  • 太太不断催我交房租。
    The landlady keeps dunning me for the rent.
  • 星期天,他的女房不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。
    On Sunday his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.
  • 莎莉的女房把房租每周提了10先令。
    Sally's landlady has put up the rent by 10 shillings a week.
  • 女房成了她的好朋友。
    She found a good friend in the person of her landlady.
  • 女房赶走了一名不交房租的房客。
    The landlady turned out a tenant for not paying the rent.
  • 当我们把沙发往楼上搬时,女房说:“慢慢来,小心点。”
    “Easy does it,” said the landlady when we moved the sofa upstairs.
  • 那女房说她不愿意有不按时作息的房客。
    The landlady said she would have no lodger who did not keep good hours.
  • 我后悔,因为我无法再容忍我女房的行为。
    I regret it because I can't tolerate my landlady's behavior any more.
  • 那妇人把孩子交给女房代为照看后,就匆匆赶出去找工作了。
    The woman deposited her child with the landlady and rushed away to look for a job.
  • “女房的证据将对她很不利。我对陪审团的判决并不乐观。”
    "The landlady's evidence will weigh heavily against him. I'm not optimistic about the verdict."
  • “然后他就和房的女儿私奔了。”“毫无疑问,她是个愚蠢的恶妇。”
    "And then he ran off with the landlady's daughter." "She was a silly cat if ever there was one."
  • 无论天气如何,房太太要带狗出去散步两个小时,这时那侄女便和一个看上去很不体面的中年男人上了楼。那人每天也真够准时的。
    The landlady was sent out for a two-hour walk with the dog, no matter what the weather; whereupon the niece and the respectable looking middle-aged man promptly went upstairs. He was as regular as clockwork.
  • 位于俄罗斯南部里海北的一个内陆共和国;最原始的土耳其语系者的后裔,世纪被蒙古人征服;从年到年是苏联的一部分。
    a landlocked republic south of Russia and northeast of the Caspian Sea; the original Turkic-speaking inhabitants were overrun by Mongols in the 13th century; an Asian Soviet from 1936 to 1991.
  • 我的房让我月底搬走.
    My landlord is turning me out at the end of the month.
  • 经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房索赔的权利.
    They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
  • 我欠房东一百美元。
    I owe the landlord one hundred dollars.
  • 这家向房提出起诉。
    the family brought suit against the landlord.
  • 四季的每一结账日他都要在房面前哭一场。
    Every quarter day he wept before the landlord.
  • 我欠房东一百美元。
    I owe one hundred dollars to the landlord.
  • 对屋顶进行修理。
    The landlord carry out repair to the roof.
  • 我们的房一直威胁我们要提高房租。
    Our landlord keeps threatening to put the rent up.
  • 向我们索取房租。
    The landlord came down on us for the rent.
  • 我欠房东一百美元
    I owe the landlord one hundred dollars./I owe one hundred dollars to the landlord
  • 内文把房租提高了50便士。
    Nevin, the landlord, put up the rent by 50p.
  • “啊,我要把谈话转到我房家里来了!”
    `Oh, I'll turn the talk on my landlord's family!'
  • 不肯减少他们房间的租金。
    The landlord wouldn't reduce the rent of their room.
  • 不肯减少他们房间的租金。
    The landlord would not reduce the rent of their room.
  • 会把上涨的油价加到你们头上。
    Then the landlord will pass the increase along to you.
  • 我的房要挟说要把每周租金提高
    My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by 10 a week.
  • 亚洲世界最大的洲、占欧亚大陆块的部分及其邻近诸岛,与欧洲以乌拉山为界相隔
    The world's largest continent. It occupies the eastern part of the Eurasian landmass and its adjacent islands and is separated from Europe by the Ural Mountains.
  • 选战结果,尽管行动党总的得票率提高,它还是无法夺回波巴西和后港两区。
    The PAP might have scored a landslide victory with a higher percentage of valid votes, but it still failed to win back Potong Pasir and Hougang.
  • 他给我看一团猪油状的西。
    He showed me a lardaceous mass.