  • 为克服工作阻碍,找出语记忆规律,黎教授凭着顽强的毅力翻了十几本语字典。
    In the interest of conquering handicaps in his job and to find a orderly system of memorizing English words, professor Li thumbed through dozens of English dictionaries with an iron perseverance.
  • 国)做各种仆人工作的家庭女侍。
    (British) a female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work.
  • 受高年级使唤的低年级学生在国公立学校为高年级同学做跑腿活儿的学生
    A student at a British public school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher class.
  • 黑森雇佣兵在美国革命战争时期,在美国的国军队中的德国雇佣兵
    A German mercenary in the British army in America during the Revolutionary War.
  • 最近一家叫墨丘利,离这儿有三里地左右。
    The nearest one is the Mercury which is about three miles away.
  • 幼发拉底河西南亚的一条河流,流程约为2,735公里(1,700里),它发源于土耳其中部,流经叙利亚,在伊拉克境内与底格里斯河汇合形成了阿拉伯河。它的流域是古代美索不达米亚文明繁荣的重要发祥地
    A river of southwest Asia flowing about2, 735 km(1, 700 mi) from central Turkey through Syria and into Iraq, where it joins the Tigris River to form the Shatt al Arab. Its waters were a major source of irrigation for the flourishing civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia.
  • 中间层离地球表面约80公里(即50里)的空气地带,形成中间层的上边界
    An atmospheric area about80 kilometers(50 miles) above the earth's surface, forming the upper boundary of the mesosphere.
  • 您昨日贵函和所附来的以t公司为抬头的250镑的支票,均已妥收。
    We acknowledge receipt of your favour of yesterday covering a cheque on messrs. t. co., for £250.
  • 在过去几年中,本公司与m公司之间的交易额最高只有500镑,特此回复。
    In reply we inform you that we have done business with Messrs. M.& Co., for the past years, in amount up to£500.
  • 2000年6月,米歇尔做成了公司近年来最大的一笔买卖,也就是成功地将vivendi、加拿大饮料及娱乐公司seagram和泛欧有线电视全套设备(包括吉利海峡海底隧道)公司3家合并,并于2001年1月创立了vivendiuniversal公司。
    In June 2000 Messier pulled off his biggest deal to date, engineering a three-way merger between Vivendi, Canadian-owned drinks and entertainment firm Seagram and pan-European pay-TV outfit Canal Plus.
  • 一、传统的精阶层对普通人的苦难无动于衷,就像拉丁美洲大庄园的西班牙混血儿对待他们的奴隶一样,高高在上。
    First, the traditional power elite who have a detached attitude towards the sufferings of the masses, similar to the mestizo hacienderos of other former Spanish colonies in Latin America.
  • 懦夫与雄本质不同。
    Cowards are not made of the same metal as heroes.
  • 他说:"这绝不是一面50米(164尺)高的冰墙降低2米那么简单,这个数字意味着大量的冰雪已经消失了。"
    "That's more than two meter's worth of ice lost from a wall 164 feet (50 meters) high," said Thompson. "That's an enormous amount of ice."
  • 语教学有用的课程包括:心理学、教学方法论、语音学、修辞学、语法、写作。
    Useful Courses for English-teaching include: Psychology, teaching methodology, phonetics, rhetoric, grammar, composition.
  • 当我们从港口出航时,海面平静如镜。但是半小时后,海浪涌起数尺高。
    When we set out from the harbour, the sea was as smooth as a mill-pond, but within half an hour the waves were a metre high.
  • 国已改用公制货币
    Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970.
  • 公顷公制面积单位,等于100公亩(2。471亩)
    A metric unit of area equal to100 ares(2.471 acres).
  • 千米,公里公制的长度单位,等于1,000米(0。62里)
    A metric unit of length equal to1, 000 meters(0.62 mile).
  • 公制长度单位等于米(或(待查表)里)。
    a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters (or 0.621371 miles).
  • 很久以前,国人就习惯于公制计量了。
    The British people were accustomed to the metric system long ago.
  • 国引进米制度量衡制度的工作正在分阶段进行。
    The introduction of the metric system in Britain is being phased.
  • 国於1971年将货币改为十进制.
    The UK metricated its currency in 1971.
  • rambus公司的rdram的支持者包括特尔、amd、ibm、micron和东芝等公司,它使用多根总线传送数据,比只有一根总线的其他体系结构输送信息的速度更快。
    Rambus Inc.'s RDRAM, whose supporters include Intel, AMD, IBM, Micron Technology Inc. and Toshiba Corp., utilizes multiple lines through which data flows, pushing the information faster than other architectures that use only one line.
  • 中古语up[向上(地)]。
    Middle English up[ upward ].
  • 莱拉,身高5.10尺,体重160磅,她决定做中量级拳击手。
    Laila is a 5 feet 10 and weighs about 160 pounds, She's decided that she'll be a middleweight boxer.
  • 她身上仅带了少许的钱,在格兰中部荒原上四处漂泊徒劳地求职。
    Taking just a little money with her, she wanders about the Midland moors, vainly seeking employment.
  • 远远超过预算;远离底部;非常是局部使用的词语(美国军舰和格兰中部)如句中山的那一边比我们这边更加陡峭。
    way over budget; way off base; right smart is regional (US S and Midland) as in the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on.
  • 他们精心挑选了20所国小学(分别位于泰恩·威尔、诺森伯兰、兰开夏、格罗斯特、西米德兰等地),将其中4岁至9岁的几百名小学生作为研究对象。
    They worked with hundreds of primary school pupils aged four to nine at 20 carefully selected schools in Tyne and Wear, Northumberland, Lancashire, Gloucestershire and the West Midlands.
  • 两村相距一里,我家在中间。
    The two village are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them.
  • 联邦在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。
    The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I.
  • 例如,有一种鸻鸟,定巢在加拿大,夏末时,这些鸟从加拿大迁移到南美,它们一刻不停地飞行2,500里,越过海洋。
    A certain kind of plover, for instance, nests in Canada. At the end of the summer these birds migrate from Canada to South America; they fly 2,500 miles, non-stop, over the ocean.
  • 寸,比较高,说这话留有余地(她高极了)
    At 64", she's tall, to put it mildly, ie She's extremely tall.