  • 我们觉得,用于娱乐的奖金转而投入教育是有必要的。
    We feel it necessary to divert funds from entertainment to education.
  • 如果中方有意这批设备挪作军用,应该最先考虑的是这四台性能最先进的设备运回国内,而不会就地转租。
    If China intended to divert the equipment to the military use, it would have surely arranged to get the four most advanced pieces of equipment rather than leasing them to Monitor.
  • 他们这笔钱转为他用。
    They diverted the sum of money to some other purpose.
  • 由于适逢风暴,飞行员我们乘坐的飞机转开往另一个机场。
    During the storm, the pilot diverted our plane to another airport.
  • 村民们河流改道使其进入新水道。
    The villagers diverted the river from its course to a new channel.
  • 与其说海洋世界分开, 倒不如说它们世界连成一体。
    Oceans don't so much divide the world as unite it.
  • 某物分割成份或片;瓜分
    Divide sth into parts or slices
  • 我们将分担工作。
    We’ll divide up the work (divide the work up) among us.
  • 划分(土地)(土地)分成块
    To divide(land) into lots.
  • 当要预测未来的股息,他得注意特别股息难以重复。
    When forecasting a future dividend, he should take note that the special dividend is unlikely to occur again.
  • 所以,要预测未来的股息,他得注意特别股息难以重复。
    When forecasting a future dividend, one should take note that the special dividend is unlikely to occur again.
  • 我们一半的利润作为股息付出.
    We have paid out half our profit in dividends.
  • 我们一半的利润作为股息付出。
    We have pay out half our profit in dividends.
  • 一个量除以另一个量而获得的数。在45÷3=15这个等式中,15是商
    The number obtained by dividing one quantity by another. In 45/3=15, 15 is the quotient.
  • 动物体分成左右两半。
    dividing an animal into right and left halves.
  • 分水岭两个不同水系流经地区分开的脊状高地
    A ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river systems.
  • 土占,地卜根据(一把沙土撒在地上形成的)形状和线条或地理特征占卜
    Divination by means of lines and figures or by geographic features.
  • 我们谁也无法预言下一步要发生的事。
    None of us could divine what would happen next.
  • 天水围预留区发展为新市镇,一所新的区总部和分区警署现正兴建,预计于二零零一年一月落成。
    A new town is growing in Tin Shui Wai Reserve Zone and a new district headquarters and divisional police station are being built, to be completed in January 2001.
  •   (2)申请人也可以主动一项专利申请分案,保留第一次申请的日期为各该分案申请的日期,如果有优先权,并保有优先权的利益。
    The applicant may also, on his own initiative, divide a patent application and preserve as the date of each divisional application the date of the initial application and the benefit of the right of priority, if any.
  •  g.(1)如果审查发现一项专利申请包含一个以上的发明,申请人可以该申请分成若干分案申请,保留第一次申请的日期为各该分案申请的日期,如果有优先权,并保有优先权的利益。
    G. (1) If the examination reveals that an application for a patent contains more than one invention, the applicant may divide the application into a certain number of divisional applications and preserve as the date of each the date of the initial application and the benefit of the right of priority, if any.
  • 他们提议教会和国家分开。
    They proposed to divorce church and state.
  • 也许有人会提出疑问,是否有人允许考克斯委员会把“原子弹”的有关命令纳入到修订报告中,是否允许泄漏上述有关中子弹的滑稽可笑的故事。这种疑问被原谅,因为考克斯委员会之所以这么做,是因为宣称间谍事件发生于里根政府,而不是克林顿政府,而有关“中子弹”的秘密和(或)“微型热力原子弹”的“秘密”是彼得-李泄露给中国的,这是已经被认定的?。
    One can perhaps be forgiven for wondering if whoever allowed the Cox Committee to include that "neutron bomb" charge in their Redacted Report and later leaked the ridiculous story about teeny-tiny hydrogen bombs, did so because the alleged spying incident happened on Reagan's, not Clinton's watch." The "secret " of the "neutron bomb," and/or the "secret " of the "miniaturized thermonuclear warhead," is what Peter Lee is supposed to have divulged to the PRC.
  • 深度和速度超过身体需要的呼吸现象;如果连续进行,会导致头晕眼花、手指和脚趾出现麻刺感以及胸腔疼痛。
    an increased depth and rate of breathing greater than demanded by the body needs; can cause dizziness and tingling of the fingers and toes and chest pain if continued.
  • 人们只好马克送进了史密斯疗养院。
    They put Mark away in Doc Smith's sanitarium.
  • 他们以码头罢工一事作为头条新闻。
    They’ll lead with the dock strike.
  • 我们以船坞罢工作为头条新闻。
    We will lead with the dock strike.
  • 请立即这些货物运往伦敦码头。
    Please deliver these goods immediately to the London Dock.
  • 使驶离码头从船坞船移去
    To move(a ship) away from a dock.
  • 进攻从码头附近我们的据点那里开始。
    The attack will take off from our position near the dock.
  • 有害物质搀入(食物或饮料)中
    A with docks and equipment for building and repairing ships
  • 他即获得博士学位。
    He is due for a doctorate.