  • 加登城美國紐東南部的一座村莊,為於長島西部。羅斯福·菲爾德,是查爾斯a·林德伯格1927年穿越大西洋飛行的出發點。人口21,686
    A village of southeast New York on western Long Island. Roosevelt Field, the starting point for Charles A. Lindbergh's1927 transatlantic flight, is in the village. Population,21, 686.
  • 普拉蒂,埃德溫·翰1883-1964加拿大詩人,其詩常以大海或橫貫大陸的鐵路的修築為題
    Canadian poet whose works often concern the sea or the building of the Canadian transcontinental railroad.
  • 讓渡證書財産轉移時所依據的契
    The deed by which the property is so transferred.
  • 約稿合同
    contract for the publication of a book with a writer, compiler,translator etc.
  • 科頓,翰1584-1652英國裔的美國牧師,是聖包托爾夫斯教堂的教區牧師,直到他後來追隨清教主義。他逃到馬薩諸塞州的波士頓,在那裏成為民間的宗教領袖
    English poet and translator known for his poems on country life as well as his translation(1685) of Montaigne's essays.
  • 在政治上,也衹是在某一種情況說來(革命前進時)是對的,移到另一種情況(革命退卻時:全部退卻,例如俄國在一九○六年(22)、中國在一九二七年;局部退卻,例如俄國在一九一八年的布列斯特條(23)時)也就不對了。
    Moreover, it is correct politically only in one situation (when the revolution is advancing), but incorrect when transposed to another situation (when the revolution is in retreat, in general retreat as in Russia in 1906[22] and in China in 1927, or in partial retreat as in Russia at the time of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk[23] in 1918).
  • 沒有任何確實和立即生效的規則可以在所有的會關係中都起作用,但是專傢說如果你遵循下面這些簡單的指導方針,你就能夠更新你的會計劃並避免一些最新的花招和陷阱。
    There aren't any hard and fast rules that will work in all dating relationship situations, but experts say that if you follow these simple guidelines, you can update your game plan and avoid some of the latest tricks and traps.
  • 1光年是以每秒186000英裏的速度走過一年的距離,為6萬億英裏。
    A light year is the distance which light travels at186,000 miles per second in one year, namely6 million million miles.
  • 這條使雙方的貿易又推進了一步.
    The treaty gave (a) fresh impetus to trade.
  • 中國已先後簽署了《不擴散核武器條》和《全面禁止核試驗條》,並忠實地履行了這兩個條規定的義務。
    China has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and faithfully fulfilled the obligations set by the two treaties.
  • 巴黎條和鬍貝圖斯堡條
    Treaty of Paris and Treaty of Hubertusburg
  • 他們商訂了一項條
    They negotiated a treaty.
  • 在聯合國支持下,通過多邊談判(如裁軍談判會議中的多邊談判)達成了廣泛的協定,包括《核不擴散條》、《全面禁止核試驗條》以及關於建立無核區的各項條
    With UN support, multilateral negotiations, such as those in the Conference on Disarmament, have resulted in a wide range of agreements, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and treaties to establish nuclear-free zones.
  • 中國政府在《中國對日宣戰佈告》中明確昭告中外:所有一切條、協定、合同有涉及中日關係者,一律廢止。《馬關條》自屬廢止之列。
    In its declaration of war against Japan, the Chinese Government proclaimed that all treaties, conventions, agreements, and contracts regarding relations between China and Japan, including the Treaty of Shimonoseki, had been abrogated.
  • 政府通知廢止該項條
    The government denounced the treaty.
  • 他們已經加入了那個條
    They have acceded to the treaty.
  • 廠方倉促擬出一項條
    The management huddled up a treaty.
  • 本條須經批準方可生效。
    The treaty is subject to ratification.
  • 威爾士與蘇格蘭訂立了一項條
    Wales concluded a treaty with Scotland.
  • 加美互惠條約
    Reciprocity Treaty between Canada and United States
  • 一九四一年十二月,中國政府在《中國對日宣戰佈告》中昭告各國,中國廢止包括《馬關條》在內的一切涉及中日關係的條、協定、合同,並將收復臺灣。
    In December 1941, the Chinese government issued the Proclamation of China's Declaration of War Against Japan, announcing to the world that all treaties, agreements and contracts concerning Sino-Japanese relations, including the Treaty of Shimonoseki, had been abrogated, and that China would recover Taiwan.
  • 第四十七條 中華人民共和國締結或者參加的有關動植物檢疫的國際條與本法有不同規定的,適用該國際條的規定。但是,中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。
    Article 47 If provisions of this Law contravene those of the international treaties concerning animal and plant quarantine which the People's Republic of China has concluded or to which China is a party, the provisions of the international treaties concerned shall prevail, with the exception of the treaty clauses on which the People's Republic of China has declared reservations.
  • 雙方協議;雙方條
    a bipartite agreement; a two-way treaty.
  • 不存在任何的強迫。
    the treaty had no teeth in it.
  • 翰控告那個人非法侵入。
    John proceeded against the man for trespass.
  • 勞資審裁處審理與雇傭合有關的民事申索。
    The Labour Tribunal hears civil claims arising from contracts of employment.
  • 勞資審裁處審理與雇傭合有關的民事申索。
    The Labour Tribunal hears civil claims arising from contracts of employment.
  • 我要12點15分飛離紐的漢莎三叉戟的機票。
    I want a Luthansa trident out of New York city at 12:15.
  • 在小組討論會上,翰總是反應敏捷,爭先發言。
    In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger.
  • 旅程大約30個小時。
    The trip takes about 30 hours.
  • (十五)國民黨政府同日本訂立和平條,加入三國同盟。
    The Kuomintang government to sign a peace treaty with Japan and join the triple alliance.
  • 特洛伊小亞細亞西北一古城,位於達達尼爾河附近。從青銅器時代起便是一座弗裏吉亞城市,傳說為特洛伊戰爭所在地,大在公元前1200年被希臘軍隊侵占並毀滅。特洛伊城廢墟於1871年由海因裏希·希裏曼發現
    An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Dardanelles River. Originally a Phrygian city dating from the Bronze Age, it is the legendary site of the Trojan War and was captured and destroyed by Greek forces c.1200 b.c. The ruins of Troy were discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in1871.