  • 原子和子光谱学实验方法
    experimental methods in atomic and molecular spectroscopy
  • 伊拉克原子能委员会所需的化学析设备。
    chemical-analysis equipment for the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission(IAEC).
  • 微观物理学研究子、原子,核和亚核系统的物理学
    The physics of molecular, atomic, nuclear, and subnuclear systems.
  • 她的发言就反对原子武器问题进行了十有力的论证。
    Her speech argued the case against atomic weapons very effectively.
  • 迪拉克,保罗・阿德利安・莫里斯1902-1984英国数学和物理学家。1933年因新原子理论公式与人享诺贝尔奖
    British mathematician and physicist. He shared a1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory.
  • 原子古代唯物论中假定的不可的、不可破坏的物质单位
    The irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated by ancient atomism.
  • 原子和分子的电离
    ionization of atoms and molecules
  • 三原子的三代的每个子中包含有三个原子的
    Containing three atoms per molecule.
  • 每个子中含有两个铬原子的
    Containing two chromium atoms per molecule.
  • 桥指子内部原子与原子间的连接物
    An intramolecular connection that spans atoms or groups of atoms.
  • 原子数,原子价,化合价单质子中的原子数
    The number of atoms in a molecule.
  • 使粉碎使减小或解为微粒
    To reduce to or separate into atoms.
  • 三氯化物每个子中含有三个氯原子的化合物
    A compound containing three chlorine atoms per molecule.
  • 每个子中含有两个氯原子的化合物。
    a compound containing two chlorine atoms per molecule.
  • 二氧化物子式中含有两个氧原子的化合物
    A compound with two oxygen atoms per molecule.
  • 三硫化合物每个子中包含有三个硫原子的硫化物
    A sulfide containing three sulfur atoms per molecule.
  • 三氧化物每个子中含有三个氧原子的氧化物
    An oxide containing three oxygen atoms per molecule.
  • 物质由子构成,而子由原子构成。
    Matters consist of molecules, and molecules of atoms.
  • 原子虽小,但并不是不可隔的。
    Small as atoms are, they are not indivisible.
  • 每个子中有六个碳原子的单糖。
    a monosaccharide that contains six carbon atoms per molecule.
  • 一个氧气子由2个氧原子构成。
    An oxygen gas molecule consists of two oxygen atoms.
  • 每个子中含有三个氯原子的任何化合物。
    any compound containing three chlorine atoms in each molecule.
  • 每个子中含有四个氯原子的任何化合物。
    any compound that contains four chlorine atoms per molecule.
  • 随着这一新风格的发展,爵士乐被成了几个流派:从快速,节奏硬朗的比博普,以及有着松弛,柔美旋律的酷派爵士乐,到以颤抖,无调的打击乐为主的自由爵士,还有散发着朴实韵味的心灵爵士。
    As the genre evolved, the music split into a number of different styles, from the speedy, hard-hitting rhythms of be-bop and the laid-back, mellow harmonies of cool jazz to the jittery, atonal forays of free jazz and the earthy grooves of soul jazz.
  • 北美的一种普通的野葱,具有强烈的葱味,在无叶的茎干顶端有一个粉红色花的伞状花序;布于不列颠哥伦比亚省至加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州、怀俄明州和科罗拉多州。
    a common North American wild onion with a strong onion odor and an umbel of pink flowers atop a leafless stalk; British Columbia to California and Arizona and east to Wyoming and Colorado.
  • 因为萎缩的左手而部瘫痪。
    partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm.
  • 消耗病,痨病以身体或身体的一部萎缩或消蚀为特点的一种疾病
    A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body.
  • 扣下某人的部分薪金
    attach part of sb.'s salary
  • 我十分重视教育。
    I attach great importance to education.
  • 他们十(不大)重视大多数人的意见。
    They attach great(little) importance to the opinions of the majority
  • 瓣钩幼虫珠蚌科淡水贝类的寄生幼体,长有钩并用来附着在寄宿主鱼的鳃或其他体外部
    The parasitic larva of certain freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae, having hooks for attaching to the gills or other external parts of a host fish.
  • 标准集中器上的局域网段通过把(工作在站仿真方式下的)dtrc口接到该集中器上任何一个可以使用的插接瓣上,就可与网络其余部连通。
    A LAN segment on a classic concentrator can be linked to the rest of the network by attaching a DTR C-Port (operating in station-emulation mode) to any available lobe on the device.