  • 射流技术的一个领域,其部件和系统执行诸如传感、逻辑、放大和控制之类的功,而不使用机械零件。
    The area within the field of fluidics in which components and systems perform functions such as sensing, logic, amplification, and control without the use of mechanical parts.
  • 你熟悉这类晶体管放大器的性吗?
    Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier?
  • 复制、放大声音形成声音的音频系统。
    an audio-system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound.
  • 一个厂主用广泛地做广告的办法来扩大产品的需求量。
    By advertising widely , a manufacturer can amplify the demand for a product.
  • 为了在当地听到vcr播放,你必须连接另一台扬声器到vcr(被放大的)。
    In order to hear the VCR playback locally, you must connect a second speaker ( in this case, amplify ) to the VCR.
  • 他必须抱有有朝一日如愿以偿的希望。
    He must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.
  • 最佳的事例,莫过于电脑业的偶像人物如苹果电脑的创始人乔布斯与沃兹尼亚克,以及来自西雅图的微软的创始人盖茨,他们都是大学里的退学生,在讲究学历的社会里可永无出头之日。
    This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple's Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft's Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.
  • 推荐一家阿姆斯特丹的好旅馆吗?
    Can you recommend a good hotel in amsterdam?
  • 写些很有趣的故事, 但是比不上那些写出内容发人深省的小说家.
    She writes quite amusing stories but she can't hold a candle to the more serious novelists.
  • 这些玩具让这个婴儿一直很快乐。
    These toys will help to keep the baby amused.
  • 又觉得很有意思,因为他从来不指望自行车还找到。
    He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found.
  • 讲个与之相当的故事吗?
    Can you match that story? ie Can you tell one that is equally good, amusing, etc?
  • 唾液淀粉酶在人类或某些动物的唾液中的一种淀粉酶,把水解淀粉催化成麦芽糖和糊精
    A form of amylase in the saliva of human beings and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin.
  • 器官或组织内有沉积物而导致机紊乱。
    a disorder characterized by deposit of amyloid in organs or tissues; often secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or multiple myeloma.
  • 淀粉样变性病以身体不同器官组织的淀粉沉积为特征的失调状况,可与慢性疾病有关,如类风湿性关节炎、肺结核,或多发性骨髓瘤
    A disorder marked by the deposition of amyloid in various organs and tissues of the body. It may be associated with a chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, or multiple myeloma.
  • 最初克罗斯被诊断为患有另一种不可治愈的疾病,最多只活到40岁。为寻求其他专家的不同意见,波夫莱特在网上查询淀粉样变性方面的专家。
    Initially Cross was diagnosed with a different, incurable form of the disease, which would likely have killed him by age 40. In search of a second opinion, Poblete tracked down amyloidosis experts on the Internet.
  • 高耸入云的办公大楼,连同为其配套的地铁、公路和电缆网络,有可会成为不合时宜的事物而被遗弃在中世纪城堡的一侧。
    The office tower with its support net of subways, highways and power cables, could become an anachronism to place beside the mediaeval fortress.
  • 专性厌氧生物只在无氧条件下生存。
    an obligate anaerobe can survive only in the absence of OXYGen.
  • 肉毒杆菌一种(肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌)属的厌氧型钩形细菌,分泌肉毒毒素,寄生于土壤中
    An anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium(Clostridium botulinum) that secretes botulin and inhabits soils.
  • 灾变论者认为只杀死恐龙的寒冷黑暗缺氧的环境会最多在3-5年内消灭所有的生物。
    The cold dark anaerobic environment that catastrophists would like to believe killed only the dinosaurs would probably have wiped out all life on earth within three to five years at most.
  • 病人情况危急,因而需要手术,但又无法保证她是否经受得住麻醉剂,外科医生处于进退两难的境地。
    The patient's condition was critical and she needed an operation but there was no guarantee that she would survive the anaesthetic; the surgeon was on the horns of a dilemma.
  • 异丁苯丙酸一种非类固醇的抗燃烧药剂,c13h18o2,尤用于治疗关节炎,一般因其有止痛和退热的功而被服用
    A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, C13H18O2, used especially in the treatment of arthritis and commonly taken for its analgesic and antipyretic properties.
  • 就模拟输入而言,使模数转换器不区别其变化的超范围的绝对电压值。超载值对于正输入和负输入可不同。
    For analog inputs, any absolute voltage value above which the analog-to- digital converter cannot distinguish a change. The overload value can be different for plus and minus inputs.
  • 在模拟计算机技术中,一种比较两个模拟量并将比较结果表示出来的功部件。
    In analog computing, a functional unit that compares two analog variables and indicates the result of that comparison.
  • 其输出的模拟变量等于两个或多个输入模拟变量之和或加权和的一种操作装置[功部件]。
    A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of the input analog variables.
  • 一种功部件,其输出模拟变量是输入模拟变量相对于时间的积分。对某些积分器而言,积分变量可以不是时间。
    A functional unit whose output analog variable is the integral of an input analog variable with respect to time. For some integrators, the variable of integration may be other than time.
  • 因此,idc预测在1996~2000年期间,甚至可在以后一段时间内,模拟式modem技术将是最主要的访问技术。
    As a result, IDC predicts that analog modem technology will remain the primary access technology throughout the forecast period (1996-2000) and probably for some time beyond.
  • 一种够把脉冲从一种方式转换成另一种方式的装置。例如,把模拟数据转换成数字数据,或并行传输转换串行传输,或从一种代码转换成另一种代码。
    A device capable of converting impulses from one mode to another, such as analog to digital, or parallel to serial, or from one code to another.
  • 在一段时间内,很有可是模拟和数字modem、isdn、有线电视modem和dsl并存,为争得某些专门的应用而竞争,并把其它的挡在外面。
    In all probability, analog and digital modems, ISDN, cable modems, and DSL, will be sharing the networking scene for some time, competing for some niche applications, and solidly entrenched in others.
  • 这份报告中还专门以瑞典肿瘤科医生伦纳特·哈德尔的调查为例进行了分析。哈德尔的调查认为长期使用老式模拟手机的人患脑癌的可性要比不用手机的人高至少30%。
    The review singled out research by Swedish oncologist Lennart Hardell, which said that long-term users of old-fashioned analog cell phones were at least 30% more likely than nonusers to develop brain tumors.
  • 相关的在性质、特征或功上有关或类似的
    Related or analogous in nature, character, or function.
  • 屁股某种哺乳动物身体上功相似的部分
    The analogous part of the body on certain mammals.