  • 他常常向我说起他怎样只花五镑收集到一件杰作。
    He has often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere $5.
  • 一、精通母语+精通文+卓越才干
    1. Mastery of Chinese + mastery of English + extraordinary talent
  • 三、精通文+卓越才干。
    3. Mastery of English + extraordinary talent
  • 二、通母语+精通文+卓越才干。
    2. Fluency in Chinese + mastery of English + extraordinary talent
  • 赵:你认为你的成功最应归功于哪个因素:对语的掌握,顶尖商学院的mba学位,还是你在世界500强公司的营销经验?
    Zhao:What factors do you attribute most to your personal success,your mastery of English,your top notch MBA education or your marketing experience at a Fortune 500 companies?
  • 她还提到一只名叫乔治亚娜的大驯犬,由于爱上了咖喱口味的食物而象吹气球一般猛增了10.5石(147磅),目前这只狗正在兰开斯特的达温进行减肥瘦身。
    She also mentioned how bull mastiff Georgina had ballooned to 10?st after developing a taste for curries as an example.The pet has been put on a diet in Darwen, Lancs.
  • 直到1790年第三次比赛时,他才最后打败汉弗莱斯,而成为国的冠军。
    It was not until his third match in1790 that he finally beat Humphries and become Champion of England.
  • 在澳大利亚,坐50里的汽车去看一场球赛不算一回事。
    In Australia, one thinks nothing of riding fifty miles to a match.
  • 他是另一个队的队员,他暗中告诉我们下一场比赛中他的队谁将上场同我们对阵,因此我们给了他10镑追偿金。
    He's a member of the other team and secretly let us know who his side were going to field against us at the next match, so we gave him ten pounds conscience money.
  • 在任何时候任何情况下,与人民群众同呼吸共命运的立场不能变,全心全意为人民服务的宗旨不能忘,坚信群众是真正雄的历史唯物主义观点不能丢。
    In no time and under no circumstances, can the stand of sharing the common fate with the masses of the people be changed, the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly be forgotten , and the viewpoint of historical materialism that the people are the real heroes be discarded.
  • 相当多的待产妇被挤出国产科医院。
    A fairly large proportion of expectant mothers are crowded out of Britain's maternity hospitals.
  • 语相比我更擅长数学
    I am better at math than English.
  • 取得数学课和语课的学分
    Gain credits in Math and English
  • 他是个英国数学家。
    He is an English mathematician.
  • 巴罗,艾萨克1630-1677国神学家、学者和数学家,写有三角学、光学和神权方面的著作
    English theologian, scholar, and mathematician who wrote about trigonometry, optics, and papal supremacy.
  • 她不但擅长数学,而且对语也感到兴趣。
    She is not only good at mathematics, but she is interested in English as well.
  •  周杰伦的数学、自然科学和语成绩很差。
    Chou did poorly at maths, science and English.
  • 语(数学,生物,中国文学,地理)
    teach English(maths, biology, chinese literature, geography)
  • 语(数学,生物,中国文学,地理)
    Teach English ( maths, biology, Chinese literature, geography)
  • 到他家有9里的路程。在路上,我了解了一些关于马修的情况。
    During the nine-mile drive to his home,I found out something about Matthew.
  • 我游泳最远游一里。
    I can swim a maximum of 1 mile.
  • 同样来自海岸研究中心的查尔斯-马友说:"我们要对付的是个大家伙,50吨重,50尺长,它或许根本就不知道我们是来帮它的。"
    "We're dealing with a huge animal," said Charles Mayo, center for Coastal Studies. "Fifty, say 50 tons, 50 feet in length.It probably doesn't know we're trying to help it."
  • 这顿饭花了我们30镑.
    The meal cost us 30.
  • 这房间的面积是20尺乘15尺.
    The measurements of the room are 20 feet by 15 feet.
  • 大号床的尺寸为60寸×80寸的(1。5米×2。0米)。用于床
    Measuring about60 inches by80 inches(1.5 meters by2.0 meters). Used of a bed.
  • 处理200万像素的相机起价大约是280镑。
    Two mega pixel cameras start at around £280.
  • 一个很高的直立的巨石;主要是从法国北部和格兰地区发现的。
    a tall upright megalith; found primarily in N France and England.
  • 一九一八年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的格利变得沉默寡言。
    In 1918,he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder.Engrid was left motherless and melancholy.
  • 一九一八年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的格利变得沉默寡言。
    In 1918, he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder. Engrid was left motherless and melancholy[4].
  • 那书架上有一批杂乱的国小说。
    The shelf contained a pell-mell assortment of English novels.
  • 1960年9月,达赖集团在尼泊尔木斯塘重新组建了“四水六岗卫教军”,在中国边境进行了长达十年之久的军事袭扰活动,其首任总指挥恩珠仓·公布扎西在其回忆录《四水六岗》中写道,“组织了一系列向中国哨所的进攻”,“有时,一二百人的西藏游击队的活动深入中国占领区达一百里”。
    In September 1960, the Dalai clique re-organized the "religion guards of the four rivers and six ranges" in Mustang, Nepal, which carried on military harassment activities along the Chinese border for ten years. Its first commander-in-chief Anzhugcang Goinbo Zhaxi wrote in his memoirs Four Rivers and Six Ranges that "a series of attacks were organized on Chinese outposts" and "sometimes, 100 or 200 Tibetan guerrillas went as far as 100 miles into the area occupied by the Chinese."
  • 旧的国有体制控制下中国足球最晦气的年代是20世纪80年代最难忘的是1985年败在当时还是国殖民地的不起眼的香港队脚下,导致球迷砸车放火以泄愤怒。
    The dark age of Chinese soccer under the old state run system was the 1980s, most memorably a 1985 loss to lightweights Hong Kong, then a British colony, that led angry fans to smash cars and start fires.