  • 研究词源,阐述词源出或提示一个词的词源
    To give or suggest the etymology of a word.
  • 圣餐盒带病人的装圣餐的容器
    A container in which the Eucharist is carried to the sick.
  • 临终圣餐临终或面临死亡危险的人的圣餐
    The Eucharist given to a dying person or one in danger of death.
  • 把一部分圣餐献上帝的行为。
    the part of the Eucharist when bread and wine are offered to God.
  • 假设在平面中同一点上可以有两个或两个以上的平行线不交叉于一个定直线的非欧几里得几何学。
    a non-Euclidean geometry in which it is assumed that through any point there are two or more parallel lines that do not intersect a given line in the plane.
  • 我一个直截了当的回答,不要回避这一问题。
    Give me a direct answer, and stop evade the issue.
  • 那是个失误,送伊凡斯一分,他们再度平手了。
    That's a fault, and a point to Evans. They're tying again.
  • 埃文斯先生在这里我们分析政治形势的最新发展。
    Mr Evans is here to give us all a run-down on the latest developments in the political situation.
  • 他们这些蔬菜脱水了。
    They evaporated the vegetables.
  • 吹气把新蒸发的分子赶走从而未蒸发的分子腾出了空间!蒸发得越快则凉得越快!。
    Blowing whisks away newly evaporated molecules to make room for others. Faster evaporation means faster cooling.
  • 上帝又答应他的请求,把夏娃还他。
    " Again God listened to his request and returned him Eve.
  • 虽然我已他看了照片,他还是不相信我。
    I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me.
  • 数学问题;关于如何裙子镶平整的边的问题
    Math problems; the problem of how to hem a skirt evenly.
  • 将某事物平均分散到某段时间或分配每个人
    Even sth outbspread sth evenly over a period of time or among a number of people
  • 我明天可能来看你,不过不管怎样我会你打电话。
    I'll probably see you tomorrow but in any event I'll telephone.
  • 送交将(交通工具,尤指飞机)借助其本身的力量交付最终的使用者
    To deliver(a vehicle, especially an aircraft) under its own power to its eventual user.
  • 甚至对失败的企业,只要认定其概念新颖,最终有可能成功,有的投资家也会予第二次机会。
    Some would even give failed entrepreneurs a second chance if convinced that a fresh concept might lead to eventual success.
  • 她终于嫁了最执着追求她的人。
    She eventually married the most persistent one of her admirers.
  • 他预期她终究会嫁他。
    He envisaged that she would eventually marry him.
  • 她终於嫁了最执著追求她的人。
    She eventually married the most persistentof her admirers.
  • 我们每人凑2英镑, 让约翰去大家买吃的.
    We each put 2 in the kitty, and then sent John to buy food for everybody.
  • 有足够分配每一个人的量jj。
    There is enough for everybody.
  • 你能我看你供词的证据吗?
    Can you show me any evidence for your statement?
  • 对手左脸颊上来了利落的一拳;利落的投球;外科医生利落、精确的手术刀。
    he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek; a clean throw; the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife.
  • 对于毛泽东同志的错误,不能写过头。写过头,毛泽东同志抹黑,也就是我们党、我们国家抹黑。
    When we write about his mistakes, we should not exaggerate, for otherwise we shall be discrediting Comrade Mao Zedong, and this would mean discrediting our Party and state.
  • 他专《中国日报》写稿。
    He writes exclusively for China Daily.
  • 遗嘱执行人把遗产分各人。
    The executor shared out the estate.
  • 遗嘱执行人把遗产分各个人。
    The executor snored out the estate.
  • 法院所的文件,它允许某人处理未留遗嘱已故人员房地产或在遗嘱中所委派执行者不能行为情况下这么做。
    Document give by a court to allow someone to deal with the estate of a person who have die without leave a will or where the executor appointed under the will cannot act
  • 豁免法律诉讼豁免,通常予目击证人以换取可能归罪于其自身的证词
    Exemption from legal prosecution, often granted a witness in exchange for self-incriminating testimony.
  • 她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功,了她很大的压力。
    Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed.
  • 他什么时候才能我回电话?
    When can I expect his calling?