  • 英格兰鲑英格兰湖泊地区的一种极其相近的鲑(英格兰鲑)
    A closely related whitefish(C. gracilior) of the Lake District of England.
  • 鲱鱼一种小型鱼(鲱鱼),产于五大湖区和加拿大东部湖区
    A small whitefish(Coregonus hoyi) of the Great Lakes and the lakes of eastern Canada.
  • 加拿大鲑,湖青鱼一种鲑属或大口鲑属的北美淡水鱼,与鲑相关或类似于
    Any of several North American freshwater fishes of the genus Coregonus or Leucichthys, related to and resembling the whitefish.
  • 鲑北美鱼类的一种,如鲑属的淡水鲑或?属的海洋鱼类
    Any of various North American fishes, such as a freshwater whitefish of the genus Coregonus or a marine fish of the genus Kyphosus.
  • 鲑科的一个模式属;鲑。
    type genus of the Coregonidae: whitefishes.
  • 它象云或象雪那样反射出光。
    It reflects light whitely like clouds or snow.
  • 我必须刷我的网球鞋。
    I must whiten my tennis shoes.
  • 用管土漂皮革制品。
    whiten or clean with pipe-clay, as of leather.
  • 用遮盖物挡住光线直射以使(生长中的植物或植物的一部分)变
    To whiten(a growing plant or plant part) by covering to cut off direct light.
  • 石灰水、涂料石灰和水的混和物,通常加有垩粉、浆糊或胶水,用于粉刷墙、篱笆或其它建筑
    A mixture of lime and water, often with whiting, size, or glue added, that is used to whiten walls, fences, or other structures.
  • 黄化,化在没有阳光的情况下生长而变苍
    To become blanched or whitened, as when grown without sunlight.
  • 细而的粘土,用于制烟管、陶器及将皮革变
    fine white clay used in making tobacco pipes and pottery and in whitening leather.
  • 一种通过漂洗而变的方法(把它爆晒在阳光下或用化学药品}。
    the act of whitening something by bleaching it (exposing it to sunlight or using a chemical bleaching agent).
  • 一种北极出现的大气状况:雪和上面的云构成一致的色,使东西难以看清;发生在当从雪反射回的光等于穿过云的光。
    an arctic atmospheric condition with clouds over snow produce a uniform whiteness and objects are difficult to see; occurs when the light reflected off the snow equals the light coming through the clouds.
  • 给网球鞋刷白粉
    to put whitening on tennis shoes
  • 虽然黑人像人的一样都是人,可是没有把黑人当作人类来看待。
    Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites they were not treated as human beings.
  • 在1945年到70年代末,英国的非人的比例快速增长。
    The percentage of non-whites in Britain increased quite rapidly between 1945 and the end of the 1970s.
  • 你能看到他们眼球就可以射击。
    hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes; they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire.
  • 现在,一半以上的非人是移民,不过大多数的非人生于英国。
    At present, more than half the nonwhites in Britain are immigrants, but it will soon be the case that the majority of non-whites are people born in Britain.
  • 墙壁粉刷得像牛奶一般洁
    The walls were whitewashed as white as milk.
  • 我们继续走,穿过许多刷成色的农舍,古老的树木上仍然依依不舍地挂着几片树叶。
    We walk on past whitewashed cottages and ancient trees just holding on to the last of their leaves.
  • 魔力生自文章中,如烟发自烟斗,或云起于山巅,不知将何所之。
    Charm rises from one's writing as smoke rises from a pipe-bowl, or a cloud rises from ;i hill-top, not knowing whither it is going.
  • 胡须发白。
    The beard is whitish.
  • 这褂子已经洗得发了。
    The coat has turned whitish from much washing.
  • 色部位的色彩上淡的或发的,或有淡色或色的部分,用于动物名及植物名
    Light or whitish in color or having light or whitish parts. Used with animal and plant names.
  • (生物学)覆盖着纤细的色毛发或者绒毛。
    (biology) covered with fine whitish hairs or down.
  • 易于保存的、李子形状的、颜色从微到几乎全黑的水果;产于热带美洲。
    plum-shaped whitish to almost black fruit used for preserves; tropical American.
  • 美其敏一种略带色的透明粉末,c25h27cln2,用于治疗恶心或移动的病症(晕船、晕车和晕飞机)
    A whitish crystalline powder, C25H27ClN2, used to treat nausea and motion sickness.
  • 铠鼹一种南美洲犰狳(圆头倭犰狳属圆头倭犰狳),有黄褐色的甲壳和带色的皮毛
    A South American armadillo(Burmeisteria retusa) having yellow-brown armor and whitish hair.
  • 缓慢生长的多年生植物,具有毛的叶子和一丛小花。
    low-growing perennial herb having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small white flowers.
  • 任何鱼肉稍发甜的薄体鱼类;通常当作鱼片。
    sweet lean whitish flesh of any of numerous thin-bodied fish; usually served as thin fillets.
  • 角树一种角木属的树木,具有光滑的微灰色树皮和坚硬的色木质层
    Any of various trees of the genus Carpinus, having smooth, grayish bark and hard, whitish wood.