  • 长期以来,大喷泉一直是日瓦的标志。
    The Jet d'Eau (Water Fountain) has become the symbol of Geneva for a long time.
  • 我外出参加日瓦最高级会议期间,副总统将承担领导责任。
    The vice president will take the helm while I'm away at the summit meeting in Geneva.
  • 中国认为日瓦裁军谈判会议是进行此项谈判的合适场所。
    China holds that the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva is the suitable place for negotiations on this matter.
  • 1891年,日瓦市决定安装大喷泉并配上电灯照明设备;
    In 1891,the City of Geneva decided to install the Jet d'Eau (Water Fountain) together with electric lighting.
  • 您也许知道,该委员会的下此会议将于1990年10月10日到16日在日瓦举行。
    As you probably know, the next meeting of this committee will be held in Geneva from 10 to 16 October 1990.
  • 此外,日瓦的办事处已于一九九七年底迁往自置的办事处大厦,并计划在一九九八年正式开幕。
    The Geneva office moved into its own office building at the end of 1997 and its official opening is planned for 1998.
  • 切尔西去年暑假曾在日瓦世界健康组织(who)工作过,她的兴趣就是在那时培养起来的。
    Her interest was fostered during a summer holiday job last year when she worked at the World Health Organisation in Geneva.
  • 大喷泉和花钟是每年游客观光日瓦的主要游览项目。
    The Jet d'Eau (Water Fountain) together with the Flower Watch are the main attractions every year for the tourists visiting Geneva.
  • 第一次到日瓦的旅游者,一定会被湖上的大喷泉迷住。
    The traveler,who discovers Geneva for the first time,will certainly be fascinated by the Jet d'Eau,the water-fountain in the lake.
  • 1949年,改名为“国际摩托车运动联合会”,1959年国际摩联总部设在了瑞士日瓦。
    In 1949, it changed its name in-to the" International Motor Sports Association". In 1959, its head-quarters was set up in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 在日瓦,世贸组织香港特区常设代表夏秉纯获选为二零零一年度全体理事会主席;理事会是世贸组织最高的常设决策机构。
    In Geneva, Hong Kong's Permanent Representative to the WTO, Mr Stuart Harbinson, was elected Chair of the General Council, the WTO's top decision-making body, for 2001.
  • 此外,设在日瓦的经贸办事处,除了处理与世界贸易组织有关的香港国际贸易事宜外,还负责联络以巴黎为基地的经济合作与发展组织。
    The Geneva HKETO deals with international trade issues under the World Trade Organisation. It also liaises with the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • 你还可以通过链接获得有关联合国各机构和方案(“联合国系统”)、联合国日瓦办事处(“联合国概况”)的资料以及其它许多资料。
    You may also follow links for information on UN agencies and programmes ("UN system"), the UN Office in Geneva ("About the United Nations"), and much more.
  • 一九九六年三月,第七届也是最后一届的国际印支难民督导委员会在日瓦举行会议,与会国同意综合行动计划在一九九六年六月三十日结束。
    In March 1996, the Seventh and last Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees met in Geneva. It was agreed that the CPA should end on June 30, 1996.
  • 驻日瓦办事处代表中国香港作为世贸成员,又代表香港以观察员身分参与设在巴黎的经济合作及发展组织的贸易委员会。
    The Geneva Office represents Hong Kong, China, as a Member of the WTO. It also represents Hong Kong as an observer on the OECD Trade Committee in Paris.
  • 当局的越南船民政策是以综合行动计划为依据,该计划于一九八九年六月在日瓦会议上获各与会国通过。
    The policy towards Vietnamese migrants is based on the Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA), which was endorsed by the international community at the Geneva Conference held in June 1989.
  • 很久以前,我在一封给我奶奶的信中写道:"今天我在轮船上遇见了一位陆军老兵,他和我一样正要去日瓦大学!"
    In a long-ago letter to my grandmother I wrote, "On the ship today I met an Army veteran who's on his way to the University of Geneva, just like me!"
  • 成员仍会在瑞士日瓦进行工作和磋商,继续推动贸易自由化,以期展开下一轮多边贸易谈判。
    Members continued work and discussion in Geneva, Switzerland, in order to keep up the momentum of liberalisation and with a view to launching a new round of multilateral trade negotiations.
  • 这些办事处(驻日瓦办事处除外)发布一般新闻和消息,举办宣传活动,为传播媒介提供简介资料,并与政府新闻处合作,按不同对象的需要,撰写新闻稿。
    These offices (apart from Geneva) provide general news and information services, present promotional events, brief the media and work with the ISD to produce news releases specifically for their different audiences.
  • 瑞士西南部日瓦湖西端的一座城市;日瓦曾为国际联盟的总部,现在是美国在欧洲的总部。
    a city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva; the Palace of Nations originally housed the League of Nations and is now the European headquarters for the United Nations.
  • 有句谚语说:时不我待。没错,即使你名叫奥利斯肯·奥巴桑约,你是尼日利亚的总统,有一架飞机正在日瓦机场等着你,你也必须抓紧时间。
    Time waits for no man, so the expression goes, not even if your name is Olusegun Obasanjo, you're president of Nigeria and you've got a plane waiting for you at Geneva airport.
  • 威尼斯人是上下一条心的,而与它为敌的城市,比如热亚,则是四分五裂。
    The Venetians were united whereas some of their rival cities, for example, Genoa, were divided.
  • 佛梅尔,简1632-1675荷兰画家,以其室风俗画景而出名,在这种画中他惯于很好地掌握光和色彩。他的作品包括有花边制作者(1664年)
    Dutch painter noted for his interior genre scenes, in which he used to great effect his mastery of lighting and color. His works include The Lacemaker(c.1664).
  • 女士们需要真诚的、发自心的感情。
    1. Women need genuine, personal displays of affection.
  • 由于我真实的对他,就他的问题发生了兴趣,在这两个小时所得到的进展,比这十年中所得到的还多。原因是我过去只关心到我自己和我的煤,现在我是关心他和他切身的问题。
    I had made more headway in two hours by becoming genuinely interested in him and his problems than I could have made in ten years trying to get him interested in me and my product.
  • 企业部网组件不必在本地地理区域
    The components of the intranet do not have to be in one local geographic area.
  • 企业部网组件不必在本地地理区域
    The components of the intranet do not have to is in one local geographic area.
  • 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。
    A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus.
  • 蒙古地质矿产陈列馆
    Museum of Geology and Mineral Resources of Inner Mongolia
  • 佐治亚州首府和最大城市;在美国战期间,被舍曼的军队洗劫并烧毁。
    state capital and largest city of Georgia; plundered and burned by Sherman's army during the American Civil War.
  • 中央和地各省市大力支援西藏的经济、文化建设,修建了穿越海拔五六千米高山的川藏、青藏等公路干线、格尔木至拉萨输油管道、羊八井地热电站等大中型基础设施。
    To aid economic and cultural construction in Tibet, the central government and other provinces and municipalities have pooled efforts together to build the Sichuan-Tibet, Qinghai-Tibet and other trunk highways that cross mountains 5,000-6,000 metres above sea level, a finished oil transmission pipeline from Golmud to Lhasa, the Yangbajain Geothermal Power Station and other large and medium-sized infrastructure facilities.
  • ,这两类小组分别提供了315654次和36094次外展服务。
    During the year, 315654 and 36094 outreach services attendances were served by the community geriatric assessment teams and psychogeriatric teams, respectively.