  • 研究显示,经验丰富的管制员相比于一名新手的显著特点是能够及时发现问题并解决问题,而无须上一段时间去收集问题的解决方法并从中挑选最佳方案。
    Research indicates that a characteristic of an expert as compared to a novice is an ability to recognize problem situations and to "know what to do" without going through a long process of generating and examining alternative solutions.
  • 现在尼龙已被广泛地用来取代棉
    Nylon is widely used in place of cotton nowadays.
  • 建筑物的平坦的顶部的园。
    a garden on a flat roof of a building.
  • 受欢迎的旅游胜地;受欢迎的女孩;碎裙的娃娃不再流行了。
    a popular tourist attraction; a popular girl; cabbage patch dolls are no longer popular.
  • 呢一种粗糙不平的,通常为表面粗糙的毛料织物,用各种斜纹毛呢制成,主要用于制作休闲套装和外套
    A coarse, rugged, often nubby woolen fabric made in any of various twill weaves and used chiefly for casual suits and coats.
  • 树下有数不清的瓣。
    There are numerous petals under the tree.
  • 她的业余时间都在照顾她年老的母亲上。
    She spends her spare time nursing her old mother.
  • 时间护理她年迈的父亲。
    She spends her time nursing her old father.
  • 通常有2颗坚果或种子的生的果荚。
    pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms.
  • 山楂一种山楂属乔木或灌木,通常带刺,有白色或粉色簇和微红色内有一些单籽小核的果实
    Any of various usually thorny trees or shrubs of the genus Crataegus having clusters of white or pinkish flowers and reddish fruits containing a few one-seeded nutlets.
  • 供应肥料或营养;在农业或园里。
    provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to; in agriculture and gardening.
  • 生酱虽然味美,但含热量高,所以也不能涂得过多。
    Just don't go nutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in calories.
  • 美国北部使用的一种非常正式的、厚厚的格子呢毯子。
    a thick plaid blanket formerly used in NW US.
  • 我认为尼龙在耐久性方面胜过棉
    My assessment is(that) nylon has an advantage over cotton in durability.
  • 我认为尼龙在耐久性方面胜过棉
    My assessment be (that) nylon have an advantage over cotton in durability.
  • 一种把纤维(棉的或羊毛或尼龙等)用做缝韧或编织的好线。
    a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving.
  • 生长中的羊毛、棉和丝或制造尼绒和几千种其他新的物质——这些也都是化学世界的组成部分。
    growing wool, cotton, and silk; or making nylon and thousands of other new substances -- these, too, are parts of the world of chemistry.
  • 高大的栎树把园遮得很暗。
    Large oak trees overshadow the garden.
  • 我年轻的时候不是那种天酒地的人,是相当正派的。
    I was not one of those who sow a large crop of wild oats. I was a fairly decent youth.
  • 一种挺直的灌木,叶全缘、长圆形,黄色、成密的聚伞序。
    stiff shrub having oblong entire leaves and dense cymes of yellow flowers.
  • 北美常绿植物,浅紫色钟形,叶子长方形,以前用作胫痛贴膏。
    North American evergreen with small pinkish bell-shaped flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters.
  • 亚洲东南部一种攀缘草本植物,具有厚的肉质椭圆形叶片和雌雄异体;东方万年青。
    climbing herbs of southeastern Asia having thick fleshy oblong leaves and naked unisexual flowers: Chinese evergreen.
  • 欧洲中部和南部及小亚细亚的一种树,叶呈长椭圆形,毛尖状,有穗状序裂片。
    large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having oblong-lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes.
  • 沙枣树一种短小的欧亚树木(沙枣胡颓子属)有长方形的银色叶子,淡绿色芳香朵和橄榄状果实
    A small Eurasian tree(Elaeagnus angustifolia) having oblong silvery leaves, fragrant greenish flowers, and olivelike fruit.
  • 一种长于西印度群岛和委内瑞拉东北部的小树,树叶大,呈长方形,微尖,有紫色的圆锥序,;种子呈黑色或猩红色,有黑色斑点。
    small tree of West Indies and northeastern Venezuela having large oblong slender-pointed leaflets and panicles of purple flowers; seeds are black or scarlet with black spots.
  • 广泛分布欧洲的杂草,有黄色类似雏菊的;牲畜大量食用会有毒害作用。
    widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers; sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity.
  • 东澳大利亚的高灌木,有倒卵形的叶子和在紧凑的总状序中的红
    tall shrub of eastern Australia having obolanceolate to obovate leaves and red flowes in compact racemes.
  • 蝶兰属的任何一种兰,叶子下垂、平滑、宽阔、成倒卵形、常为暗绿色中透着紫红色或是斑驳的灰色夹杂着银色。
    any of various orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis having often drooping glossy broad obovate or oval leaves usually dark green flushed purple or mottled gray and silver.
  • 马齿苋亚洲的一种爬在地上的草(马齿苋马齿苋属),生有黄色小、淡红色根茎及多肉的倒卵形的叶子,叶子有时可被用作蔬菜而烹制或用在沙拉里
    A trailing Asian weed(Portulaca oleracea) having small yellow flowers, reddish stems, and fleshy obovate leaves that are sometimes cooked as a vegetable or used in salads.
  • 了一些时间观察它们的生活习惯。
    I spent some time observing their customs.
  • 这些障碍物可能要几周时间才能从运河中清除掉。
    These obstruction can take some week to clear from these canal.
  • 那花再也得不到了。
    The flowers are no longer obtainable.