  • 在今年的爱堡艺术节期间我们看到了些精彩的演出。
    We see some excellent play at the Edinburgh festival this year.
  • 他在苏格兰呆了一个星期,游览了爱堡和格拉斯哥的博物馆。
    He spent a week in Scotland, visiting museums in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
  • 我很感激琼陪我同往爱堡。
    I was grateful for Jean's company when I travelled up to Edinburgh.
  • 从爱堡始发的市际特快列车未能按计划于下午2点25分抵达。我们对此延误深表歉意。
    We apologize for the late arrival of the 14.25 intercity express from edinburgh.
  • 他曾跟一位大夫当学徒,后在爱堡大学学医,1832年毕业。
    He was apprenticed to a doctor, studied medicine at Edinburgh University and graduated in 1832.
  • 从伦敦至爱堡的火车,每小时正有一班特别快车。
    There is a fast express service leaves London for Edinburgh every hour on the hour.
  • 从伦敦至爱堡的火车,每小时正有一班特别快车。
    There is a fast express service left London for Edinburgh every hour on the hour.
  • 检票员问我是从爱堡还是从纽卡斯尔上的车。
    The ticket-inspector asked me whether I'd got ore at Edinburgh or Newcastle.
  • 它同其他绵羊一起被圈养在苏格兰爱堡附近的罗斯林研究所室内。
    She's been housed indoors with other sheep at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh,Scotland.
  • 心不在焉的教授忘了在纽卡斯尔下车,一直被拉到了爱堡。
    The absent-minded professor forgot to get off at Newcastle and was taken on to Edinburgh.
  • 明年你来英国,请到爱堡来住几天。
    When you visit Britain next year, please come up to Edinburgh for a few days.
  • 紧急的事务使他留在里兹,所以他派代理人代表他先赶到爱堡去。
    Pressing business kept him in Leeds, so he sent his deputy on to represent him in Edinburgh.
  • 埃德温诺森伯里亚国王(617-633年),他的统治达爱堡最北端。他在627年皈依天主教
    King of Northumbria(617-633) who ruled as far north as Edinburgh and was converted to Christianity(627).
  • 不知怎么搞的,我没赶上去爱堡的火车,结果在格拉斯哥过了一个雨天。
    Having for one reason or another missed the train to Edinburgh, I eventually spent a rainy day in Glassgow.
  • 苏格兰皇家博物馆正举行一个名为"苏中贸易"的展览,以苏格兰与中国之间的贸易为主题,而演艺学院在爱堡的表演,是这项活动的其中一个节目。
    The Edinburgh performance was part of the 'Precious Cargo' exhibition on Scottish-Chinese trade at the Royal Museum of Scotland.
  • 去爱堡。我到那里有些事要办。您想看这本杂志吗?我不用了。
    To Edinburgh. I have some business to do there. Will you like to read this magazine? I have finished it.
  • 去爱堡。我到那里有些事要办。您想看这本杂志吗?我不用了。
    To Edinburgh. I have some business to do there. Will you like to read this magazine? I have finished with it.
  • 市场营销主任因急事耽搁在里兹,因此他先派副手前往爱堡做他的代表。
    The marketing director had pressing business which kept him in Leeds, so he sent his deputy on to represent him in Edinburgh.
  • 据说,威廉的首选学校是苏格兰的爱堡大学而不是牛津或剑桥,原因之一或许就是担心惹人注目。
    Fear of publicity may be one reason why William's first choice for university is reported to be Edinburgh in Scotland rather than Oxford or Cambridge.
  • 斯特林苏格兰中部一个自治市,位于爱堡西北偏西,福斯河沿岸。它是一个中世纪的城堡,也是苏格兰的詹姆士二世的出生地。人口38,400
    A borough of central Scotland on the Forth River west-northwest of Edinburgh. Its medieval castle was the birthplace of James II of Scotland. Population,38, 400.
  • 莫尔,威廉·亨利生于1921美国连环漫画家,因其以前线士兵生活为题材的现实的、带有苦涩的幽默的漫画而著名。他曾获1944年和1958年度的普利策奖
    American editorial cartoonist noted for his realistic, bitterly comic drawings of front-line soldiers. He won a Pulitzer Prize in1944 and1958.
  • 比尔德,查尔斯·奥斯1874-1948美国历史学家和教育家,其著作从历史的角度研究经济问题,如美国宪法的经济学注释(1913年)。他认为该文件是建立于制宪者们自身的经济利益基础上的观点,深刻影响了美国的历史研究
    American historian and educator who explored the economic aspects of history in works such as An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution(1913). His view that the document was based on its formulators' economic self-interests profoundly affected the study of American history.
  • 死的语言(如拉语)
    A dead language, eg Latin
  • 自成一段的两行诗由两行组成的一个完整的诗,尤用于希腊文和拉文挽诗中
    A unit of verse consisting of two lines, especially as used in Greek and Latin elegiac poetry.
  • 那笔奖学金帮助马解决了暂时的经济困难。
    The scholarship helped Martin to tide over a temporary embarrassment.
  • 被插入的拉文引语弄糊涂了;插入性从句。
    confused by the embedded Latin quotations; an embedded subordinate clause.
  • 吐根一种低矮的热带美洲灌木(吐根九头节属),其根基和根能生产依米
    A low-growing tropical American shrub(Cephaelis ipecacuanha) having roots and rhizomes that yield emetine.
  • 圣日芮维埃芙山像一个巨大圆瓶兀自隆起在东南边,这倒是很值得从圣母院顶上观看一下的:只见那许许多多狭窄弯曲的街道(今天的拉区),那密密麻麻的屋宇,从山顶上向四面八方撒散开来,几乎一溜笔直地沿着山坡俯冲下去,直至河边,有的像要跌倒,有的像要再爬起来,但又都似乎彼此相互扶持。
    Mount Sainte-Genevieve formed an enormous mound to the south; and it was a sight to see from the summit of Notre-Dame how that throng of narrow and tortuous streets (to-day the Latin Quarter),those bunches of houses which, spread out in every direction from the top of this eminence, precipitated themselves in disorder, and almost perpendicularly down its flanks, nearly to the water's edge, having the air, some of falling, others of clambering up again, and all of holding to one another.
  • 注重拉语和希腊语的中学,为大学预科。
    a secondary_school emphasizing Latin and Greek in preparation for college.
  • 先生不再为我们所雇用了。
    Mr Martin is no longer in our employ.
  • 布琳希尔德战神奥的侍女之一,被施了魔法后沉睡不醒,后被西格德解救
    A Valkyrie who is revived from an enchanted sleep by Sigurd.
  • 在黑暗中挣扎,没有人给他出主意,没有人给他鼓励。
    Martin struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.