  • 托姆和翰好像非常要好。
    Tom and John seem very thick.
  • 翰的偷窃本领很高明。
    John is a good thief.
  • 第三、期货的交易费用与合的价值无关,而是按买卖合数目收费的。
    Thirdly, the transaction costs for trading SIF contracts will not be proportional to the contract value. Instead, it will be a flat fee per contract for a round trip.
  • 无毒蛇;占所有现存蛇类的三分之二。
    nonvenomous snakes; about two-thirds of all living species.
  • 三分之二的男生退出了学校,其余的人分成文理科两大类。
    About two-thirds of the boys leave school, the others split up into Science and Arts.
  • 好了要见托马斯先生。
    I've got an appointment to see Mr. Thomas.
  • 汤普森先生住在这城市里大一年左右才认清本地的关键人物。
    After about a year, Mr. Thompson had lived in this town long enough to know who was who.
  • 翰花了太多的时间写报告,报告写得过份详细了。
    John carries thoroughness to a fault;he spends many hours writing his reports.
  • 翰对宗教轻率地加以评论给自己招来了很多麻烦。
    John's thoughtless remark about religion got him into a lot of hot water.
  • 这群人大有一千人。
    The crowd approximated a thousand people.
  • 服务员:大有3000公里。
    It's about three thousand kilometers.
  • 有2000名代表把礼堂挤得满满的。
    About two thousand delegates packed the hall.
  • 如果翰不肯说,我们只得从他那里逼出真相。
    If John won't tell, we shall have to thrash the truth out of him.
  • 正如亲身会能让你激动得发抖,你会发现网上结识新朋友同样很刺激。
    Just as dating in person can make you tremble with excitement, you can find the same thrill of discovering someone new on line.
  • 约翰是玛丽的情人。
    John is Mary's heart- throb.
  • 定由星期五提前到星期四
    Moved the appointment forward, from Friday to Thursday.
  • “我发誓,是你呀,翰·弗罗洛·德·莫朗迪诺①!”
    “Why, by my soul, ’tis Joannes Frollo de Molendino!
  • 翰飞快地跑进屋里,出租汽车司机让计程表滴答滴答地继续走下去。
    The taxi driver had left his meter ticking away while John dashed into the house.
  • (八)加强对权力的制和监督。
    8. Tighten the restraint on and supervision over the use of power.
  • 资方提醒有必要进一步节
    The management warnedof the need for further belt-tightening, ie economy.
  • 邮政业务紧缩以后,整个纽大都会地区的居民与商家都在尽量适应分局窗口时间减少和星期日不再收取及处理邮件[的新情况]。
    In the wake of a tightening of postal services, residents and businesses throughout the New York metropolitan region are struggling to adapt to fewer window hours in post office branches and the end of all Sunday mail collection and sorting.
  • 在同一时代中,纽华盛顿大桥的技术经久不衰。
    Revolutionary in its time, New York's GW has been surpassed many times over.
  • 我朋友汤姆是《纽时报》的记者。
    My friend Tom is a reporter for the New York Times.
  • 我的内弟是<纽时报>社的记者。
    My brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff.
  • 翰实在令人讨厌,那麽晚才来。
    It was very tiresome of John not to come till so late.
  • 地轴倾斜成二百三十一度角。
    The earth's axis is titled at an angle of about 231.
  • 地轴倾斜成二百三十一度角。
    The earth's axis is titled at an angle of about 231.
  • 地轴倾斜成二百三十一度角
    The earth 's axis is titled at an angle of about 231
  • 地轴倾斜成二百三十一度角
    The earth 's axis is titled at an angle of about 231
  • 我在这里想介绍2月16日《纽时报》发表的一篇文章。
    I’d like to recommend to you a February 16 article in The New York Times titled The.
  • 我在这里想介绍2月16日《纽时报》发表的一篇文章。
    I’d like to recommend to you a February 16 article in The New York Times titled The.
  • 2002年6月,中国又和俄罗斯等国一道,联合向裁谈会提交了题为“防止在外空部署武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力国际条(草案)”的工作文件,就未来外空法律文书的总体结构和具体内容提出了设想。
    In June 2002, China, Russia and some other countries jointly submitted to the Conference a working paper titled Possible Elements for a Future International Legal Agreement on the Prevention of the Deployment of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects (Draft), setting forth their concept on the general structure and concrete contents of such a document.