  • 我和我最好的朋友科科住在一座可爱小城寓里。
    My best friend,Cocoa,and I live in a senior citizen apartment complex in a lovely small town.
  • 科是1岁的卷毛狗,而我是个6岁的女人,所以我们够格当老年民。
    Cocoa is a ten year old poodle and I am a sixty nine year old lady,so you can see we both qualify as senior citizens.
  • cck所做的工作是把复杂的数学式应用于dsss代码,以允许该代码在每个时钟周期表示更多的信息。
    What CCK does is to apply sophisticated mathematical formulas to the DSSS codes, permitting the codes to represent a greater volume of information per clock cycle.
  • 软件开发司发现ldap更容易实现,因为它采用简单的文本串用于编码,而不是较复杂的格式化。
    Developers find LDAP easier to implement because it uses simple text strings for coding rather than more complicated formatting.
  • 更新的技术,如先进的音频编码(aac)、微软司的windowsaudio4.0以及at&t司的a2b等都在开发之中,aac许诺以更小的文件提供更好的声音质量。
    Newer technologies such as Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Audio 4.0 and AT&T Corp's a2b are being developed.AAC promises even better sound quality with smaller files.
  • 各国应加强经济技术的交流与合作,逐步改变不正不合理的国际经济秩序,使经济全球化达到共赢和共存的目的。
    Countries should step up their economic and technical exchanges and cooperation and gradually transform the inequitable and irrational international economic order so that all will win and coexist as a result of economic globalization.
  • 不同民族、不同历史文化、不同社会制度和不同经济发展水平的国家和地区,应互相尊重,求同存异,取长补短,和平共处,协商合作,推动建立正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,努力促进共同发展和繁荣。
    All countries or regions, regardless of ethnicity, history, culture, social system and level of economic development, should respect each other, seek common ground while setting aside differences, learn from each other to offset their own weakness, coexist peacefully, work for the establishment of a new, fair and rational international political and economic order and strive for common growth and prosperity through consultations and cooperation.
  • 我想,我们就首先在阁下来访的新闻报中体现和平共处五项原则。
    First of all, let us see to it that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are reflected in the press communique about the visit of Your Excellency.
  • 主张在和平共处五项原则的基础上,建立正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,同所有国家发展友好合作关系。
    China advocates establishing a new fair and rational international political and economic order, and developing relations of friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
  • 《联合国宪章》、和平共处五项原则和其他认的国际关系准则,是维护和平的政治基矗互利合作、共同繁荣,是维护和平的经济保障。
    The UN Charter, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other universally recognized principles governing international relations should serve as the political basis for safeguarding peace while mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity its economic guarantee.
  • 今后5年,中国将基本形成以政府办学为主体,社会各界共同参与,办学校和民办学校共同发展的办学体制;
    Within the next five years, an educational provision system will be formed with the government serving as the main provider and the participation of various social sectors, as well as the coexistence of state-run and non-state-run schools.
  • 中国政府高度重视并积极参与国际安全合作,主张在《联合国宪章》、和平共处五项原则以及其他认的国际关系准则的基础上,开展国际安全合作。
    The Chinese government pays great attention to and actively participates in international security cooperation, and advocates the development of international security cooperation on the basis of the UN Charter, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and other universally recognized norms of international relations.
  • 在和平共处五项原则的基础上,同各国发展友好合作关系,反对霸权主义和强权政治,推动建立正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。
    We will develop friendly relations and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will oppose hegemonism and power politics and promote the establishment of a fair and rational new international political and economic order.
  • 长期罢工损失巨大致使该司一蹶不振。
    The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company's coffin.
  • 下列货物由厦门通用司报价,以5月10日前收到你方的答复作为条件。
    Flag cog is ford by general company Xiamen Subj. to Yr. reply reach here by may 10.
  • 我是帝国化学司众多工厂中几十个仓库工作人员之一,因而仅仅是庞大机器中的一个螺丝钉。
    I'm one of dozens of people working in the stores at one of ICI's factories, and just a cog in a very big machine.
  • 尽管约翰认为他身负重任,但他实在只是一名小卒。这司很大,而他只负责一个很小的部门。
    Although John thinks he has an important job, he is really only a cog in the wheel. The company is very big, and he is responsible for only one small department.
  • 两家赫赫有名的酿酒司-西格兰和大都会-今天在争取(并购)马太cognac酿酒司(创办于1715年)时摊牌。
    Two of the biggest names in wine and spirits – the Seagram Company and Grand Metropolitan P.L.C. – faced off today in a battle over Martell S.A., the cognac house founded in 1715.
  • 2003年国际淡水年通过各种提高认识的活动和共关系的拓展提供了极好的机会,相应地不断推动淡水问题,并对着重具体活动的首脑会议立即采取后续行动,战略宣传与协调对这一工作的连贯性和成功与否至关重要。
    The International Year of Freshwater, 2003, through a variety of awarenessraising activities and public relations outreach, offers a great opportunity for the continuous promotion of freshwater issues and an immediate follow-up to the Summit focusing on concrete activities, respectively.Strategic communications and coordination are crucial to the coherence and success of that effort.
  • 他们似乎没有一个协调一致的挽救司的计划。
    They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company.
  • 同他们的斗争不同于过去历史上的阶级对阶级的斗争(他们不可能形成一个开的完整的阶级),但仍然是一种特殊形式的阶级斗争,或者说是历史上的阶级斗争在社会主义条件下的特殊形式的遗留。
    The struggle against these individuals is different from the struggle of one class against another, which occurred in the past (these individuals cannot form a cohesive and overt class).However, it is still a special form of class struggle or a special form of the leftover, under socialist conditions, of the class struggles of past history.
  • 通往数码港的南面通路和共交通交汇处已进入后期施工阶段,将于二零零二年年初启用,以配合数码港大楼的落成。
    The Southern Access Road and the public transport interchange are in an advanced stage of construction and will be opened in early 2002 to coincide with the completion of the Cyberport building.
  • 真是巧合。让我看看--你不是询问中国太平洋航班和马来西亚航空司的情况吗?
    What's a coincidence. Let's see now - you are inquiring about Cathy Pacific flight and Malaysian airlines, are not you?
  • 自从他当上那家大司的经理之后,他就发大财了。
    Ever since he became manager of that big company he has been coining money.
  • 多年研究后可乐司又推出塑料包装的产品。
    After years of research Coke introduced plastic bottles for their product.
  • 但毋庸置疑,没有司的赞助,艺术界会普遍感到日子更难过。
    But certainly the arts generally would be feeling an even colder wind without the companies' help.
  • 当办室的空气不活跃时,你总能指望科林会讲个笑话。
    You can rely on Colin to crack a joke when things get tense in the office.
  • 内扩网能使个人和团体进行合作,以达到共的商业目标。
    Extranets enable individuals and groups to collaborate to achieve common business goals.
  • 这种变化在新的电子大道上尤为明显,不管雇员的实际位置在何处,这种电子大道让司的团队进行通信和协作。
    Nowhere is this change more apparent than with the new electronic avenues that allow corporate teams to communicate and collaborate, regardless of employees' physical locations.
  • 第三,这些人开始结成各种秘密的或者半开的组织,一面在全国范围内互相串联,一面同台湾以及国外的政治力量相勾结。
    Third, the trouble-makers have begun to form all kinds of secret or semi-secret organizations which seek to establish contact with each other on a nationwide scale and at the same time to collaborate with political forces in Taiwan and abroad.
  • 两家公司相互合作。
    The two companies are working in collaboration with each other.
  • 为使虚拟司能工作,信任与协作是必不可少的。
    Trust and collaboration are a must in order for a virtual organization to work.