  • 而,goto是在源码的级别跳转的,所以招致了不好的声誉。
    However, a goto is a jump at the source-code level, and that’s what brought it into disrepute.
  • 把打架、旷课、对师长不敬等行为列入讨论范围内,那是不会有多少人反对的,而把男性化的女生贴上“问题学生”的标签,却有很大的争议。
    While few would object to the inclusion of fighting, cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion, it is arguable that boys-like girls should be labeled as "problem students".
  • 他甚至对自己的父母也不尊敬,竟说父母也是他造的。
    He is even so disrespectful of his parents as to say that he created them.
  • ,在治理危及公共秩序、重大刑事或种种商业犯罪方面,实行严查重办,重罪重罚,不得手软;
    Severe punishment is necessary, of course, for serious evil-doings that disrupt public security and order, including felony and commercial crimes.
  • ,我们必须坚决划清两类不同性质的矛盾的界限,对于绝大多数破坏社会秩序的人应该采取教育的办法,凡能教育的都要教育,但是不能教育或教育无效的时候,就应该对各种罪犯坚决采取法律措施,不能手软。
    Naturally we must make a clear distinction between the two different types of contradictions.We should educate the overwhelming majority of persons who disrupt public order -- all those who can be educated -- and take stern legal steps against those who are beyond education or who prove incorrigible.Towards the latter, we must not be tender-hearted.
  • 委员会两名成员忿离去,以此表示他们对琼斯主席的不满。
    Two members of the committee expressed their dissatisfaction with their chairman, Mr Jones, by walking out in him.
  • 评论家仍在剖析此次选举的结果。
    Commentators are still dissecting the election results.
  • 掩饰常常是必的,不得不与隐密俱来的;所以一个人若要隐密,他就不得不在某种程度上作一个掩饰者。
    It followeth many times upon secrecy, by a necessity: so that, he that will be secret, must be a dissembler, in some degree.
  • 消防处在五月展开的"消防安全大使"计划,旨在为社会人士提供消防安全训练,后由他们将防火知识及技巧传授给市民大众。
    The 'Fire Safety Ambassador' scheme launched in May aims to provide fire safety training to members of the community, who will then disseminate such knowledge and skills generally.
  • 经过实践检验证明是正确的毛泽东思想,仍是我们的指导思想,必须结合实际加以坚持和发展,并理直气壮地进行宣传,不允许怠工。
    Mao Zedong Thought, which has been proved correct through practice, remains our guiding ideology. We must adhere to it and develop it in the light of specific conditions, and we must disseminate it with full confidence, permitting no slackening of effort.
  • 著文指导该项研究的博士候选人瓦斯特说:"我们认为鬃毛的进化是性别选择的必结果"。
    "We suggest the mane's evolution is the result of sexual selection," said West, a doctoral candidate whose dissertation led to the paper.
  • 它比起其他的传输模式有明显的节省带宽的优势,但ip多播没有像该技术在1998年stevedeering在博士论文中首次提出时很多人预测的那样腾飞。
    Though it has distinct bandwidth-saving advantages over other modes of transmission, IP Multicast has not taken off like what many had predicted when the technology was first introduced in Steve Deering's doctoral dissertation in 1988.
  • 她新近写的这本书跟她以前写的截不同。
    Her latest book is quite dissimilar from her previous one.
  • 在上述几个例子中,最终产品和自界供给的物质大不相同,因此按习惯的说法,自界仅仅提供原料。
    In these several cases the ultimate product is so extremely dissimilar to the substance supplied by nature, that in the custom of language nature is represented as only furnishing materials.
  • 现在新加坡的年轻人多数是早期华人移民的第三和第四代,本地的生活方式、教育制度等与其他地区有所不同,当他们的价值观也有别于其他地区的华人。
    Young people in Singapore are now mostly 3rd or 4th generation offspring of early Chinese immigrants. Our lifestyle, education and other systems differ from other places in the region. As a result, the values that young Singaporeans cherish are also dissimilar to those upheld by Chinese in other areas.
  • 可是他们是象训练得很好的马一样,因为他们极能懂得何时当止,何时当转,并且在他们以为某事真需要掩饰的时候,如果他们果掩饰了,以往流传各处的关于他们底信实和正直坦白的见解也使他们差不多不至为人所疑的。
    but then they were like horses, well managed; for they could tell passing well when to stop,or turn: and at such times, when they thought the case indeed required dissimulation,if then they used it, it came to pass, that me former opinion, spread abroad of their good faith, and clearness of dealing, made them almost invisible.
  • 在一两年内就用光,得不到回收,甲仍象以前一样富有。
    In a year or two it is dissipated, and without return. A is as rich as before;
  • 往往很难把因果截分开。
    It is often difficult to dissociate cause from effect.
  • 而这样的寻欢作乐,这种讲话和喝酒的姿态,对在座的其他客人们似乎可以说是放荡、坏习气,或者精力旺盛的结果;但在玛格丽特身上,我却觉得是一种忘却现实的需要、一种冲动、一种神经质的激动。
    But the merriment, this way of talking and drinking which seemed to me to be in the other guests the effects of dissoluteness, habit and duress, appeared with Marguerite to be a need to forget, a restlessness, a nervous reaction.
  • 这个画面过渡到另一个显得很自
    It seems quite natural to dissolve the scene into the next.
  • 广你把我们剩下的茶叶包放哪儿了?”“我以为在你那。儿。”)后,用茶者就要迅速地把茶叶放进很快就要变凉的水里,搅一搅,如果还有些余热能溶解什么东西的话。
    ("Where did you put that tea bag we were saving?.... I thought you had it. ")The tea drinker is then expected to add the tea bag to the rapidly cooling water and swish it around, if by that time there is enough heat left to dissolve anything at all.
  • 最直接的分离法是蒸馏海水——把海水变成水蒸汽,后冷却。
    The most direct way to do this is to distil it turn it into steam, and then con- dense the steam.
  • 这两种观点截不同。
    Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.
  • 这两个建议截不同。
    Those two suggestions are quite distinct from each other.
  • 这些政策,虽各不相同,但互相衔接
    The policies, though distinct, are interlinked.
  • 根本不同的或性质及种类截不同的。
    fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind.
  • 最后一次见到他是在八年前,但他所具有的独特品质我仍记忆犹新。
    Although I last met him eight years ago, I still remember his special qualities most distinctively.
  • 是可能的;处在他的位置上,我可以清楚地看明白自己。
    it's distinctly possible; I could clearly see myself in his situation.
  • “楚园”,个性鲜明,自古朴;
    The Chu Garden is distinctly designed in old and original manner;
  • 《新妇女》是一出生气勃勃的戏,一出显符合时代潮流的戏。
    We have in The New Women a live play, a play which is distinctly in the movement.
  • 我现在不要结婚,可是在两三个月左右以后我显可能要和她结婚。
    I don't want to get married just now, but it's distinctly on the cards that I might marry her in a couple of months or so.
  • 我们当能分辨是非。
    We certainly can distinguish(between)right and wrong.