  • 因为有了白色政权间的长期的分裂和战争,便给了一种条件,使一小块或若干小块的共产党领导的红色区域,够在四围白色政权包围的中间发生和坚持下来。
    The prolonged splits and wars within the White regime provide a condition for the emergence and persistence of one or more small Red areas under the leadership of the Communist Party amidst the encirclement of the White regime.
  • 培养讲政治、懂全局、善于治党治国的领导人才尤为重要。中国的社会主义事业巩固和发展下去,中国在激烈的国际竞争中始终强盛不衰,关键看我们不断培养造就一大批高素质的领导人才。
    It is all the more important to have, through training, leading officials who are more politically-minded and good at leading the Party and ruling the country and who pay attention to overall interests. A large number of high-caliber leading officials hold the key to the consolidation and development of China's socialism and its continued prosperity amidst the fierce international competition.
  • 够对人造卫星进行检测、补充燃料或重新编程的太空船,也可以使卫星失灵、毁坏或删除它的程序。
    A spacecraft that can ex amine,refuel,or reprogram a satellite might also be capable of disabling,destroying,or deprogramming it.
  • 这决不被误解的心意-
    The mind that never meant amiss-
  • 人们为他的访问做了大量准备工作。克拉克将军本尤其希望英王的访问够顺利进行。
    Extensive preparations were made before the visit, and General Clark himself was especially anxious that nothing should go amiss.
  • 她对于自己的自理力很敏感,你要是主动帮助她,她可容易见怪。
    She's so touchy about being able to look after herself that your offer of help may easily be taken amiss.
  • 每个国家和民族都有自己的特点和长处,大家只有彼此尊重,求同存异,和睦相处,互相促进,才创造百花争妍,万紫千红的世界。
    Every country and every people has its special characteristics and strong points. It. is only by respecting one another, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, living with one another in amity and complementing one another can we make the world as colorful as a garden where a hundred flowers are contending in beauty.
  • “可会有违禁弹药。”
    ``For the possibility there are forbidden ammo."
  • “有偶然发现违禁弹药的可吗?”
    ``For the possibility there is by chance forbidden ammo?"
  • 在歇斯底里的状态下身体的许多机是紊乱的-莫里斯·菲什宾;狂忘症。
    during hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered- Morris Fishbein; hysterical amnesia.
  • 当cpu失控时,称计算机程序或计算机崩溃。程序的进展乱了套,读写存储器中的任何内容都有可发生无法预料的改变。
    A computer program or a computer is said to crash when the CPU loses control. The program goes amok, and generally everything in read/write memory is subject to change without notice.
  • 尽管“四人帮”猖獗一时,但是,他们没有够扑灭广大青少年的学习热情,没有够扼杀广大教师为党为人民精心培育下一代的革命积极性。
    Though the Gang of Four ran amok for a time, they failed to extinguish the young people's enthusiasm for study or to crush the teachers' revolutionary determination to educate the next generation for the Party and the people.
  • 我在家就完成我的所有研究,而不用再去图书馆紧张地去寻找莎士比亚的《暴风雨》或其他的书,也不必去忍受那些吵闹的学习研究小组,他们常忘了"在图书馆要保持安静"的规定。
    I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok in the library,stressing out while trying to find Shakespeare's The Tempest or some other book,all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the “ silence policy of libraries” means.
  • 从照片上这些人中找出你母亲吗?
    Can you pick out your mother from amongst the group on that photograph?
  • 在开发小组间建立开发社区将加强自我支持力、提高开发人员的兴趣以及对受欢迎的应用程序的集中使用等。
    The establishment of a development community amongst development groups promotes self-support, developer interest, and a central source of compelling applications.
  • 只有这样,人们才会确保那些人力资源中表现出来的所有自由有效地在友好国家间更为广泛地进行合作的组织中得到有效利用。
    Only in this way could one make sure that all the free energy potentially present. in the form of human resources is channeled effectively within a wider cooperative organization amongst friendly nations.
  • 因为,爱情底报酬永远是这样,要不是回爱,就是一种内心的隐藏的轻蔑,这条定理是真的。由此可见人们更应当如何提防这种情欲,因为它不但使人失去别的事物,简直连自己也保不住。至于其他的损失,古诗人的故事表现得极好;就是喜爱海伦的人是舍弃了攸诺和派拉斯底赏赐的。因为无论何人若过于重视爱情,则自将放弃财富与智慧也。这种情欲泛滥的时候正是在人心力极弱的时候;那就是在一个人最繁荣或最困厄的时候——虽然困厄是不甚受人注意过的。这两个时候都是燃起爱火并使之更为热烈的,由此足见“爱”是“愚”之子也。有些人,即在心中不不有爱的时候,仍使它受约束,并且把它与人生底要务严格分开,这些人可算做事极当;因为“爱”若是一旦参与正事,就要扰害人们底福利,并且使他们无术坚守自己底目的。我不懂为什么,可是武人最易堕入爱情。我想这也和他们喜欢喝酒一样;因为危险的事业多需要娱乐为报酬也。人性之中有一种隐秘地爱他人的倾向和趋势,这种倾向若不消耗在一个人或少数人身上,将很自然地普及于众人,并使人变为仁慈的,例如在僧侣之中有时就看得到这样的情形。
    For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses,the poet's relation doth well figure them; that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno, and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection,quitteth both riches, and wisdom. This passion hath his floods in the very times of weakness;which are, great prosperity; and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed. Both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter:and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions of life: for if it check once with business, it troubleth men s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. I know not how, but martial men are given to love:I think it is, but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's nature, a secret inclination, and motion, towards love of others; which, if it be not spent upon some one, or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many; and maketh men become humane, and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars.
  • 流动并按容器形状成形的连续的无定型物质:液体或气体。
    a continuous amorphous substance that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas.
  • 流体一种分子之间自由移动并有随容器形状变化趋势的连续的、无定形的物质;液体或气体
    A continuous, amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas.
  • 你能付清这笔款吗?
    Can you meet this amount?
  • 它可没有什么效果。
    It may amount to nothing.
  • 5英镑帮你解决问题吗?
    Would & 5 help you out?
  • 焦耳电单位,相当于1安培的电流通过1欧姆的电阻在1秒钟内所做的功
    A unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of1 ampere is passed through a resistance of1 ohm for1 second.
  • 单位当电流为安培电阻为欧姆通电时间为秒时所做的功。
    a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second.
  • 没太得灵和安非他命够让你失心丧命。
    Methedrine and amphetamine can and will freeze your mind and kill your body.
  • 哌醋甲酯一种药,c14h19no2,与苯丙胺有化学上的联系,用作中枢神经系统弱兴奋剂,尤其以其氢氯化物形式来治疗成人的发作性睡眠病和儿童的运动功亢进失调
    A drug, C14H19NO2, chemically related to amphetamine, that acts as a mild stimulant of the central nervous system and is used especially in the form of its hydrochloride for the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and hyperkinetic disorders in children.
  • 一种含钙、镁硅酸盐的闪石,属单斜晶系,作为玉的来源,不如硬玉贵重,曾被认为可以治疗肾功紊乱。
    an amphibole mineral consisting of calcium magnesium silicate in monoclinic crystalline form; a source of jade that is less valuable than from jadeite; once believed to cure kidney disorders.
  • 安妮:那就是罗马的椭圆型露天竞技场了,基本上是综合功的体育场。
    Annie: That must be the oval unroofed amphitheater in Rome. It was basically a stadium with comprehensive functions.
  • 它们这么做,是因为地方有的是。
    The presence of ample ground made this possible.
  • 他的积蓄足使他渡过这场危机。
    His savings are ample to see him through this crisis.
  • 在电子技术中,用来修饰或说明不进行放大或产生量的设备。
    In electronics, pertaining to an equipment incapable of amplification or power generation.
  • 通过受激发射光扩大;够产生连在一起的强烈的单色射束。
    Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light.