  • 另外,中央台在下午4点至6点现场直播这场比赛。
    By the way, the CCTV will show the game live on Channel 8 between 00 to 00 pm.
  • 至于在星期日下午开放及在平日延长开放时间至晚上九时的计划,会分阶段推行。
    Sunday afternoon opening and the extension of the weekday closing time to 9 pm will be phased in.
  • 应朱镕基的邀请,吴作栋总理在明年再次访问中国。
    At the invitation of Mr Zhu, PM Goh will be making a visit to China next year.
  • 这两个观念分开来。
    Keep the two ideas distinct.
  • 制服一套有特色的衣服,以穿它的人作为特定人群的成员进行识别
    A distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear it as members of a specific group.
  • 灭火器的喷嘴对著火焰。
    He pointed the nozzle of the fire distinguish at the flames.
  • 在今后进一步开发阶段辨别纳米技术领域里的真伪仍是一项重要的任务。
    Distinguishing between what's real and what's not in nano throughout this period of extended exploration will remain no small task.
  • 这些金条上都打有识别标记,小偷们只有先它们熔化才有可能销赃。
    The bars are stamped/with distinguishing marks and will have to be melted down before the thieves can hope to dispose of them.
  • 七月九日,他公然两岸关系歪曲为“国家与国家,至少是特殊的国与国的关系”,企图从根本上改变台湾是中国一部分的地位,破坏两岸关系、特别是两岸政治对话与谈判的基础,破坏两岸和平统一的基础。
    " On July 9, he went so far as to publicly distort inter-Straits relations as "state to state relations, or at least special state to state relations," in an attempt to fundamentally change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, sabotage the relations between both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially the basis for cross-Straits political dialogues and negotiations, and wreck the foundation for peaceful reunification.
  • 七月九日,他公然两岸关系歪曲为“国家与国家,至少是特殊的国与国的关系”,企图从根本上改变台湾是中国一部分的地位,破坏两岸关系、特别是两岸政治对话与谈判的基础,破坏两岸和平统一的基矗
    On July 9, he went so far as to publicly distort the cross-Straits relations as "state to state relations, or at least special state to state relations," in an attempt to fundamentally change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, sabotage the relations between both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially the basis for cross-Straits political dialogues and negotiations, and wreck the foundation for peaceful reunification.
  • 当善良老实的谢莲凤得知凯特-布莱维特等人她当时的介绍编成了怎样的故事时,她气愤地说:“他们胡说八道!”
    When the kind-hearted and honest Xie was told how Blewett, et al distorted her story, she said furiously, ``They are talking rubbish!''
  • 有超现实主义扭曲的和即发生危险的感觉。
    characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger.
  • 当布朗听说他即离开军队时,他深感痛苦,他不能想像没有朋友和战友怎样生活。
    When Brown was told that he was being invalided out of the army, he was very distressed: he could not imagine life without friends and comrades.
  • 漆均匀地剧在墙上。
    Distribute the paint evenly over the wall.
  • 某物分发给一些人;分发某物
    Deal sth outbgive sth out to a number of people; distribute sth
  • 根据世贸组织的规定,这些公司在中国享有更大的自由进行生产、分销以及市场营销活动。
    Under WTO these firms will have more freedom to manufacture,distribute and market within the country.
  • 馈电线任何用来电力从变电站分送到用户或更小的变电站的电压导线
    Any of the medium-voltage lines used to distribute electric power from a substation to consumers or to smaller substations.
  • 对每一位有产品出售、分销或购买的人来说,都想从web网上获得信息。
    Everyone who has a product to sell, distribute, or purchase will want to get that information on the Web.
  • 国家在分配扶贫资金和物资时五个民族自治区全部视同西部省区,予以重点扶持。
    While distributing the help-the-poor capital and materials, the Chinese government put the five autonomous regions on the same footing as western China, placing them all on the priority list.
  • 书商来了,我问他是否能把那些即被扔掉的小人书送给我们。
    Soon the distributor arrived and I asked him if we could have the comic books.
  • 目前的骚动很快停止。
    The present disturbances will soon blow over.
  • 记得孙子所说的:迷惑、猜疑导致不团结,削弱竞争力,结果让对手坐享胜利的果实。
    Remember what Sun Tzu said about confusion and suspicion.They will lead to disunity, cause erosion of our competitiveness and provide victory to our competitors!
  • 记得孙子所说的:迷惑、猜疑导致不团结,削弱竞争力,结果让对手坐享胜利的果实。
    Remember what Sun Tzu said about confusion and suspicion. They will lead to disunity, cause erosion of our competitiveness and provide victory to our competitors!
  • 这些以语文为主导国家精英分成几个小圈子,固然能够反映出我国多元的特性,但其中或许也播下不协调种子,造成危机。
    Dividing the nation's elite into different linguistic streams may reflect the multifarious nature of our country, but it can also sow the seeds of disunity which may result in a national crisis.
  • 如果我们把这座闲置的教堂买下来,就可以其改造成一个很吸引人的家。
    If we buy the disused church, we could make it into an attractive home.
  • 废电池对人体危害极大,只有妥善处理才能污染尽量减少。
    The disused battery is very harmful and may cause serious pollution unless handled in a proper way.
  • 参赛者从最高的跳板上跳水。
    The competitors will dive off the highest board.
  • 他将手插入泥土中。
    He dived his hand into the earth.
  • 一名主持打捞行动的俄罗斯海军官员表示,试图一百一十八名士兵的尸体从沉没的库尔斯克核子潜舰中拖出的潜水人员们,周二已经快要完成在潜舰外壳上凿洞的工作。这个洞口的大小约可让一个人通过。
    Divers trying to raise the bodies of118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said.
  • 在这次比赛中,估计会涌现更多的优秀的跳水员。
    At the championships more promising divers are expected to come to the fore.
  • 一名主持打捞行动的俄罗斯海军官员表示,试图一百一十八名士兵的尸体从沉没的库尔斯克核子潜舰中拖出的潜水人员们,周二已经快要完成在潜舰外壳上凿洞的工作。这个洞口的大小约可让一个人通过。
    Divers trying to raise the bodies of 118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said.
  • 「港元债务工具发行计划」进一步加强按揭证券公司在债券市场集资的能力,以支持按揭购买计划的扩充及多元化。
    The Debt Issuance Programme will further enhance HKMC's ability to raise funds through the debt market to support the expansion and diversification of our mortgage purchase programme.