  • 目前,卫生署设有12学生健康服务中心和三健康评估中心,免费为中小学生提供健康评估、健康教育和个别健康辅导服务。
    Its 12 student health service centres and three special assessment centres provide free health assessment, health education and individual health counselling to all primary and secondary school students.
  • 祖先生:美中之的贸易摩擦不会随着中国加入wto而消失,正如美国与很多老资格wto贸易伙伴之的贸易摩擦也并未消失一样。
    Mr. Minister Counselor: Trade frictions between the United States and China will not disappear with WTO accession, just as they have not disappeared between the United States and many of our trading partners who are longstanding WTO members.
  • 我记不得过了多长时
    I have lost count of time.
  • 在市府与各工会为平衡短缺35亿的预算(会计年度自七月一日开始)倒数计时的十一个小时的争论中,像范恩先生这样的工人夹在中左右为难。
    Workers like Mr.Vann are caught in the middle as the city and the unions square off in an 11th-hour countdown to balance the budget, which now has a $ 3.5 billion gap for the fiscal year that starts on July 1.
  • 城市令人困惑不解的地方;反谍的复杂状况;声音噪乱
    The wilderness of the city; the wilderness of counterespionage; a wilderness of voices.
  • 成员们尤其应促进其海关当局之对有关假冒商标的商品及盗版商品贸易的信息交换与合作。
    They shall, in particular, promote the exchange of information and cooperation between customs authorities with regard to trade in counterfeit trademark goods and pirated copyright goods.
  • 模仿好人与冒充好人之大有分别。
    There is much difference between imitating a good man and counterfeiting him.
  • 有计划地侦察和阻碍阴谋破坏的反谍活动。
    counterintelligence designed to detect and counteract sabotage.
  • 通过取缔或删除任何有价值的情报来完成的反谍活动。
    counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy.
  • 汉森先生已在联邦调查局效力25年,这期,他大部分时是从事反谍工作,刺探苏联以及后来的俄国在美国的谍报前哨的情报。
    Mr.Hanssen had worked for the FBI for 25 years,spending most of that time in counterintelligence spying on Soviet and then Russian espionage outposts in the United States.
  • 年内大部分时,六个月及以下的短期利率均低于同期美元利率。
    For most of the year, short-term interest rates of six months or less stayed below their US dollar counterparts.
  • 科学术语中,喜欢把时安排得很满的人被称为多元惯性者,而与他们对应的头脑较为简单的人被称为单一惯性者。
    In scientific terms, people who enjoy keeping a busy schedule are known as plychronic, while their more single?minded counterparts are monochronic.
  • 我国各族群与跟自己同文同种的外国人之,通过文化、学术、社交和经济联系,建立了重要的国际网络。
    Through cultural, intellectual, social and economic links with their ethnic counterparts overseas, the different communities in Singapore have built up their own valuable international networks.
  • 特区政府多个决策局和部门与内地对口单位通过访问、会议、研讨会和训练课程等多种交流活动,进一步加深彼此之的了解。
    Through a wide range of exchanges including visits, meetings, seminars and training programmes, many bureaux and departments of the HKSARG have enhanced mutual understanding with their Mainland counterparts.
  • 城市职业妇女家务劳动日均3.75小时,已接近发达国家妇女家务劳动的平均时
    In cities, professional women put an average of 3.75 hours into household chores. This is almost equivalent to the time spent on such tasks by their female counterparts in developed countries.
  • 两个交织剧情的对应
    the counterpoint of two interwoven dramatic plots
  • 中国刑法中规定的“反革命罪”,是指危害国家安全的犯罪,即那些不但具有推翻国家政权和社会主义制度的目的,而且实施了刑法第九十一条至一百零二条所列举的犯罪行为。例如,实施了阴谋颠覆政府或者分裂国家的行为,或者实施了持械聚众叛乱的行为,或者实施了谍行为等。
    In Chinese Criminal Law "counterrevolutionary crime" refers to crime which endangers state security, i.e., criminal acts which are not only committed with the purpose of overthrowing state power and the socialist system, but which are also listed in Articles 91-102 of the Criminal Law as criminal acts, such as those carried out in conspiring to overthrow the government or splitting the country, those carried out in gathering a crowd in armed rebellion, and espionage activities.
  • 我们两国之已经有了10年的贸易关系。
    Our two countries have had trade relations for ten years.
  • 来自其他国家的或者与其他国家之的。
    from or between other countries.
  • 高的关税抑制了国与国之的贸易。
    High tariffs throttle trade between countries.
  • 和大城市中的高楼大厦和喧嚣的街道相比,他更喜欢乡的农庄和田野。
    He likes the farms and fields in the country better than the tall buildings and busy streets in the city.
  • 国与国之的文化是有差别的。
    Cultures differ from country to country.
  • 乡间别墅
    A large country house.
  • 171.主席女士,各位议员,在我制订《施政报告》的整段期,内地同胞在今年夏天奋勇抗洪的场面,始终在我脑海挥之不去。
    171. Madam President, Honourable Members, during the past few months, as I prepared for this Policy Address, images kept flashing through my mind of our countrymen fighting the terrible floods which swept through China this summer.
  • 他们在乡有夏季住宅。
    They have a summer residence in the countryside.
  • 约克以及其周围的乡
    York and the surrounding countryside.
  • 到处可见农家的房舍。
    The countryside was sprinkled with farmhouses.
  • 侵略军把这一乡地区夷为平地。
    The invading armies laid waste the countryside.
  • 云急速下降笼罩着乡
    Clouds swept down and hung over the countryside.
  • 现在我们县级以上实行的是接选举,县级和县以下的基层才是直接选举。
    At present, indirect elections are held for posts above the county level, and direct elections are held for those at the county level and below.
  • 这两门课程之不存在重叠的问题。
    There is no question of overlap between the two courses.
  • 在两道菜之抽烟有时认为是失礼的.
    It is sometimes considered bad form to smoke between courses at a meal.