  • 对不起,女士,现在没有位。
    I'm sorry, madam, but there is no vacancy at the moment.
  • 填补调走人留下的那个缺职位将会有竞争。
    The vacancy left by transfer is to be filled up on a competitive basis.
  • 我查一下订票记录,看是否还有座位。
    I'll check with the booking record to see if there's a vacancy left.
  • “请把我放在心上好吗?万一贵公司何时出现缺呢?”
    "You'll keep me in mind, won't you - just in case a vacancy should occur in you company?"
  • 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这个职位还着吗?
    I'm asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
  • 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这职位还着吗?
    I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
  • 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这职位还着吗?
    I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday 's newspaper. do you still have that vacancy?
  •  (二)各级别前四名的运动员因伤病等原因,不能参加世界杯赛时,其缺名额由国际武联技委会指派。
    3.2 If, due to injury or illness, etc, competitors of the top four place of each category are unable to participate, the vacancy will be appointed by the IWUF Technical Committee.
  • 在选拔填补该缺的从选时,部长说他决不会任人唯亲。他说,这是一个论长处比经验的问题,来不得半点马虎:贤能者当任此职。
    In choosing the man to fill the vacancy, the minister said he would play no favourites: it would be strictly a matter of merit and experience with the best man winning.
  • 如果那个房间着,我们可以在那练习。
    If that room is vacant, we can practice there.
  • 他不知道闲时间该干点什么。
    He does not know what to do with his vacant time.
  • 他被委派填补那空缺.
    He was appointed to the vacant post.
  • 四楼有几间著的办公室。
    There are some vacant offices on the third floor.
  • 这家旅馆有空房吗?
    Are there any rooms vacant in this hotel?
  • 申请一个空缺的职务
    to apply for a vacant position in an office
  • 有空床位吗?
    Are there any beds vacant?
  • 有空座位吗?
    Be there a place vacant?
  • 有空房间吗?
    Have you any vacant room?
  • 有空座位吗?
    Is there a place vacant?
  • 我们有几个职位缺。
    We have several position vacant.
  • 有空房吗?
    Is there a vacant room here?
  • 还有空的地方吗?
    Is there still a place vacant?
  • 这个职位现在为什么缺?
    Why is this job now vacant?
  • 这个座位是空的吗?
    Is this seat free? (vacant)
  • 对不起,没有的单人房间了。
    Sorry. No single rooms are vacant.
  • 史密斯被派任那个缺。
    Smith was appointed to the vacant post.
  • 这栋空房子要卖。
    The vacant house was on the block.
  • 这家旅馆有房间吗?
    Are there any vacant rooms in this hotel?
  • 贵商行有职位缺吗?
    Be there any position vacant in your firm?
  • 贵商行有职位缺吗?
    Is there any position vacant in your firm?
  • 在吸烟区有座位吗?
    Is there a vacant seat in the smoking area?
  • 登在报上的缺的法律职务
    List in a newspaper of legal job which is vacant