  • 我將文件過目一下。
    I look over the document.
  • 文件放入保險櫃裏。
    Put the document in the safe.
  • 我們匯票交中國銀行按跟單托收。
    We're sending our draft through Bank of China for documentary collection.
  • 我們按托收方式嚮你方開出即期跟單匯票。
    We'll draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.
  • 我方以托售方式開出嚮你支取的即期跟單匯票而不用信用證。
    We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight, on collection basis, without L/C.
  • 解决的方法看起來似乎很簡單:代碼同文檔“鏈接”起來。
    The solution seems simple: link the code to the documentation.
  • 對於這個標記,javadoc會生成相應的html,其直接鏈接到其他文檔。
    Javadoc will generate HTML with the @see tags hyperlinked to the other documentation.
  • 這一節嚮您提供關於管理日志文件參考文檔的附加信息。
    This section is provided to give you the additional information regarding admin log file reference documentation.
  • 我們嚮你方提供技術資料,你們可以自己生産備件。
    We shall furnish you with technical documentation and you'll is able to manufacture spare parts yourselves.
  • 這一節嚮您提供關於aprop消息格式和文檔的附加消息。
    This section is provided to give you the additional information regarding AP ROP message formats and documentation.
  • 哈斯德魯伯在第二次迦太基戰爭期間曾試圖在伊比利亞半島建立軍事統治的迦太基軍,但於207年被羅馬軍隊打敗
    Carthaginian general who attempted to establish military dominance on the Iberian Peninsula during the Second Punic War but was defeated by Roman forces(207).
  • 兼顧經濟合理性,大力引進和發展清潔能源,目前以原煤為主的污染型能源結構逐步轉變為以天然氣、電力等優質能源為主的清潔型能源結構;
    ·Development and deployment of clean energies in a more cost-effective manner to phase in the fuel switch from coal-dominance to more shares of clean energy types such as natural gas and electricity.
  • 香港的衰退也許是相對的,但是上海在工業、企業以及政治上的權力意味着上海有朝一日必會占據優勢地位。
    The decline might be relative, but Shanghai's industrial, entrepreneurial and political power means that must dominate.
  • 在未來的五年或十年中統治亞洲,共産主義、中國人還是自由?
    Who will dominate Asia in the next five or ten years: Communism, the Chinese, or will freedom?
  • 這位代表說:“由每傢公司來决定是否要與其它公司協作,或者企圖居於壟斷地位。
    "It is going to be up to each company to decide whether they are going to cooperate or try to dominate," the representative said.
  • 第二:我知道我心中的主力思想,終化為外在的實質行動,並逐漸轉變成物質上的實體;因此,我每天集中心力30分鐘,認真去想我要成為什麽樣的人,藉以在我心中描繪出清晰的心理畫面。
    Second. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that person.
  • 國防部長拉姆斯菲爾德和政府的其他官員表示,如果太空在未來戰爭中扮演越來越重要的角色,解决方案是"太空控製"。
    The solution, if space is going to play a bigger role in future warfare, say Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and others within the administration, is " space control.
  • 吹牛大王特魯普昨天又在自鳴得意。他說他的《成交的藝術》一書——自十二月份以來便登上暢銷書榜首——給慈善事業帶來為數200萬元益處。
    Donald Trump, that well-known storyteller, was whistling merrily yesterday. He says his book, "The Art of the Deal," which has been at the top of bestseller lists since December, is going to benefit charities to the tune of $2 million.
  • 醫學教授唐納德·萊德梅爾博士解釋說:“一旦贏得奧斯卡奬,會終身享有內心的寧靜和成就感,改變自己身體應付日常緊張的方式。”
    Medical professor Dr Donald Redelmier explained:“Once you get the Oscar it gives you an inner sense of peace and accomplishment that can last for your entire life and alters the way your body copes with stress on a day?to?day basis.”
  • 他說他嚮文物修復基金會捐款5英鎊-他真可謂慷慨大方!
    He said he'd donate five pounds to the restoration fund – that's big of him!
  • 協會那筆錢作為捐款收下了。
    The association received the money as a donation.
  • 捐款從大傢的下個月工資中扣除。
    The donation will be stopped out of your wages next month.
  •  (三)個人收藏的重要文物捐獻給國傢的;
    donation of important cultural relics in one's own collection to the state;
  • 非常感謝你的捐贈,請你放心,這些東西得到充分的作用。
    Thank you for the donation. You can be sure it will be put to a good purpose.
  • 1997年11月,中國國傢主席江澤民宣佈,中國繼續積極支持國際掃雷努力和國際掃雷合作,包括嚮國際掃雷基金提供捐贈,在掃雷培訓、技術和設備方面提供援助。
    In November 1997, the Chinese President Jiang Zemin declared that China would continue to actively support international demining efforts and cooperation, including donation and provision of assistance in the fields of demining training, technology and equipment through the relevant international demining funds.
  • 工作已將近尾聲。
    The job's nearly done.
  • 政府聲稱正盡全力物價的上漲控製在一定範圍內。
    The government says that it is dong its best to keep increases in prices within bounds.
  • 絶大多數狂歡節參加者在活動之前都會穿上泳衣,戴上潛水鏡和浴帽。投擲開始前,六輛滿載西紅柿的卡車會熟透的西紅柿傾倒在布諾的街道上供人們狂歡。
    Most of those taking part in the organized chaos come prepared in swimwear, with some donning diving goggles and bathing caps before six trucks drive through the town's streets pouring their cargo of ripe fruit onto the town's streets.
  • 血漿除去法從捐獻者的血液中提取血漿,剩餘的成份,大多數是紅細胞,返還給獻血者的一種方法
    A process in which plasma is taken from donated blood and the remaining components, mostly red blood cells, are returned to the donor.
  • 然而,由於人為原因造成的錯誤,主治醫生詹姆斯·賈格爾斯一副a型血的器官植入了o+型血的傑西卡體內。
    But because of human error, In the first operation, Dr. James Jaggers implanted organs from a donor with type A blood, rather than Jesica's O-positive.
  • 儘管這種技術已經取得了很大進展,但是對於那些沒有卵巢的婦女和睾丸發育不良或已切去睾丸的男子來說,如果他們想要孩子的話,就必須接受捐獻者的配子,這意味着這樣的孩子不會攜帶任何他們的基因。
    Despite this progress, however, women who lack ovaries altogether and men whose testicles have failed to develop or have been removed must still use donor gametes if they wish to have a child, which means that the child will not carry any of their genes.
  • 桑德拉對該片劇本一見鐘情,它來的恰是時候:她剛經歷了與演員泰特·多諾萬分手的痛苦,正好此與片中角色的悲傷相呼應,他們是四年前桑德拉出演她的處女作時相識的。
    When Sandra read the script, she fell in love with it at once. It came to her at a time when she could relate to the sadness of the character. She had just come out of a painful break-up with actor Tate Donovan, whom she had met four years earlier on her debut film.