  • 经过这年来的不断解释与再三保证,终于克服大部分的阻力与保留意见。
    Over the years, persistent explanation and reassurance have helped to overcome most of such reservation and resistance.
  • 年来,许多表扬的信件、感激的词语和已毕业的学生回校探访,对教师们来说都是激励的泉源,同时也一再的证明他们所付出的努力是值得的。
    Over the years, letters of appreciation, words of thanks, and visits from former students provide the encouragement and reassurance that all the effort has been worth it.
  • 安慰的话,宽心的话某没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人
    Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
  • 请提醒老板们,经理们,不要对那能使一天的气氛轻松起来的小事过分紧张。
    Please reassure the owners and managers not to get so uptight about something that makes the day a little pleasant.
  • 新加坡回教徒朋友告诉我,九一一事件后,他们必须向同事强调他们不是“虔诚”的回教徒。
    I also talked to a few Muslim Singaporeans who said ever since the 911 tragedy they have had to reassure their office colleagues that they were not “pious”Muslims.
  • 尽管我也担心我去工作可能自私了一,但我知道实际上这消除了孩子们的疑虑,这标志着我们至少有时可以回到常规的生活中去。
    Although I feared that working might be selfish,I could see that it actually seemed reassuring to my children,a sign that we could,for moments at least,return to our routines.
  • 在十三大以前,国际舆论和国内的人民还有担心我们的改革开放政策是不是会连续下去,十三大回答了这个问题,我国人民和国际朋友都放心了。
    Before the congress, people at home and abroad were concerned that those policies might not be continued. But the congress has addressed that question, reassuring the Chinese people and our international friends.
  • 年来,许多表扬的信件、感激的词语和已毕业的学生回校探访,对教师们来说都是激励的泉源,同时也一再的证明他们所付出的努力是值得的。
    Over the years, letters of appreciation, words of thanks, and visits from former students have been a great encouragement for teachers and have been reassuring them that all their efforts are worthwhile.
  • 他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力;临时的钢琴独奏会;即席演讲;即席幽默;临时借口;试图听起来即席又可靠;即席祝酒;一临时评论。
    his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment; an extemporaneous piano recital; an extemporary lecture; an extempore skit; offhand excuses; trying to sound offhanded and reassuring; an off-the-cuff toast; a few unrehearsed comments.
  • 即使这新研究被后期的研究所证实--在澳大利亚和美国有关不孕项目的研究已经在进行,通过医学受精生育的孩子的出生会有缺陷危险仍然肯定是极小的。
    Even if these new studies are borne out by later research--already under way in infertility programs in Australia and the U.S.--the risks to kids conceived by assisted reproduction remain reassuringly small.
  • 而另一方面,“personofcolor”(意思也是有色人),指任何非欧洲种族的人,是可以被接受的,而且在某意识形态的领域内是一个备受喜欢的词,用来指美国黑人的“negro”(西班牙语“黑”的意思),在上个世纪六十年代让位于“black”(黑人)或者“black”,只是到了80年代才又让位给afro-american”(非洲裔美国人),到了90年代又让位于african-american”或者africanamerican(还是非洲裔美国人的意思)。
    On the other hand, "person of color", meaning someone of any non-European race, is acceptable and, in some ideological circles, a favored phrase. "Negro" (the Spanish word for "black") gave way to "black" or "Black" in the 1960s, only to yield in turn to "Afro-American" in the 1980s and "African-American" or "African American" in the 1990s.
  • 我们应该如何称呼自己呢?尼格罗?黑人?有色人种?非裔美人?这并不是新问题,只要我们的认同问题未能解决,称呼的问题便仍存在。也许,从历史的角度衡量这个问题,可以缓和对中词的争论。
    How shall we call ourselves? Negroes? Blacks? Colored people? Afro-Americans? There are not new questions, and they shall remain with us as long as the identity of our people remains unresolved. But perhaps we can temper the debate over nomenclature by putting the problem in its historial perspective.
  • 支票若予兑现,将大幅度减少财政收入、增加财政开支,光是提高免税额一项,估计就会导致政府税收减少74亿元台币。
    Should such vote-seeking promises be honored, the financial revenue would be slashed and expenditures puffed up. For example, the special tax rebates alone would cut the tax revenue by NT$7.4 billion.
  • 它给《现代启示录》的拍摄带来了困难,导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波勒被迫使用菲律宾军队的直升飞机和飞行员,拍摄期间,这飞机常常起飞去进攻真正的反叛游击队。
    This created difficulties for Apocalypse Now, as director Francis Ford Coppola was forced to use helicopters and pilots from the Philippine army, who flew off regularly during filming to attack real-life rebel insurgents.
  • 我反对一人在白厅里所提倡的焦土战术。他们的理由是:由于德国朝伦敦挺进,我们撤退时,就该烧毁整个农村。
    I rebelled against the "scorched earth" policy which had advocated in Whitehall: their reasoning was that as the Germans advanced inland towards London, we should burn and destroy the countryside as we retreated.
  • 只要世界还存在,就会有错误,如果没有人反叛,这错误将永远存在下去。(达罗)
    As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. ( C. Darrow)
  • 每个星期总有一地方发生叛乱,为了镇压起义,奥地利士兵被迫急急忙忙从一个城镇赶到另一个城镇。
    Every week there was a rebellion somewhere, and the Austrian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.
  • 每个星期总有一地方发生叛乱。
    Every week there was a rebellion somewhere.
  • 在实地采访的记者观察到一孤立的反叛
    Reporters in the field observed isolated instances of rebellion.
  • 非洲部落在脸上乱划。
    Some African tribes scarify their faces.
  • 《叛逆的笑声》一书的作者乔·博斯金说,这笑话不是只对金发女人的,而是对所有女人的。
    The laughs weren't just about blond women but about all women, says Joe Boskin, author or Rebellious Laughter.
  • 把这叛乱分子镇压下去只是迟早的事。
    It's simply a matter of time before the rebels are crushed.
  • 如果那搞暴乱的人得逞,就要发生内战。
    If the rebels had had their way, there would have been a civil war.
  • 云南、贵州、甘肃、广东等省的一戒毒所,在规范化管理方面创造了“治疗医院化、教育学校化、环境园林化、康复劳动化”的经验,被戒毒人员称为“告别毒品的再生之所”。
    Endeavoring to realize standardized administration, a number of centers in Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu and Guangdong provinces have created the experience of "undergoing treatment along hospital lines, offering education along school lines, managing the environment along garden lines and achieving rehabilitation along labor lines," and have been called "places of rebirth where I bade farewell to drugs" by many addicts.
  • 你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗?我。。。曾经爱过你,susan.我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的那一刻,那个做尽坏事的人就已经死了,而我则获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成了一个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我送进这里,与这人为伍时,过去那个肮脏的罪人又将复活。
    You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.
  • 他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那本已垂头丧气的支持者。
    His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound.
  • 汤姆用豪言壮语鼓舞了那沮丧消沉的支持者。
    Tom's courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound.
  • 适于或具有那在社会交往中势利的、不与普通人交往的人的特点。
    befitting or characteristic of those who inclined to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior.
  • 谈到慈善事业时,他即使碰壁也不退缩,并还想得出一耐人寻味的话。
    When it was a question of charity, he was not to be rebuffed even by a refusal, and on such occasions he gave utterance to remarks which induced reflection.
  • 下面有同志可能主观性强,你们可能碰一鼻子灰,或者对你们提出的问题不重视,或者对问题见解不同,而且很可能他们的见解是错误的。
    It is quite likely that some comrades at the lower levels are subjective, so you may be rebuffed, or local comrades may pay no attention to the problems you point out or hold differing views on these problems, and it is more likely that their views are wrong.
  • 破败的房屋将要重建。
    The houses that have fallen away will be rebuilt.
  • 我为我的粗心脸红,可是,为了表示我并不觉察到我的冒失,我赶紧加一句,“事实是,先生,前半夜我在——”说到这儿我又顿时停住了——我差点说出“阅读那旧书”,那就表明我不但知道书中印刷的内容,也知道那用笔写出的内容了。因此,我纠正自己,这样往下说——“在拼读刻在窗台上的名字。
    I blushed at my inconsideration; but, without showing further consciousness of the offence, I hastened to add--`The truth is, sir, I passed the first part of the night in'--Here I stopped afresh--I was about to say perusing those old volumes', then it would have revealed my knowledge of their written, as well as their printed, contents: so, correcting myself, I went on, `in spelling over the name scratched on that window-ledge.