  • 蒋介石氏在西安接受张学良杨虎城二将军和西北人民的抗日的要求⑴,首先命令进行战的军队撤离陕甘两省,这是蒋介石氏转变其十年错误政策的开始。
    In Sian Chiang Kai-shek accepted the demand for resistance to Japan put forward by Generals Chang Hsueh-liang and Yang Hu-cheng and the people of the Northwest[1] and, as an initial step, he has ordered his civil war troops to withdraw from the provinces of Shensi and Kansu. This marks the beginning of Chiang's reversal of his wrong policy in the past decade.
  • 乘方数被提升到各种乘方上,产生数字系统基本计算规则的数字
    The number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal counting units of a number system.
  • 相当数量的行星部存在着天然的热能;
    with several natural ways for planets to generate internal heat;
  • 一种电磁波,由电在电导体振荡而产生。
    an electromagnetic wave generated by oscillations in an electric circuit.
  • 倾听体发出的声音的医疗仪器。
    a medical instrument for listening to the sounds generated inside the body.
  • 自生的自身部产生的;自生的
    Produced from within; self-generating.
  • 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。
    In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood.
  • 祖传遗物,传家宝家庭部代代相传的有价值之物
    A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.
  • 程序设计语言pl/1中一个带括号的表,有一个或多个自变量用逗号隔开,其前为入口名常数、入口名变量、类属名或部函数名。该表被传送给入口点的各参数。
    In PL/1, a parenthesized list of one or more arguments, separated by commas, following an entry-name constant, an entry-name variable, a generic name, or a built-in function name. The list is passed to the parameters of the entry point.
  • 交换特征由减数分裂期同源染色体之间的遗传物质的交换而产生的特征
    A characteristic resulting from the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
  • 遗传史上的重大事件对于人类基因组计划有重要意义,因为计划的结构和大部分容涉及遗传学。
    The major events of genetic history are important to the Human Genome Project because the structure and most of the project deals with genetics.
  • 德国吉森动物饲养遗传研究所的研究员马丁和他的同事给1400只小猪在出生后几周试用了各种保温方法,试验证明水床是最受小猪欢迎的。
    When Martin Ziron and researchers at the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics in Giessen, Germany tested various heating methods on 1,400 piglets during their first few weeks of life, waterbeds won hands down.
  • 瓦有世界各国的外交官。
    There were diplomats of all nationalities in Geneva.
  • 许多国际会议在日瓦举行.
    Many international conferences are held in Geneva.
  • 瓦已成为世界领袖经常召开会议的地方.
    Geneva has become the stage for many meetings of world leaders.
  • 今晚即动身前往日瓦。
    I am leaving for Geneva tonight.
  • 瓦人瑞士日瓦的本地人或居民
    A native or inhabitant of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • wto总部设在瑞士日瓦。
    The WTO is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 你有没有听说朱丽娅到日瓦来了?
    Have you heard about Julia coming to Geneva?
  • 讲到旅行,请问你到过日瓦吗?
    Talking of travel, have you been to Geneva?
  • 他们打算把办事处迁往日瓦。
    They are planning to move their office to Geneva.
  • 瑞士日瓦通用签定后司
    General Superintendence& Co, Geneva(S.G.S)
  • 瓦的瑞士日瓦的或其居民的或与之有关的
    Of or relating to Geneva, Switzerland, or its inhabitants.
  • 瓦大喷泉有着悠久的历史。
    The Jet d'Eau of Geneva has a rich history.
  • 高峰会议是在日瓦举行的。
    The summit conference or summit meeting is held in Geneva.
  • 瓦已成为世界领袖经常召开会议的地方。
    Geneva have become the stage for many meetings of world leader.
  • 我要在一号或一号左右去日瓦。
    I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.
  • 毫无疑问,日瓦为人留影最多的一个景点是花钟。
    One of Geneva's most photographed sites is undoubtedly the flower clock.
  • 这幸福的一对婚后将去日瓦。
    The happy pair is/ are going to Geneva after their wedding.
  • 我们说这是违反日瓦协议的。
    We say that this was a violation of the Geneva Agreement.
  • 瓦是著名的中立城市,许多国际会议在那里举行。
    Geneva is a well-known neutral city, where lots ofinternational conferences are held.
  • 欧洲所有的重大问题都拿到在日瓦召开的首脑会议上讨论。
    All the big European questions were taken up by the summit conference at Geneva.