  • 京的人口比伦敦的多。
    The population of Tokyo is larger than that of London.
  • 爬行动物爬行的西,尤指某些昆虫幼虫的早期形体
    One that crawls, especially an early form of certain insect larvae.
  • 新世界狐狸;经常被认为与半球狐狸是同一个品种。
    New World fox; often considered the same species las the Old World fox.
  • 温切斯特区美国内华达州北部一个社区,是拉斯维加斯的近郊。人口23,365
    A community of southeast Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas. Population,23, 365.
  • 一位崇尚奢华的拉斯维加斯企业家开了一家别出心裁的猫狗酒店。当主人们漫步在拉斯维加斯大道上的时候,他们高贵的宠物则可以舒适地躺在产自方的地毯上休憩,看电视,按照它们自己的方式进行交际。
    A Las Vegas entrepreneur pushing the definition of luxury is opening a dog and cat hotel where precious pets can rest on Oriental rugs, watch television, and socialize with their own set while their masters frolic on the Las Vegas Strip.
  • 带有一个柄和有韧性的西用来鞭打西的装置。
    an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping.
  • 没有任何西能破坏我们的永恒友谊。
    Nothing can break the lasting friendship between us.
  • 她寻找西抓住,以免跌倒。
    She looked for something to latch onto and keep from falling.
  • 由板条所造的东西
    Work made with or from lath.
  • 白俄罗斯,白俄罗斯波兰以的欧洲部地区,位于立陶宛和拉脱维亚以南,乌克兰以北。长久以来一直为波兰和俄国所争夺
    A region of eastern Europe east of Poland, south of Lithuania and Latvia, and north of the Ukraine. It was long disputed between Poland and Russia.
  • “啊!您是这样款待客人的吗?”加斯笑着说,“我们要到想走的时候才走呢。”
    'So that's what you mean by hospitality, ' Gaston said laughingly, 'we'll be off when it suits us.'
  • 前几天在香港召开的第三届全球华人物理学大会上,诺贝尔奖得主杨振宁教授在他的发言中特别谈到了21世纪中华文化(或方文化)在科学领域内将起到什么作用时,认为这是一个极为复杂的问题。
    SPEAKING at the Third Joint Meeting of the Chinese Physics Societies held in Hong Kong recently, Nobel Laureate Prof Yang Chen-ning talked in particular about how Chinese culture — or Eastern cultures in general — would affect the development of science in the 21st century. To him, the issue will be an extremely complex one.
  • 他说,对于这位一手将他抚养大的女人用什么西作为回报也不为过。这种细腻的方式可以用来弥补他不能陪伴母亲的遗憾。
    Nothing is too good for the woman who brought him up singlehandedly, he says, and it's a small way to try and made up for the time he is unable to lavish on her.
  • 汤姆斯通美国亚利桑那州南一城市,位于比斯比市西北偏北。自从1877年这里发现了银矿以后,汤姆斯通成为西部最富有但违法事件最多的城镇之一。人口1,220
    A city of southeast Arizona north-northwest of Bisbee. After silver was discovered here in1877, Tombstone became one of the richest and most lawless frontier mining towns. Population,1, 220.
  • 加拿大部的一个半岛,位于芬迪湾和圣劳伦斯河之间。
    a peninsula in eastern Canada between the Bay of Fundy and the Saint Lawrence River.
  • 布罗克维尔加拿大安大略省南部一城市,位于渥太华以南圣劳伦斯河。是一避暑胜地。人口19,896
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River south of Ottawa. It is a summer resort. Population,19, 896.
  • 康沃尔市加拿大安大略省南部城市,位于圣劳伦斯河上,渥太华北部与纽约交界的地方。它是一个制造中心。人口46,144
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River and the New York border southeast of Ottawa. It is a manufacturing center. Population,46, 144.
  • 陶斯美国新墨西哥州北部一城镇,位于圣大菲北北部。在1898年后它逐渐发展成为一个艺术家们的聚居地,吸引了包括约翰·马林和d·h·劳伦斯在内的许多艺术家和作家。人口4,065
    A town of northern New Mexico north-northeast of Santa Fe. It developed as an art colony after1898 and has attracted many artists and writers, including John Marin and D.H. Lawrence. Population,4, 065.
  • 例如把一些西的外层剥去。
    peel off the outer layer of something.
  • 杂凑而成的西将要印刷的图案设计,如书的封面
    A layout of an image to be printed, such as a book cover.
  • “我们的教条主义者是懒汉,他们拒绝对于具体事物做任何艰苦的研究工作,他们把一般真理看成是凭空出现的西,把它变成为人们所不能够捉摸的纯粹抽象的公式,完全否认了并且颠倒了这个人类认识真理的正常秩序。”
    He also said: "Our dogmatists are lazybones.They refuse to undertake any painstaking study of concrete things, they regard general truths as emerging out of the void, they turn them into purely abstract unfathomable formulas, and thereby completely deny and reverse the normal sequence by which man comes to know truth."
  • 身体象树叶一样平的热带昆虫;常见于亚洲南部和印度部。
    tropical insect having a flattened leaflike body; common in southern Asia and the East Indies.
  • 三叶天南星生长在北美洲部的一种块茎状草本植物(印度天南星天南星属),长有带斑纹的叶状佛焰苞,由弯曲的叶片和有三瓣裂片的叶子构成
    An eastern North American tuberous herb(Arisaema triphyllum) having a striped, leaflike spathe with a bent blade and three-lobed leaves.
  • 一个高大多年生草本属,产于美洲部和亚,树叶茂盛,其花类似紫苑。
    genus of tall leafy perennial herbs of eastern America and eastern Asia having flowers that resemble asters.
  • 北美部多年生高大直立多叶草本植物,有稠密的开有蓝花的穗。
    tall erect and very leafy perennial herb of eastern North America having dense spikes of blue flowers.
  • 通过泄漏逃逸的东西
    Something that escapes by leaking.
  • 当我们走进餐室的时候,玛格丽特倚着墙,加斯拉着她的手,轻声地在和她说话。
    When we went into the dining- room, Marguerite was leaning against one wall and Gaston, who was holding both her hands, was whispering to her.
  • 他从床上跳下来,在房间里找西找。
    He leaped out of his bed and looked about the room.
  • 中国军队坚持以毛泽军事思想、邓小平新时期军队建设思想为指导,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,坚定不移地走中国特色的精兵之路,积极推进各项改革,适应世界军事变革的趋势,努力完成机械化和信息化建设的双重历史任务,实现军队现代化的跨越式发展。
    Taking Mao Zedong's military thinking and Deng Xiaoping's thinking on armed forces building in the new period as the guide to action, and fully implementing the important thought of the "Three Represents," (meaning the Communist Party of China must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China) the Chinese military persists in taking the road of fewer but better troops with Chinese characteristics, pushes forward the various reforms in response to the trend in military changes in the world, and strives to accomplish the historical tasks of mechanization and IT application, thereby bringing about leapfrog development in the modernization of the military.
  • 半球小型穴居沙漠生啮齿动物,苍白色的毛长而软并有适于跳跃的后退。
    small Old World burrowing desert rodent with long soft pale fur and hind legs adapted for leaping.
  • 教诲或学到的东西
    Material taught or learned.
  • 我也从中学了些西。
    I've learned something from it, too.