  • 她正在补旧裤子的后裆。
    She is seating an old pair of trousers.
  • 年内,该署负责维105公里的海堤和290个码头。
    In 1998, it was responsible for the maintenance of 105 km of seawalls and 290 piers.
  • 土木工程署也负责保养、检查和葺公众海事设施,包括防波堤、航标、码头和海堤。
    The Civil Engineering Department is also responsible for maintaining public marine facilities. It inspects and repairs public marine structures including breakwaters, beacons, piers and seawalls.
  • 与尘世隔离好像在道院里一样。
    seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister.
  • 远离尘世,隐居与世隔绝地处于或好象处于道院中;隔离
    To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude.
  • 道院的道院的、与之相关的或指道院的;隔离的
    Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded.
  • 宗教人士的集中之地(如僧侣们呆的道院)。
    a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery).
  • 隐居道的女人,女隐士为了宗教原因而隐居的女人
    A woman who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons.
  • 道院用于宗教隐居的地方,尤指道院或女道院
    A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion.
  • 全体道院士一个立誓皈依某一宗教生活的人的组织,尤指士的团体,他们经常过着半隐居或完全隐居的生活
    A community of persons, especially monks, bound by vows to a religious life and often living in partial or complete seclusion.
  • 她从未出家当女,可直到去世始终过着严格的隐居生活,奉行着罗马天主教的习惯。
    She never took the veil, but lived and died in severe seclusion, and in the practice of the Roman Catholic religion.
  • 第二国际修正主义
    revisionism of Second International
  • 课程更为毕中三或中五的学生日后升学或就业作好准备。
    The secondary curriculum prepares students for further education or employment where appropriate, beyond Secondary 3 or Secondary 5.
  • 第二,用什么办法(或通过什么方式)来达致理想的人性与理想的人生(中文里“文”的意思就是美化、饰)。
    Secondly, what can we do and how do we bring about the ideal person and ideal life?
  • 其次,条例草案亦会订现行条例内有关条文,令公司注册处可全面电脑化运作,以配合改革计划施行。
    Secondly, it will implement those legislative amendments required in connection with the full computerisation of the Companies Registry.
  • 在相关的课程中我过的有:办公室管理、秘书程序、商务交际、心理学、资料处理、打字、速记。
    Among the pertinent courses I have taken are: office administration, secretarial procedures, business communication, psychology, data-processing, typing, shorthand.
  • 有工商管理的学历,主秘书学,两年暑假的全职工作经验。对办公室所有常用机器有运用知识。
    Educational background in business administration with a major in secretarial science and two summers of full-time work experience. Working knowledge of all common office machines.
  • 二零零一至零二学年,约有1480名全日制学生读该院开办的四项高级文凭课程,包括会计学、公司秘书及行政、电脑学和翻译及传译。
    In 2001-02, about 1480 full-time students enrolled in its four Higher Diploma programmes in Accounting Studies, Company Secretaryship and Administration, Computing Studies and Translation and Interpretation.
  • 跳蚤窝,廉价的旅店破旧失的旅店或其它住处
    A seedy, run-down hotel or other lodging place.
  • 你的鞋需要修补了。
    Your shoes need seeing to.
  • 在主旋律基础上加上的饰性的伴奏(经常是临时加上的)。
    a decorative accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody.
  • 屋顶又需要了,最近雨水一直往里渗。
    The roof needs mending again, the rain has been seeping in recently.
  • 客店,旅舍近东或远东地区为旅行队提供夜间住宿场所的小旅店,常环绕大院
    An inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans at night in the Near or Far East.
  • 河岸其他部分,或者如过了贝尔纳丹道院都是光秃秃的河滩,或者如两座桥梁中间都是些屋基浸在河里的重重叠叠的民舍。
    The rest of the bank of the Seine was now a naked strand, the same as beyond the Bernardins; again, a throng of houses, standing with their feet in the water, as between the two bridges.
  •  (6)如果一国法律既不准许在输入时扣押,也不准许禁止输入或在国内扣押,则在法律作出相应改以前,应代之以该国国民在此种情况下按该国法律可以采取的诉讼和救济手段。第十条〔虚伪标记:对标有虚伪的货源或生产者标记的商品在进口时予以扣押〕
    If the legislation of a country permits neither seizure on importation nor prohibition of importation nor seizure inside the country, then, until such time as the legislation is modified accordingly, these measures shall be replaced by the actions and remedies available in such cases to nationals under the law of such country.Article 10
  • 我们这些居民不想让环城公路经这里建,我们都承认有些自私。
    We residents can all plead guilty to a certain amount of selfishness in not wanting a ring road routed here.
  • 计算机安全学中用于防护未授权(偶然的或蓄意的)的泄露、改或销毁自动数据处理系统及数据以及拒绝处理数据的方法。
    In computer security, measures required to protect against unauthorized(accidental or intentional) disclosure, modification or destruction of ADP systems and data, and denial of service to process data.
  • 卖方要修改信用证。
    The seller will request to amend the letter of credit.
  • 目前的uml规范(1.3版)提供了很多的改进,包含几个新的语义、更好的文档组织和可读性、新的xmi(xml元数据交换)支持(xml系可扩展标记语言的缩写——译注)和多个错误正。
    The current UML specification(Version 1.3)offers a range of improvements, including several new semantics, better document organization and readability, new XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) support, and various bug fixes.
  • 老兄,你下学期什么课程?
    What courses are you taking next semester, old man?
  • 包括杰西·雷诺兹在内的15名考虑主医学预科的新生,这学期花了一个月的时间和佛蒙特州村子里的医生们一起生活和工作。
    Fifteen freshmen considering premed majors, including Jessie Reynolds, spent a month this semester living and working with doctors in the villages of Vermont.
  • 蛙一种无尾、水生、半水生或陆生两栖动物,属无尾目,尤属蛙科,以其光滑湿润的皮肤、蹼足和长善跳的后腿为特征
    Any of numerous tailless, aquatic, semiaquatic, or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura and especially of the family Ranidae, characteristically having a smooth, moist skin, webbed feet, and long hind legs adapted for leaping.