  • 各种糖类是人体能量的基本来源,它们参与人体新陈代谢,起着子粘合剂的作用。它们附着在各种组织蛋白的氨基中,交联形成一种硬硬的黄褐色合成物,一般称为高聚糖最终产物(age)。
    Sugars are an essential source of energy, but once in circulation they can act as molecular glue, attaching themselves to the amino groups in tissue proteins and cross-linking them into hard yellow-brown compounds known as advanced glycation end products, or AGEs.
  • 从附件或连接中离开的行为。
    the act of releasing from an attachment or connection.
  • 基部动物或植物的器官最近结合点的部
    The part of an animal or plant organ nearest its point of attachment.
  • 附属品机器上装有操作装置的部或其附属物
    An attachment to or part of a machine that holds or contains the operative device.
  • 肉柄脊椎动物通常作为一个更大的部或结构的附着物的茎状结构
    A stalklike structure in invertebrate animals, usually serving as an attachment for a larger part or structure.
  • 先打分散孤立之敌。
    Attack dispersed, isolated forces first.
  • 我同袭击我的人扭打几钟后,挣脱了对手,然后跑去求救兵。
    After tussling with my attacker for a few minutes, I succeeded in breaking free, and ran for help.
  • 航空兵由歼击、强击、轰炸、侦察、运输航空兵及保障部()队组成,通常按师、团、大队、中队体制编成。
    The aviation is composed of fighter, attacker, bomber, reconnaissance, transport and support units, usually in the organizational order of division, regiment, group and squadron.
  • 对于真正的蜥蜴,猛的拉它一下,蜥蜴的尾巴就会断掉。但是与其他的蜥蜴不同,玻璃蜥蜴的尾巴会逐段的散成碎片,每段碎片都在扭动,以迷惑攻击者,散其注意力。
    In true lizard fashion, it will lose its long tail when it is tugged, but unlike other lizards, its tail literally shatters into pieces. Each tail piece wriggles to wholly confuse and distract an attacker.
  • 发惩罚性角球时,进攻队的一名球员带球站在端线的一个指定地点,向进攻队等着射门得的其他球员开球。
    To take a penalty corner, one attacker stands with the ball on a designated spot on the back line. The player pushes out the ball to other attackers, waiting to take a shot at goal.
  • 海军航空兵编有轰炸航空兵、歼击轰炸航空兵、强击航空兵、歼击航空兵、反潜航空兵、侦察航空兵部队和警戒、电子对抗、运输、救护、空中加油等保障部()队,具有侦察、警戒、反舰、反潜、防空等作战能力,其编制序列为:航空兵部,舰队航空兵,航空兵师、团。
    The naval aviation is composed of bomber, fighter-bomber, attacker, fighter, anti-submarine and reconnaissance units, and security, ECM, transport, rescue and air refueling units, which have reconnaissance, security, anti-ship, anti-submarine and air defense capabilities. The organizational order is: Naval Aviation Department, fleet aviation, and aviation division and regiment.
  • 我想历史能让人思索:一个不文化合一和政治合一的统一理想是否可得,是否值得?
    The historical evidence, I think, is persuasive enough for one to wonder whether an ideal of unity undifferentiated between cultural ecumenism and political oneness is at all attainable or even desirable.
  • 经常有人问我:“怎样才能成功?”大部人认为财富是成功的标志,但我却认为最成功的人是那些以自己的工作、家庭和国家为荣的人。
    I am often asked, "What makes for success?" Most people regard success as the attainment of wealth, but I think that the most successful people are those who take pride in their work, family, and country.
  • 那次尝试仅部成功。
    The attempt was only partially successful.
  • 服务员:八点十九分。
    Attendant: At nineteen minutes past eight.
  • 注意力分散的
    Having the attention diverted.
  • 殷勤的主人;过注意
    An officious host; officious attention.
  • 挑剔的,苛求的通常指过地注意或涉及细节和细微区别的;谨小慎微的或小题大作的
    Attentive to or concerned with details or niceties, often excessively so; meticulous or fussy.
  • 一个频带的上下界频率之间差的一种度量,以周期/秒表示。在该频带中,任何一频率的衰减(对中心频率而言)小于一个特定的值(通常为半功率或3贝)。
    A measurement of the difference in cycles/sec between the limiting frequencies of a band in which the attenuation of any frequency, with respect to the central frequency, isless than a specified value(usually half power or three db).
  • 作为一个结婚40余年的人,我可以证明下面这个说法完全正确:想要在家庭的争辩中打满,首先要掌握认输的艺术。
    Having been married for more than 40 years, I can attest to the truth of the following statement: To excel in the art of domestic argument, one must master the art of losing.
  • 比如说,你应该在穿着上倍加细心,穿戴整齐得体,避免走极端,既不要穿得过考究,也不要显得太随便。
    You should, for example, take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too elaborate or too casual attire.
  • 特别节目一项娱乐中特别吸引人的部
    A special attraction at an entertainment.
  • 着迷愚蠢的,非理性的或过的激情或迷恋
    A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.
  • 她把自己打扮得十迷人。
    She got herself up very attractively.
  • 商品陈列得十吸引人。
    The goods for sale were laid out attractively.
  • 澳洲东部一种广泛布的乔木,生产一种耐用纤维,木材轻而软,纹理美丽;其叶为牲畜的一种重要救急饲料。
    widely distributed tree of eastern Australia yielding a tough durable fiber and soft light attractively grained wood; foliage is an important emergency food for cattle.
  • 失业人数增加的部原因可归於资金抽逃国外。
    Rising in unemployment is partly attributable to a flight of money abroad.
  • 异构体具有同异构特征的或可归因于同异构体的化学和物理现象的集合体
    The complex of chemical and physical phenomena characteristic of or attributable to isomers.
  • 价格上涨属表面的或暂时的,主要原因在于空头卖方的回补买入及部投机者的买入。
    Price rise only superficial or temporary mainly attributable to short covering also partly speculative purchases.
  • 医学中有关精神系统疾病导致精神失调的支。
    the branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders attributable to diseases of the nervous system.
  • 税务局:如果住满1年但不超过5年,境外收入只就境内支付的部征税。
    Tax official: any individual who has resided in china for more than one year but less than 5 years, the part paid by a foreign employer and attributable to service outside china is exempt.
  • 是其一部或者属于。
    be a part or attribute of.