大量所希望的成分的
    Abounding in desirable elements.
  • 她的勇气不断通过行动分表现出来。
    Her continuing courage shone through all her actions.
  • 元朝在全国实行行省制度,在南方部分少数民族聚居的府、州设置土官(以少数民族首领任并世袭的地方行政长官),在西藏设立主管军政事务的宣慰使司都元帅府,西藏从此成为中国领土不可分割的一部分,还设立澎湖巡检司管理澎湖列岛和台湾。
    The Yuan Dynasty practiced a system of xingsheng (province, or branch secretariat, a paramount administrative agency in a provincial area) across the country and appointed aboriginal officials or tu guan (hereditary posts of local administrators filled by chiefs of ethnic minorities) in the prefectures and subprefectures of the southern regions where minority peoples lived in concentrated communities. It established the Pacification Commissioner's Commandery in charge of military and administrative affairs in Tibet, whereby Tibet has became thenceforth an inalienable part of Chinese territory, as well as the Penghu Police Office for the administration of the Penghu Islands and Taiwan.
  • 那个冒顾客进商店行窃的扒手被指控盗窃22次,她遭报应的日子来临了。
    The shoplifter's day of reckoning came when he was changed with 22 cases of theft.
  • 该商店侦探告诉冒顾客进商店行窃的扒手,他已被发现了,没有必要激动了。
    The store detective told the shoplifter that the game was up and that there was no point in making any fuss.
  • 我听说海伦因冒顾客进商店行窃已被警察拘留。
    I hear the police have run in Helen for shoplifting.
  • 他冒顾客进商店行窃被罚款,但那只不过是受到了他应有的惩罚。
    He was fined for shoplifting but only received his just deserts.
  • 因为冒顾客在商店行窃而3次被判罪后,玛莎终于决定改邪归正了。
    After three convictions for shoplifting, Martha has finally decided to go straight.
  • 米兰达因冒顾客进商店行窃被抓住了,但她说她是受人挑唆这样干的。
    Miranda was caught shoplifting, but she said that somebody put her up to it.
  • 你不能再继续冒顾客进商店行窃了,总有一天你一定会被抓住的。
    You can't keep on shoplifting; as sure as fate you'll be caught one day.
  • 莱昂内尔被指控冒顾客进行商店行窃,但是据他自己所说,他甚至从来没有去过那家商店。
    Lional was accused of shoplifting but by his account he has never even been in shop concerned.
  • 他们让其女儿放任自流,结颗她因冒顾客进商店行窃被抓住了——平时严厉的管教对孩子有好处。
    They gave their daughter complete freedom and she was caught shoplifting—spare the rod and spoil the child.
  • 我承认他在冒顾客进商店行窃时被抓住过,但也没必要老是提起他的过失行为。
    I accept that he was caught shoplifting but there's no need to keep rubbing his nose in it.
  • 我告诉当局发生了什么事情,但他们曲解了我的陈述,结果却指控我冒顾客进商店行窃。
    I told the authorities what happened, but they put a false construction on my statement and had me charged with shoplifting.
  • 尽管他有犯罪的前科,但我当时还是给了他工作,可是我看错了人,因为他刚又被判有冒顾客进商店行窃的罪行。
    Despite his criminal record I still gave him a job, but I backed the wrong horse because he's just been convicted of shoplifting.
  • 分利用背包的空间,把不怕皱的物品如袜子、内衣塞进鞋里。
    Make the most of what little space you have by shoving anything you don't mind wrinkling -- socks, underwear -- into your shoes.
  • 房主似乎对自己的开价感到心虚,这样,我们分利用这一优势,又指出了这所房子其它的毛病,开出一个更低的价格。
    The owner seemed to be weakening about his price, so, shoving home our advantage, we mentioned again the other faults in the house and offered a lower price.
  • 遗憾的是,正如凯文的经验所显示的,大多数作物并没有显示分的诱导抗性并在农田里发挥重要的作用。
    Unfortunately, as Littleboy's experience shows, most crops don't show enough inducible resistance to make much difference in the field.
  • 1990年是菲佛事业的黄金时代,不同的角色使她脱水而出,迎面而来的机遇让她分地显示了自己的多才多艺。
    The 1990s proved to be a good decade for Pfeiffer, allowing her tobranch out with a variety of roles that kept her from being pigeonholed and provided opportunities for her to showcase her versatility.
  • 憎恨的感觉显示仇恨的;满憎恨的
    Feeling or showing hatred; malevolent.
  • 显示出有分的依据,不容怀疑。
    shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • 满敬畏地静立在神庙前;处于极度的绝望和惊恐中。
    stood in awed silence before the shrine; in grim despair and awestruck wonder.
  • 共犯,共同犯罪者在犯罪行为中,帮助或怂恿罪犯的人,不管是当主犯还是从犯
    One who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act, either as a principal or an accessory.
  • 要是从人们底心中取去了虚妄的自是,自谀的希望,错误的评价,武断的想象,就会使许多人底心变成一种可怜的、缩小的东西,满忧郁和疾病,自己看起来也讨厌。
    Doth any man doubt,mat if there were taken out of men's minds, vain opinions, nattering hopes, false valuations, imaginations as one would, and the like; but it would leave the minds,of a number of men, poor shrunken things;
  • 十五岁时,他开始有裕的时间在多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部“亚克亚克斯”进行表演,在那儿他得以完善自己的特殊才能。
    At 15 though,he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks,a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick.
  • 由于公司倒闭,帕洛阿尔托--从前满阳刚之气的圣地--目前的男性人口比例仅49%。
    Thanks to company shutdowns, Palo Alto the erstwhile Mecca of masculinity is now just 49 percent male.
  • 当百叶窗打开时,房间里光线
    A room that is light when the shutters are open.