  • 然而,为了控制或证明国会对著作权政策的尝试是正当的,最高法院很少行使解释著作权款的权力。
    The Court, however, has infrequently exercised its authority to interpret the Copyright Clause for the purpose of cabining or justifying Congress's forays into copyright policy.
  • 有关当局自己承认,他们没有严格实施反对乱抛废物例和法办违犯例的人。
    The authorities concerned have on their own admission been lax in enforcing the anti-litter regulations and in prosecuting those who infringe them.
  • 第十三 依法登记的土地的所有权和使用权受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。
    Article 13 The ownership and use right of land registered according to law shall be protected by law and no unit or individual is eligible to infringe upon it.
  • 第十未经奥林匹克标志权利人许可,为商业目的擅自使用奥林匹克标志,即侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权,引起纠纷的,由当事人协商解决;
    Such acts infringe the exclusive right of the right owner. The dispute over the infringement of the exclusive right of the Olympic Symbols may be settled by mediation.
  •    第五十一中华人民共和国公民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他公民的合法的自由和权利。
    Article 51. The exercise by citizens of the People's Republic of China of their freedoms and rights may not infringe upon the interests of the state, of society and of the collective, or upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens.
  • 如《刑法》第二百五十一规定:“国家机关工作人员非法剥夺公民的宗教信仰自由和侵犯少数民族风俗习惯,情节严重的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。”
    For instance, Article 251 of the Criminal Law states: ``State personnel who unlawfully deprive citizens of their freedom of religious belief and infringe upon the customs and habits of minority ethnic groups, when the circumstances are serious, are to be sentenced to not more than two years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention.''
  •  第六十一专利权人或者利害关系人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其专利权的行为,如不及时制止将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前向人民法院申请采取责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施。
    Article 61. Where any patentee or interested party has evidence to prove that another person is infringing or will soon infringe its or his patent right and that if such infringing act is not checked or prevented from occurring in time, it is likely to cause irreparable harm to it or him, it or he may, before any legal proceedings are instituted, request the people's court to adopt measures for ordering the suspension of relevant acts and the preservation of property.
  • 第三十九有本法第三十八所列侵犯注册商标专用权行为之一的,被侵权人可以向县级以上工商行政管理部门要求处理,有关工商行政管理部门有权责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,赔偿被侵权人的损失,赔偿额为侵权人在侵权期间因侵权所获得的利润或者被侵权人在被侵权期间因被侵权所受到的损失。
    Article 39.Where any party has committed any of such acts to infringe the exclusive right to use a registered trademark as provided for in Article 38 of this Law, the infringee may request the administrative authority for industry and commerce at or above the county level for actions. The administrative authority for industry and commerce shall have the power to order the infringer to immediately stop the infringing act and to compensate the infringee for the damages suffered by the latter. The amount of compensation shall be the profit that the infringer has earned through the infringement during the period of the infringement or the damages that the infringee has suffered through the infringement during the period of the infringement.
  •  第六十三有下列情形之一的,不视为侵犯专利权:
    Article 63. None of the following shall be deemed an infringement of the patent right:
  • 第三十八有下列行为之一的,均属侵犯注册商标专用权:
    Article 38.Any of the following acts shall be an infringement of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark:
  • 第十一对侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权的行为,工商行政管理部门有权依法查处。
    Article 11 The administration departments for industry and commerce has the right to investigate and deal with the infringement of the exclusive right of the Olympic Symbols.
  •  第六十侵犯专利权的赔偿数额,按照权利人因被侵权所受到的损失或者侵权人因侵权所获得的利益确定;
    Article 60. The amount of compensation for the damage caused by the infringement of the patent right shall be assessed on the basis of the losses suffered by the patentee or the profits which the infringer has earned through the infringement.
  • 消息使工人获得新的活力。
    The news infused the workers with new life.
  • 历史天定论认为事件是由件和不以人力为转移的过程决定或影响的理论
    A theory that events are determined or influenced by conditions and inherent processes beyond the control of human beings.
  •  第十三同一顺序继承人继承遗产的份额,一般应当均等。
    Article 13 Successors same in order shall, in general, inherit in equal shares.
  • 被法律或遗嘱款授权来继承他人财产的人。
    a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.
  • 香港特区继续遵行以下各主要国际人权公约,包括《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《儿童权利公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region continues to abide by the major international conventions on human rights, namely, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
  • 他们确实相信凡赛尔约是非常不公平的。
    they really believed that the treaty of Versailles was iniquitously injust.
  • 若试图将一个变量初始化成超出自身能力的一个值(无论这个值的数值形式如何),编译器就会向我们报告一出错消息。
    If you try to initialize a variable with a value bigger than it can hold (regardless of the numerical form of the value), the compiler will give you an error message.
  • 中国已建成国内卫星公众通信网,国内卫星通信话路达7万多,初步解决了边远地区的通信问题。
    The establishment of the domestic satellite public communication network, with more than 70,000 satellite telephone channels, has initially solved the problem of communication in remote areas.
  • 因此北京必须立即着手引进第二长输管线。
    Therefore, Beijing should initiate the construction of the second long-distance pipeline immediately.
  • 任何个人或机构实体均可,通过向任何icann认可的服务提供方提交依据本政策和本例规定的申诉,发起行政诉讼。
    Any person or entity may initiate an administrative proceeding by submitting a complaint in accordance with the Policy and these Rules to any Provider approved by ICANN.
  • 在几战线上,我军正在夺取主动权。
    On several fronts our armies were beginning to seize the initiative.
  • 他两条腿都受了伤。
    He was injured in both legs.
  • 计划性建的这铁路将为这个内陆国提供一向东出海的通过。
    The projected line will provide the inland country with an eastern outlet to the sea.
  • 优良的工作件和优厚的待遇使许多大学生离开了内陆地区。
    Better working conditions and higher wages have drained many university students away from the inland areas.
  • 阿帕拉契科拉河美国佛罗里达州西北部的一河流,从乔治亚洲边界向南注入墨西哥湾的海口阿伯拉契科拉海湾,流程约180公里(112英里)
    A river of northwest Florida flowing about180 km(112 mi) southward from the Georgia border to Apalachicola Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 那个城市有一内环路。
    The capital has a inner ring road.
  • 大多数的病毒是在特定的件下才对系统构成损害的。
    Most viruses act innocuous towards a system until their specific condition is met.
  • 这个花园带给他的灵感使他创造了数不清的作品,那些描绘池塘景色的作品更是赢得了所有人的赞美。画中的池塘绿柳环绕,栽满樱桃、翠竹和杜鹃花,日式拱桥垂下紫藤,水面上漂浮着朵朵睡莲--这些杰作多以“睡莲”命名。
    Everyone admires the innumerable paintings inspired by the place, especially those of the pool fringed with willows, ornamental cherries, bamboo, azaleas and irises, spanned by a Japanese bridge hung with wisteria, and planted with water lilies, the nymph as in the title of so many of these extraordinary pictures.
  • 第六款本除非在其提交各州之日起七年以内,由四分之三的州议会批准为宪法修正案,否则不发生效力。
    Section 6.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission.
  • 第二款本除非在国会将其提交各州之日起七年以内,由四分之三州议会批准为宪法修正案,否则不发生效力。
    Section 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.