  • 作为坦普大学的一新闻专业学生,我的同学多数是女性。
    As a journalism major at Temple University,the majority of my classmates were women.
  • 写关于人闲言碎语的新闻记者。
    a journalist who writes a column of gossip about celebrities.
  • 我认为她当新闻记者的想法没什麽堂。
    I don't think her idea of becoming a journalist ever came to much.
  • 记者们诽谤了我!报纸上的文章诽谤了我的誉。
    The journalists have defamed me! The article in the paper sullied my reputation.
  • 西班牙传奇中的唐璜是有史以来最著的薄情人。
    The legendary Don Juan of Spain is the most famous lady killer of recorded history.
  • 曾得松雪芳、方传云和张美娟等京昆家亲授。
    Her teachers are famous Song Xue-fang, Fang Chuan-yun, Zhang Mei-juan, etc.
  • 此项工作数十年坚持不懈,近年还从市场上以巨资购回宋代张先《十咏图卷》,元代迺贤《城南詠古诗》,明代沈周《仿黄公望富春山居图卷》,清代石涛《高呼与可图卷》等,尤其前两件是溥仪以赏溥杰为从宫中盗出而流散民间的,今日复归宝藏。
    Unremitting though this attempt at recovery has been, however, there have been further exertions in recent years to acquire such works as Zhang Xian's "Shi yong tu juan" (Song Dynasty), Nai Xian's "Cheng nan yong gu shi" (Yuan Dynasty), Shen Zhou's "Fang huang gong wang fu chun shan ju tu juan" (Ming Dynasty), Shi Tao's "Gao hu yu ke tu" (Qing Dynasty). The first two were in fact spirited out of the palace by Puyi on the excuse of bestowing them on his brother Pu Jie; they fell into the hands of others and are only now returned to their rightful place in the Palace Museum collection.
  • 茨韦格,斯忒藩1881-1942奥地利作家,内容有诗歌、小说、敏感的精神分析传记文学,有的三位巨匠(1920年),曾研究过巴尔扎克、狄更斯和陀思妥耶夫斯基
    German-born writer. A Zionist, he wrote about Judaism, the persecution of the Jews, and war. His works include the novel The Case of Sergeant Grischa(1927).
  • 他在歌剧虽不太成功,但却以清唱剧而著,其中有《以色列人在埃及》、《参孙》及《犹大·马卡布斯》。
    He had little success with his operas but made his name with his oratorios, among them Israel in Egypt, Samson, and Judas Maccabeus.
  • 这就是他称之为人物和环境小说的最早作品,其中包括《还乡》、作《德伯家的苔丝》和《无的裘德》。
    This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environment, which included"The Return of the Native,""Tess of the D'Urbervilles," his masterpiece, and"Jude the Obscure."
  • 我们邀请了其他普通法适用地区的资深法官,叁与由五法官组成的合议庭的审判程序。
    We invite experienced judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit on the Full Court of five judges.
  • 名法官来裁判了。
    A DDaniel come to judgment.
  • 格林女士,朱迪斯·格林女士,而不是保罗·格林女士。一些因职业目的而保持她们原有字的妇女在上述情况下使用miss。,而另一些人则使用ms。
    Ms. Green, Ms. Judith Green, but not Ms. Paul Green.Some women who keep their own names for professional purposes use the title Miss in that context, while others use Ms.
  • 他是一位柔道七段的高手,而且他属于一个恶著的黑社会帮派。
    He is a seventh- degree judo black belt. Besides, he belongs to a notorious underworld gang.
  • 由51运动员组成的香港代表队于五月参加了在南韩釜山举行的第二届东亚运动会,并在武术赛事中勇夺一面金牌,在田径、划艇和武术赛事中赢得5面银牌,以及在柔道、划艇、保龄球和武术赛事中取得4面铜牌。
    A contingent of 51 athletes took part in the Second East Asian Games held in Pusan, South Korea, in May. Hong Kong athletes won a total of one gold, five silver and four bronze medals, with the gold medal coming in one of the wushu events. The silver medals were in athletics, rowing and wushu, and the bronze medals in judo, rowing, tenpin bowling and wushu.
  • 对了!现在马上就用3个球试一下,你很快就会成为一魔术师。
    That's the idea! Now try it with three balls at once and you'll soon be a juggler.
  • 在辩论中以犀利有力而有的对手
    An opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments.
  • 你说过,你的大是julia,对吗?
    And your name was Julia, did you say?
  • 随着她妈妈,这女孩也取叫朱莉娅。
    The girl was named Julia after her mother.
  • 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰花》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提
    In 1989, a year after Mystic Pizza, Julia was nominated of an Oscar for Steel Magnolias.
  • 他是一跳高运动员。
    He is a high jumper.
  • 英国跳高运动员打破这个项目的世界记录,这还是第一次。
    It's the first time a England jumper has broken the world record in this event.
  • 法国跳高运动员打破这个项目的世界纪录,这还是第一次。
    It 's the first time a French jumper has broken the world record in this event.
  • 抛硬币,邓军输了。大队队长决定打顺风向。
    Deng Jun lost the toss and the Diamond captain has decided to play with the wind.
  • 瞧,邓军又得到球了,他绕过那后卫,往球门带球。
    Look, Deng Jun got it again, he's beaten the full back and is racing down the goal.
  • 那条路的交叉处是有的事故多发地段。
    That road junction is a well-known accident black spot.
  • 年龄较小的同的两人中年龄较小的
    Being the junior of two people having the same name.
  • 他即将在办公室里上班,当一低级办事员。
    he will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk.
  • 亨利发现他的一下级提升到他之上时,便决定辞职不干了。
    Henry decided to quit his post when he found one of his juniors had been promoted over his head.
  • “您是指扮演朱庇特的那位吧?”无氏接着说。
    “You mean the part of Jupiter,” returned the unknown.
  • 日语的音节文字。文字符号是简化了的汉字,通常和汉字一起使用,主要用于表示屈折成分、小品词和功能词,也用来表示一些汉字的发音以及所有外来词
    Japanese syllabic writing. The characters are simplified kanji and are usually used with kanji primarily to write inflections, particles, and function words and to show the pronunciations of some kanji and of all foreign words.
  • 乔普林,斯科特1868-1917美国钢琴家、作曲家,以其雷格泰姆散拍乐作品著,其中包括《槭树叶散拍乐》(1899年)
    A city of southwest Missouri near the Kansas border west of Springfield. It was founded in1839. Population,40, 961.