Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这个外轮胎可以行驶许多
    This tire will give very good mileage.
  • 你的汽车每加仑汽油行驶的平均里计程是多少?
    What mileage does your car do per gallon?
  • 他是我们最优秀的一里赛跑健将.
    He's our best miler.
  • 一天走20里, 他不以为是难事。
    He makes nothing of walking 20 miles in a day.
  • 绵延几里的白色栅栏。
    miles of whitewashed fences.
  • 我们走了5英里路。
    We walk five miles.
  • 一个方圆两里的池塘
    A pond two miles around.
  • 她每天早上要慢跑几里。
    Couple of miles every morning.
  • 他每天上下班要乘车70里。
    He commutes 70 miles a day.
  • 还有几英里。
    Just a few more miles.
  • 那天她奔跑了10英里。
    She ran 10 miles that day.
  • 他们连续跑了十里。
    They ran for ten miles.
  • 路的前方两英里处
    Two miles up the road.
  • 我们缓缓而行达数里。
    We ambled along for miles.
  • 我们走了十英里。
    We have gone ten miles.
  • 我们跑了两英里。
    We ran for two miles.
  • 我们走了十英里。
    We walk for ten miles.
  • 到伦敦有二十里路。
    It is twenty miles to London.
  • 一直往前走两英里.
    Keep straight on for two miles.
  • 她开车行驶了大约十里。
    She drove for about ten miles.
  • 有些炮能射好几里远。
    Some guns will carry for miles.
  • 这座城市面积是10平方里。
    The city covers ten square miles.
  • 他们两天走了60英里
    They covered60 miles in two days.
  • 孩子们,加油呀!从这个里程碑开始,我们再走10里就到了。
    Now boys, pull up your slacks; we start the last ten miles at that milestone.
  • “beautyandbeast”为席琳的第二张语专辑“席琳.狄翁”立下里程碑。那张专辑又制造出另外四首金曲,“lovecanmovemountains”“waterfromthemoon”“ifyouaskedmeto”和“didyougiveenoughlove”。
    "Beauty And Beast" is a milestone for Celine's second English record "Celine Dion", which produced another 4 famous songs, "Love Can Move Mountains", "Water From The Moon", "If You Asked Me To", and "Did You Give Enough Love".
  • 民兵团从16世纪到18世纪在格兰或美国由受训的民兵组成的连队
    A company of trained militia in England or America from the16th to the18th century.
  • 十亿是国对十万万的说法。
    in England they call one thousand million a milliard.
  • 密耳长度单位,等于一寸的千分之一(10-3)(0。0254毫米),如用来标明电线的直径或按页出售的材料的厚度
    A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of an inch(0.0254 millimeter), used, for example, to specify the diameter of wire or the thickness of materials sold in sheets.
  • 弹径大炮弹的直径,如炮弹壳,以毫米或寸计
    The diameter of a large projectile, such as an artillery shell, measured in millimeters or in inches.
  • 浪博恩这个村子和麦里屯相隔只有一里路,这么一段距离对于那几位年轻的小姐们是再便利不过的了,她们每星期总得上那儿在三四次,看看她们的姨母,还可以顺便看看那边一家卖女人帽子的商店。
    The village of Longbourn was only one mile from Meryton; a most convenient distance for the young ladies, who were usually tempted thither three or four times a week, to pay their duty to their aunt, and to a milliner's shop just over the way.
  • 卢顿格兰东南部自治城市,位于伦敦西北偏北,詹姆斯一世在位期间发展了妇女头饰制造业。人口164,200
    A borough of southeast England north-northwest of London. A millinery industry was established here during the reign of James I. Population, 164,200.
  • 在这样形势下,法国以及西班牙、葡萄牙将遭到同样命运,最上品的酒得供应国世界,只有最下等的劣酒才能留给自己,法国至多只能干些小型女帽业那类营生。
    By this arrangement it would fall to the lot of France, together with Spain and Portugal,to supply this English world with the choicest wines, and to drink the bad ones herself: at most France might retain the manufacture of a little millinery.